% These memory stats were originally from data.2006.09-26, % and omitted Tcl/NAP because it had huge memory leaks. % variable AVE = [90.109, 58.586, 44.574, 51.492, 30.266]; % variable MAX = [113.383, 78.543, 80.379, 75.398, 49.820]; % The latest data are from 2006.11-15, and include NAP (a new % release was made fixing the leaks, shortly after I reported % them Harvie Davies, the NAP author) variable AVE = [ 92.029, 74.880, 57.464, 44.493, 50.416, 30.118 ]; variable MAX = [ 113.62, 88.156, 78.527, 80.383, 74.383, 49.844 ]; %() = open_plot("mem.ps/cps"); () = open_plot(); _pgsvp(0.15, 0.85, 0.15, 0.85); _pgsci(1); _pgenv(1, length(AVE), 25, 125, 0, -1); _pgbox("", 0, 0,"GNM", 10, 0); _pgsch(1.5); _pgsci(2); _pgline( [1: length(AVE)], AVE); ()= _pgpt( length(AVE), [1: length(AVE)], AVE, -3); ()= _pgpt( 1, 4, 107, -3); _pgptxt(4.10, 106, 0, 0, "\\fr average"); _pgsci(1); _pgline( [1: length(AVE)], MAX); _pgpt( length(AVE), [1: length(AVE)], MAX, -4); ()= _pgpt( 1, 4, 103, -4); ()= _pgptxt(4.10, 102, 0, 0, "\\fr maximum"); _pgptxt(0.75, 50, 90, 0, "\\fr Megabytes RAM used"); variable top = ["Tcl", "Tcl","IDL", "Perl", "Python", "SLang"]; variable bot = ["BLT 2.4", "NAP 6.2.2","6.1", "PDL 2.4.2", "2.4", "2.0.7"]; _pgptxt(0.8, 19, 0, 0, "\\fr "+top[0]); _pgptxt(0.65, 15, 0, 0, "\\fr "+bot[0]); _pgptxt(1.8, 19, 0, 0, "\\fr "+top[1]); _pgptxt(1.55, 15, 0, 0, "\\fr "+bot[1]); _pgptxt(2.8, 19, 0, 0, "\\fr "+top[2]); _pgptxt(2.8, 15, 0, 0, "\\fr "+bot[2]); _pgptxt(3.7, 19, 0, 0, "\\fr "+top[3]); _pgptxt(3.5, 15, 0, 0, "\\fr "+bot[3]); _pgptxt(4.6, 19, 0, 0, "\\fr "+top[4]); _pgptxt(4.8, 15, 0, 0, "\\fr "+bot[4]); _pgptxt(5.55, 19, 0, 0, "\\fr "+top[5]); _pgptxt(5.55, 15, 0, 0, "\\fr "+bot[5]); %close_plot(); %exit(0);