Re: conf() chatter

From: Manfred Hanke <Manfred.Hanke_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 17:16:22 +0100

first of all, I'm sorry that my mails always only arrive when the 
MIT-guys have already answered the same. I guess they have a faster 
email connection to isis-users_at_email.domain.hidden
 > isis> Fit_Verbose;
 > -1
 > isis> conf(7);
 > Found improved fit, stat= 384.517 for param[7] = 630.725
 > **** Found improved fit
 > 630.725
 > 630.725

If you perform your confidence-fitting with a script, you make take 
advantage of the fact that those warnings are print to stderr, so you if 
you only redirect stdout to a file, you'll only find your outputs of 
interest. (In any case it would be easier to look through a logfile.)

By the way, I treat this "problem" of improving the fit by conf with
    do { (mn, mx) = conf(7);
       } while(mn==mx);



Manfred Hanke      Manfred.Hanke(at)
Dr. Karl Remeis-Observatory,  University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Sternwartstrasse 7,      96049 Bamberg, Germany
phone: ++49 951 95222-34                fax: ++49 951 95222-22
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