Solar Abundance Vector set to angr: Anders E. & Grevesse N. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 197 (1989) Cross Section Table set to bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cross Section Table set to vern: Verner, Ferland, Korista, and Yakovlev 1996 Solar Abundance Vector set to wilm: Wilms, J., Allen, A. & McCray, R. ApJ 542 914 (2000) (abundances are set to zero for those elements not included in the paper). Reading database version 2.0.2 from /home/hell/soft/atomdb/v2.0.2 Initializing: atomic data Read 268 energy level files Read 268 wavelength files Tables have 914520 lines between 0.6979 and 1e+10 Angstrom Initializing: emissivity data Scanning: line emissivity tables [51 hdus] hdu: 51/51 Tables have 917457 lines between 0.6979 and 1e+10 Angstrom Loading: line emissivity tables [51 hdus] hdu: 51/51 Loading: continuum emissivity tables [51 hdus] hdu: 51/51 Not Found: Z=0 q=-1 continuum for T=1e+07 K, n=1 cm^-3 Failed: computing model spectrum Error: /home/hell/soft/isis/isis-1.6.2-27/src/model-cmds.c:509 Error: /home/hell/soft/isis/isis-1.6.2-27/src/fit-cmds.c:1519 Failed: computing model spectrum Traceback: _cl_calc_model /home/hell/soft/isis/1.6.2/share/ Error Local variables for mt_calc_model: String_Type msg = " emis = mt_calc_model (Model_Type, lo, hi[, args]) OR emis = mt_calc_model (Model_Type, lo, hi[, contrib_flag [, line_list]])" Model_Type model = Model_Type Array_Type lo = Double_Type[1] Array_Type hi = Double_Type[1] Array_Type args = Struct_Type[3] Undefined_Type s = Undefined_Type /home/hell/soft/isis/1.6.2/share/ Error Local variables for _isis_calc_model_using_template: Array_Type l = Double_Type[1] Array_Type h = Double_Type[1] Array_Type p = Double_Type[6] Struct_Type info = Struct_Type with 5 fields Struct_Type template = Struct_Type with 8 fields Null_Type hook_ref = NULL Model_Type m = Model_Type Struct_Type s = Struct_Type with 8 fields Undefined_Type v = Undefined_Type Undefined_Type this_model = Undefined_Type ***string***:1:Aped_1_fit:Isis Error Local variables for Aped_1_fit: Array_Type l = Double_Type[1] Array_Type h = Double_Type[1] Array_Type p = Double_Type[6] Struct_Type s = Struct_Type with 5 fields Error encountered while executing Aped_1_fit Error: function evaluation failed Traceback: _mode_switch ***string***:1:Aped_1:Isis Error Local variables for Aped_1: Integer_Type id = 1 Integer_Type num_args = 5 ***string***:1:__isis_tmp_ffname__:Isis Error Error encountered while executing __isis_tmp_ffname__ Error :/home/hell/soft/isis/isis-1.6.2-27/src/fit-cmds.c:5048 Traceback: _get_model_on_user_grid /home/hell/soft/isis/1.6.2/share/ Error Local variables for eval_fun: String_Type msg = "y = eval_fun (lo, hi)" Double_Type lo = 13.397306632995605 Double_Type hi = 13.497306632995606 Undefined_Type f = Undefined_Type ./ Error Failed loading file