Re: get_iback

From: David P. Huenemoerder <dph_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:54:40 -0400
    rgibson> You're saying something like:

    rgibson> sourceI = load_data("source.pi");
    rgibson> bgI = load_data("bg.pi");
    rgibson> t0 = get_data_counts(sourceI);
    rgibson> t1 = get_data_counts(bgI);
    rgibson> bgCts = rebin(t0.bin_lo, t0.bin_hi, t1.bin_lo, t1.bin_hi, t0.value);

and then put_dat_counts( bgI, ...)  if you want it in the managed
histogram arrays.

    rgibson> I guess that's straightforward enough.  ;;-) Am I missing
    rgibson> anything with how the background is handled?  (I
    rgibson> generally get confused when I call get_iback, hence the
    rgibson> email question.)

    rgibson> So then if I wanted to fit the background spectrum of the source, could I
    rgibson> define_counts(bgCts * sourceScale / bgScale) and use the same ARF/RMF as I'm
    rgibson> using for the source?

Well, if you are fitting the background, then I don't think you want
to define_back.  That just applies one without parameters.  Also, the
"internal" in the background typically means not folded through the
arf and rmf.  If you are trying to fit a cosmic background, then that
goes through the response.

So it depends on what you are trying to do.

-- Dave

David Huenemoerder  617-253-4283 (o); -253-8084 (f);
MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
70 Vassar St., NE80-6065,
Cambridge, MA  02139
[Admin. Asst.: Elaine Tirrell, 617-253-7480, egt_at_email.domain.hidden
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