Re: breaking isis when fitting

From: John E. Davis <davis_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:10:17 -0400
Michael Nowak <mnowak_at_email.domain.hidden>On a side note, I will say that the strength of (and problem with) 
>subplex is that it has a way of getting you into funny bits of 
>parameter space that you might otherwise not stumble across.  Thus, for 
>some model codes, where the authors haven't put in safety features to 
>keep one from crashing it, I simply can't use subplex.  The eqpair 
>Comptonization model is a good example.  Subplex will crash that sucker 
>99/100 times.  Perhaps for whatever model you are using, subplex has 
>gotten you into areas where the model is hitting very long (or infinit) 
>model evaluation loops, and it never gets you back into the ISIS layer 
>for the ^C to register.

Do you have the parameters constrained to the physically appropriate
min/max values?  As far as I know, isis will not call the underlying
function if the parameters are outside their min/max limits.

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