public variable Norm, Center, Sigma; Norm = 100.0; Center = 12.0; % Angstrom Sigma = 0.025; % Angstrom % Generate fake data using a Gaussian line profile public define init_data (lo, hi) { variable x = struct { bin_lo, bin_hi, value, err }; x.bin_lo = @lo; x.bin_hi = @hi; fit_fun ("gauss(1)"); set_par (1, Norm); set_par (2, Center, 0, 6, 24); set_par (3, Sigma, 0, 0.0025, 0.25); x.value = eval_fun (lo, hi); variable i; foreach ([0:length(lo)-1]) { i = (); x.value[i] = prand(x.value[i]); } x.err = sqrt(x.value); return x; } % Generate random datasets until we find one % whose best-fit center is extremely close to the % center of the underlying Gaussian. public define generate_ideal_random_dataset (lo, hi) { variable d, k = 0; delete_data (all_data); forever { d = init_data (lo, hi); if (k == 0) () = define_counts (d); else put_data_counts (1, d); () = fit_counts(); k++; if (abs(get_par(2) - Center) < 1.e-5) break; } } % Generate N random datasets, fitting a Gaussian to each % then plot the distribution of best-fit center values. public define fit_random_datasets (lo, hi, N) { variable k, d, center= Double_Type[N]; delete_data (all_data); _for (0, N-1, 1) { k = (); d = init_data (lo, hi); if (k == 0) () = define_counts (d); else put_data_counts (1, d); () = fit_counts(); center[k] = get_par(2); } variable id = plot_open (""); label (latex2pg ("\\lambda_{center} [\\A]"), "N", "Distribution of Best-Fit Values"); variable xlo, xhi; (xlo, xhi) = linear_grid (11.98, 12.02, 128); limits; hplot (xlo, xhi, histogram (center,xlo,xhi)); plot_close (id); } % Generate a wavelength grid and a fake dataset: public variable Lo, Hi; (Lo, Hi) = linear_grid (10,14,256); () = define_counts (init_data(Lo,Hi));