% Time-stamp: <1999-05-27 13:05:44 dph> % MIT Directory: ~dph/h2/ASC/ARD/ICD/L15_ICD/ % CfA Directory: /dev/null % File: COL15_ICD.txt % Author: D. Huenemoerder % Original version: 981013 %==================================================================== %%% %%% % %%%%% %%%%% % % % % % % %% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %%%%%% % % % % % % % %%%%% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %%%%% % % % %%% %%% %%%%% DocID: dph001 Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0001 Page: 2 Problem: Need to indicate versions of relevant documents, for items 4-8. Dependencies: none. Reply: will do Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept, for Rev. 1.4 981020 partial. need HRC L1 ICD version ASC Filenames FITS regions - check. 990208 done for V.1.5 %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0002 Page: 3 Problem: Regarding secton 1.5: Comment: "Aspect offsets is time dependent. The same is true of alignment corrections. Dependencies: none. Reply: While the comment is technically true, it is not relevant. The section refers to "possibly time-dependent calibration data". Aspects offsets are observational data, not calibration. Alignment corrections are calibration data, and are covered by the paragraph. Due Date: Status: Reject. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0003 Page: 4 Problem: () are acis or hrc - contradicts instrument: "acis", "hrci", "hrcs",... Dependencies: FITS File Naming convention. Reply: The list was taken verbatim from the FITS naming convention document, which was incomplete. However, Instrument names should be made consistent, and will be fixed. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for rev 1.4 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0004 Page: 4 Problem: ASCII region file name is 990215 Status: Accept for Rev 1.5. 990208 closed %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0006 Page: 5 Problem: Need "CONTENT" keyword in Table 1; need to mention GTI extension. Dependencies: none Reply: CONTENT is TGEVT. GTI is unchanged from ACIS or HRC Level 1. Only differences are being described. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept in part (CONTENT) for Rev 1.4 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0007 Page: 5 Problem: Section 2.2.2: What about the PSF table; should it be mentioned as calib. data? Dependencies: file spec, in ARD ICD. Reply: Yes - PSF table is required as input to L1.5, so it should be mentioned here, and reference the ARD ICD for its format. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept, rev. 1.4 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0008 Page: 6 Problem: Current code only handles 1 PI-limit table. Dependencies: Reply: Correct. Will revise to single filename. This will also serve for revised table, w/ multi-ccd table. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for Rev.1.4 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0009 Page: 6 Problem: Current s/w stores 0.0, not NaN for undefined TG_R and TG_D. Dependencies: ASCDS/DM implementation of NaN. Reply: NaN is the FITS spec for undefined or missing reals. While TG_R=0 is an invalid result and can be interpreted as missing or undefined, TG_D=0 is valid. Later s/w may also desire TG_R=0 as a meaningful quantity, since it is an angle, and zero-order photons could have tg_r, tg_d assigned meaningfully. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for Rev. 1.4, as comment on implementation, and in "unresolved issues". Reject for Rev. 1.5. 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0010 Page: 6 Problem: If NaN is used (or to be used) everywhere else, should 99 be NaN instead? Dependencies: none Reply: No. NaN can only be used for real values. Integer types need another TNULL value. Due Date: 981023 Status: reject. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0011 Page: 7 Problem: HEG+m should point upper-right, and MEG+m should point to bottom right. Drake regions are also labeled incorrectly. Dependencies: none Reply: Correct. Will re-do the figure. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for Rev. 1.4. 981020 done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0012 Page: 8 Problem: In TG_SMAP description, "OR" should be "bitwise OR". In GDPX, GDPY, 2nd "optional" is redundant. Dependencies: none Reply: OK will fix. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for Rev 1.4. 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0013 Page: 9 Problem: In Table 4, "1D|1E" - which, floats or doubles? Dependencies: none Reply: They could be either as the application demands. Default will write 1D. Due Date: 981023 Status: Clarify in Rev 1.4. 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0014 Page: 10,11 Problem: Re: marginal remark: UDF spec exists. Re: 3rd bullet:Old format, please update. p11 example: needds new "component" lines. Dependencies: none Reply: ok. will update text to describe UDF spec: http://asc.harvard.edu/\ ~ascds/soft/R4/UDF/Tools/flight/gratings/\ tg_create_mask/DetailedDesign/region_file_format2.txt Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for Rev. 1.4 981020 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0015 Page: 11 Problem: Type "wass" should be was. Dependencies: none Reply: ok. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for Rev. 1.4. 981021 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0016 Page: 11 Problem: region files not written as specified Dependencies: dmrega2fits, ASC FITS standards, tg_create_mask, tgextract. Reply: Reviewed. Region header is deficient. Pipeline can patch, but, tools (tg_create_mask, tgextract) currently do not create proper header. Due Date: 981023 Status: Keep description as is in v. 1.4. Put remark into "uresolved issues", comment in proper section on current implementation. Pipeline can patch header. Tool will need to. v. 1.5 will delete "unresolved issue" and comments. 981021 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981021 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph001.0017 Page: 11 Problem: region files not written as specified Dependencies: dmrega2fits, ASC FITS standards, tg_create_mask, tgextract. Reply: delete comments when written as spec'd Due Date: 981130? Status: Accepted for v1.5 990208 done CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981013 Submitted_by: J.DePonte Item number: dph001.0018 Page: 13 Problem: Table 6, OBI is not written. Dependencies: none Reply: Not needed, since merged over OBI. will omit. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for v1.4. 981021 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 981020 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph001.0019 Page: 5 Problem: Source ID is currently limited to 1-10. Detect source ID's are re-numbered for tg_create_mask. Need to allow ID's >10, even if only 10 total are allowed in tg_create_mask. Dependencies: tgdetect, tg_create_mask Reply: For effective mapping between grating sources and detect output, we need to maintain the source ID, even if greater than 10. Revise v1.4 to indicate current situation; list as issue. Revise for v1.5. Due Date: 981023 Status: Accept for v1.5. Revise 1.4 to indicate current situation. 981021 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 990129 Submitted_by: warren Item number: dph001.0020 Page: 5 Problem: Content (eg. table 1 p. 5) needs to be updated to be 'TGEVT1' instead of 'TGEVT' Dependencies: content.txt Reply: will do Due Date: 990215 Status: Accept, for Rev. 1.5 990208 done CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 990129 Submitted_by: warren Item number: dph001.0021 Page: 5 Problem: Need to determine whether the HDUCLASS (eg. table 1, p. 5) should be 'OGIP' or 'ASC'. The code currently uses 'OGIP' which is what Arnold has in content.txt. Please resolve with Arnold. Dependencies: content.txt Reply: will do Due Date: 990215 Status: Accept, for Rev. 1.5 990208 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 990129 Submitted_by: warren Item number: dph001.0022 Page: 9 Problem: The gdpy max is specified as 32768 in the ICD (table 4 p. 9). I'm not sure but it may be 32767. The value needs to be checked with Jonathan/Helen. Dependencies: pixlib Reply: will check; I think 32768 is correct, since FITS is 1-based. 990526 - checked pix_pixel_plane.par: GDP_1d1 "65535 32767) GDP-1.1 system" Due Date: 990215 Status: Accept, for Rev. 1.5 990208 - pending.... 990526 changed x and y limits in table on p.11 changed example values in Table 2, p.7 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 990129 Submitted_by: warren Item number: dph001.0023 Page: 9 Problem: Comment fields listed in table 4 (p. 9) should probably be written out the way that the comment field in the fits file should look (ie. lambda should be written out instead of the symbol, and the 'default form is 1D' could probably be omitted unless you want them in the column descriptions Dependencies: ascfits Reply: will do 990208 ...or not. I didn't intend these as literal FITS comment fields. But --- it's a good idea. Fix. Due Date: 990215 Status: Accept, for Rev. 1.5 990208 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD, Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Date: 990129 Submitted_by: warren Item number: dph001.0024 Page: x Problem: Some descrepencies between the tool "dmrega2fits" and ICD: a. ICD should be updated to say that the header is being created as specified b. CONTENT key needs to change in both places to read "TGMASK1" instead of "REGION" c. content.txt used to have the definition for TGMASK1, but it seems to be gone now. I followed what was in there for the tool - it's different from the ICD, for the HDUCLASS's that Dave has listed. I think Dave needs to update the ICD to match Arnold, but Arnold needs to find the mask 1.5 products and put them back on the map. This is what it should be, from the past: CONTENT = 'TGMASK ' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Convention for HDUCLAS HDUCLAS1= 'EVENTS ' / This is an events file HDUCLAS2= 'ALL ' / HDU class 2 Dependencies: ascfits, fits regions, content.txt Reply: will do Due Date: 990215 Status: Accept, for Rev. 1.5 990208 a) CLOSED 990208 b) found 1 case; don't know about "both"; CLOSED 990208 c) changed to conform to content.txt v1.5; This is different from request; CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 980208 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph001.0025 Page: Problem: Need to list the header components as per ASC FITS Dependencies: ASC-FITS-Designer's Guide v. 1.4.3 Reply: yes. Due Date: 15 feb 99 Status: Accepted. for Version 1.5 990208 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 980208 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph001.0026 Page: 9 Problem: TLMIN for TG_LAM should be 0.0 Dependencies: none Reply: will do Due Date: 15 feb 99 Status: Accepted. for Version 1.5 990208 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 980208 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph001.0027 Page: 9 Problem: Update CONTENT, HDUNAME, HDUCLASS, EXTNAME as per ASC-FITS (or suggest vice-versa as appropriate) Dependencies: ASC-FITS Reply: will do Due Date: 15 feb 99 Status: Accepted. for Version 1.5 990208 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0028 Page: various Problem: If you are replacing ASC with CXC throughout the document, should you also be replacing AXAF w/ CXO (Adam's level 1 HRC ICD replaces both ASC/AXAF w/ CXC/CXO respectively). Dependencies: other referenced documents Reply: some AXAF's shouldn't be replaced, since they are document titles which won't change. Others will. Will catch up eventually. Due Date: tbd Status: 990226 Some non-functional AXAFs changed to CXO. OPEN %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0029 Page: various Problem: o At some point the Applicable Documents table will need to be updated to reflect the current revs and names of the documents. (For instance, the HRC level 1 ICD name has been changed from 'Level 1 to ASC...' to 'Level 1 to CXC' with rev 1.6) Dependencies: titles of documents cited Reply: Catch up, eventually. Some will not change, since they are documents which are frozen. 990527; revised to agree w/ ICD link page, Arnold's FITS docs page, JCM documents page. Due Date: 26 feb 99 Status: OPEN (continually) %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0030 Page: 7 Problem: o Should TRE (Tg_Resolve_Events) be writing out the keywords and comments in table 3 (page 7). The present code does not. (Also, just for my benefit, what is the PSFSIGMA table used for?) Dependencies: none Reply: ACISDE is a crucial item which the ARF tool will need to know. Write it and the brief comment (same line) PSFSIGMA table is used for mask-creation in tg_create_mask. Since it is not known explicitly to tg_resolve_events, perhaps it properly belongs to the mask product (a region). It is a less-changeable item and can always be recovered from the CALDB. It can be dropped from the header Due Date: 26 feb 99 Status: OPEN %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0031 Page: 8-11 Problem: In section 2.4.5, the background and zero order photons are currently stored as 0 and not NAN for items such as tg_r/d, tg_mlam, etc... (It shouldn't be difficult to modify the code to use NAN but I just wanted to make you aware of the difference) Dependencies: none Reply: The FITS convention for undefined floating quantities is NaN. Other systems, such as IDL, also use NaN for undefined data. It is possible, but probably unlikely, that the 0.0 would be misinterpreted. So I mildly prefer NaN to be used. This can be deferred to later release if a fix for the upcoming release is too soon. Due Date: tbd Status: Added an "issue" regarding implementation of 0.0 vs NaN. OPEN %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0032 Page: 12 Problem: o section 2.5.1 third bullet: "Each line proceeding a region should have a comment line of the format "#.COMPONENT n # TG_PART = n = mode" The first half of the line (#.COMPONENT n) is required for TRE's region code. The second half of the line (# TG_PART = n = mode) is for user documentation and is only necessary if you want to convert the file into fits via the dmrega2fits tool. Dependencies: existion region implementation Reply: Accept. Will clarify text. Due Date: 26 feb 99 Status: 990226 Modified text - added remark about the "comment" field. Removed the word "comment" from other bullets in that section, since it is misleading. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0033 Page: 13 Problem: o On page 13, the listings for the DRAKE (HESF) source parts are listed as 4- Drake 1 5- Drake 2 6- Drake 3 7- Drake 4 with spaces between the word 'Drake' and the number 1-4. They should be 4- Drake1 5- Drake2 6- Drake3 7- Drake4 (no space between Drake and the number) Dependencies: none Reply: Accept. Will fix text. Due Date: 26 feb 99 Status: 990226 - fixed. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0034 Page: 16 Problem: o In table 6, page 16, The TFORM of X, Y, R, and Rotang is currently being written out by dmrega2fits as 12E instead of 2E. Since the tool is generic (can handle 12 dimensional polygons), it would be preferable to change the ICd. Dependencies: region implementation Reply: Accept for this version, since the file size in question is small. The 2E was adopted to conserve space, since only a max of 2 elements were to be used. This is a deficiency of dmrea2fits, which should be able to handle smaller or larger region descriptors (though it is desirable to have columns of constant width). Due Date: 26 feb 99 Status: 990226 - changed to 12E. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.4 (DRAFT) Today's Date: 990224 Submitted_by: wm,aa Item number: dph001.0035 Page: 16 Problem: o In table 6, oage 16, Should the comment for 'Grating' be modified from 'Applicable grating; one of: HETG or LETG' to 'Applicable grating; one of: HETG, LETG, DRAKE, HEG, or MEG' (from the first bullet in section 2.5.1, page 12 regarding #.GRATING mode comment line) Dependencies: none Reply: Accept for v1.5. Due Date: 26 feb 99 Status: 990226 - added other cases. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.5 Today's Date: 990526 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph001.0036 Page: 16 Problem: TLMIN on ROTANG should be -360 in Table 6 Dependencies: tg_create_mask Reply: ok. Due Date: now; done 990527 Status: CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.5 Today's Date: 990526 Submitted_by: ar,aa Item number: dph001.0037 Page: 5 Problem: table in 2.4.1, reverse order of RESOLVED and ALL in HDUCLASn Dependencies: content.txt Reply: OK Due Date: now; 990527 done. Status: CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.5 Today's Date: 990526 Submitted_by: ?? (lost; conversation w/ jcm?) Item number: dph001.0038 Page: 15 Problem: WCS keys not needed on radius; only keep TCUNI4. Dependencies: region coords Reply: deleted unnecessary keywords. Due Date: now Status: CLOSED 990527 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.5 Today's Date: 990526 Submitted_by: dph, aa? Item number: dph001.0039 Page: 16, 11 Problem: source tlmax should be N/A or max of data-type The number of source numbers per region is limited to 10, but the source numbers are arbitrary. TLMIN should be 1. Dependencies: tgdetect source table, tg_create_mask, tg_resolve_events. Reply: ok. set to 32767 for type I. Due Date: now Status: CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.5 Today's Date: 990527 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph001.0040 Page: 5 Problem: HDUCLASS not like content.txt Also, aux HDU's being removed from content.txt, so ICD takes precedence. Dependencies: Reply: Adopt what was in content.txt: ASC REGION TG (type, extname, content are correct). Due Date: now Status: 990527 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 to ASC Archive ICD ICD Version: 1.5 Today's Date: Submitted_by: Item number: dph001.0036 Page: Problem: Dependencies: Reply: Due Date: Status: