Re: cursor() feedback

From: John Houck <houck_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:39:50 -0500
On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 11:08 -0500, rgibson_at_email.domain.hidden> Tame question:  Is there any way to get return code type information from
> cursor()?
> I'm using cursor to define ignore regions for fitting, so I keep clicking on
> pairs of points, and each pair of points is considered an ignore region.  The
> trick is to know when I've finished selecting regions.
> I've decided that clicking on the same "pixel" twice (basically,
> double-clicking) indicates that I'm done.  (Hitting "q" also apparently returns
> the position of the mouse, but I still have to hit it twice.)  Alternately, I
> can click in special regions, but those are tricky to define.
> If there is a way to get this information, it would be useful for implementing
> state machines (such as the simple one I've described) that involve
> point-clicking.
> Thanks,
> Rob

There are several alternatives:
  (xmin, xmax) = xinterval;
  (ymin, ymax) = yinterval;
  cursor (&x, &y, &ch);
For details, try:
  isis> help cursor
The lower-level pgplot cursor control function, _pgcurs, is
also available.

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