Hi - I'm trying to create a model background for HRC-S for simulation purposes. So I used tg_bkg (a ciao contrib script) and dmtype2split (a ciao tool) to create PHA Type I files of the summed _up, _down background from the default "bow-tie" LETGS extractions. These have a constant ratio of background width to source width of 10, so the BACKSCALE is 10, and the counts are scaled by 1/BACKSCALE when loaded. So I then load the background spectrum for -1 order, and fit a poly(1)+gauss(1) (and no responses assigned). So the resulting model defines the counts/s/A/area. (where "area" means spectral region width of 1 unit). This model gives a reasonable reproduction of the LETG/HRC-S background. If I then try to use this model as a back_fun via: back_fun( 1, "get_data_exposure(1)*bin_width(1)*( poly(1)+gauss(1) )" ) ; which is what I think I need according to the B(h) term in eq. 7.35 of the ISIS manual: s * A * (counts/s/A) = counts/bin. To verify, I define a dummy model with zero normalization: fit_fun("Powerlaw(1)"); set_par( "Powerlaw(1).norm", 0.0, 0, 0, 1); I should recover the background model when I eval_counts. I get the right shape, but it seems to be a factor of 8 too low. (the data_backscale is 1.0). This factor is supiciously 1 / bin_width / back_backscale ( 1./ 0.0125 / 10 ). Am I misinterpreting some scaling in fitting the background pha and/or in defining the background model? I can renormalize this to derive an empirical background model, but I'd like to understand the discrepancy. Thanks, -- Dave David Huenemoerder 617-253-4283 (o); -253-8084 (f); http://space.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/home/dph MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research 70 Vassar St., NE80-6065, Cambridge, MA 02139 [Admin. Asst.: Elaine Tirrell, 617-253-7480, egt_at_email.domain.hidden ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Sun Oct 28 2007 - 15:04:27 EDT
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