- John Houck (Wed Jun 04 2008 - 10:56:54 EDT)
- (no subject)
- actually...
- actually... [was: plot interface undefined]
- binary?
- conf()
- conf() for tied params
- define_counts question
- Density-dependent He-like line models for ISIS
- fits_read_table corrupting something?
- fits_read_table corrupting something?)
- Fitting background-subtracted grating data in isis 1.4.9-4
- help finding define_counts()
- How does "fit_counts" use the initial parameter values?
- How to unload data ?
- ifit_fun ( bug ?? )
- isis abort
- ISIS and heasoft 6.6
- isis folks at ADASS Quebec
- ISIS initialization error
- isis install problem
- ISIS on redhat linux
- ISIS/S-Lang and Python
- libxspec_lfn_6.3.so not found
- location of sample data
- mem leak in median()?
- model_spectrum and mt_calc_model in 1.4.9
- nsagrav XSPEC model not available for isis?
- oops--disregard
- plot interface undefined
- Plot label problem
- plot visibility
- problem using model_spectrum and brightest
- question about aglc
- reading local xspec models into ISIS
- slirp 1.9.4 released
- slirp 1.9.5 available
- spectral lines shape using mkcflow xspec models
- test for NaN?
- usage of apedx model
- xlog
- your mail
- Last message date: Thu Dec 04 2008 - 08:36:27 EST
- Archived on: Wed Aug 06 2014 - 08:25:19 EDT