% Time-stamp: <1999-05-28 14:17:51 dph> % MIT Directory: ~dph/h2/CXC/ICD/L2_ICD % CfA Directory: /dev/null % File: CO_TGL2_ICD.txt % Author: D. Huenemoerder % Original version: 981014 % %==================================================================== ### ### ##### ##### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # ##### # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # ### ### ####### DocID: dph002 Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.2 (DRAFT) Date: 981014 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0001 Page: - Problem: tgextract can output a Type I "PHA" file. ICD only specifies the Type II format. Dependencies: tgextract Reply: Correct. Type I needs to be specified. Details discussed w/ AA 980814. Due Date: 981130 Status: Accept for v.1.3. 990211 done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.2 (DRAFT) Date: 981014 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0002 Page: - Problem: There is no specification of the grating response matrix function file (RMF). Dependencies: RMF, psf/lsf tools. Reply: Need specification, of "traditional" RMF file, and of coefficients form of file. Due Date: 981130 Status: Accept for v.1.3. %%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.2 (DRAFT) Date: 981020 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0003 Page: 2 Problem: Need to indicate that HDUNAME=EXTNAME for these files, unless explicitly stated otherwise (in Constraints section). Dependencies: ASC FITS Guide "specs" Reply: yes. Due Date: 981123 Status: Accept for v.1.1. 981022 Done. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.2 (DRAFT) Date: 990208 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0004 Page: - Problem: Need to verify CONTENT, EXTNAME, HDUNAME, and HDUCLASS consistency w/ content.txt Dependencies: content.txt Reply: Yes. Due Date: 990215 Status: Accept for v.1.3. 990211 CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.2 (DRAFT) Date: 990210 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0005 Page: - Problem: Punt ARF section; it is in Expmap ICD. Dependencies: none Reply: Yes. Left product in list, referenced ExpMap ICD. Deleted section. Due Date: 990215 Status: Accept for v.1.3. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0006 Page: 4 Problem: section 1.7.3 - Obi's are merged in the L2 pipe. It sounds like they are merged before L2 in your statement. Dependencies: none Reply: will fix. Due Date: 990226 Status: 990226 - fixed. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0007 Page: 5 Problem: section 2 - "*_reg2.fits" is not a current output file from the pipeline. this region is actually created as a REGION block in the _pha2.fits file. However, it is not it's own seperate file. If you want it to be a physical file, we need to make those additions to the pipeline. dph addendum: arf and rmf are also not pipeline products, and should be removed. Dependencies: none Reply: The product is qualified by stating that default is a FITS extension. If it were a file, that would be the name. Can remove, to make clearer, since it is not a product. Due Date: 990226 Status: 990226 - removed reg, arf, rmf. - updated spec file. - removed summary stuff. CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0008 Page: 5 Problem: section 2 - "*_arf.fits", "*_rmf.fits" should probably have a "2" in them, like the other data products, since it's Level 2: "*_arf2.fits", "*_rmf2.fits". This same things goes for the summary pages files. Dependencies: none Reply: These are more like calibration products than observed data. While they are level 2, the arf and rmf also appear in Arnold's "caldb.txt", which does not assign a level numeral to them. Since there is no such thing as a "level 1 arf", for simplicity I propose to leave the index off. Due Date: 990226 Status: To be reviewed by Arnold --- 990225 - arnold concurs, no "2" needed. 990226 - dph - removed these, anyway, since they are not pipeline products. CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0009 Page: 5 Problem: section 2 - Spectral measurements files are currently named: "*_peaks2.fits", "*_fit2.fits" and "*_ident2.fits" Dependencies: none Reply: will fix. Due Date: 990226 Status: 990226 - fixed. CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0010 Page: 6 Problem: section 3 - Measurements - It states that line edges and absorption lines are found along with emission lines. However, only emission lines are currently found. John Houck does not intend to add absorption or edge detection, as far as I know. The bullets about the edge position and depth are also not in the code. Dependencies: spec tools. Reply: will fix. Due Date: 990226 Status: 990226 - fixed. CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0011 Page: Problem: section 4 - I know that Warren has made comments on this section in the L1.5 ICD; if updated are done in L1.5, please propogate to L2. Dependencies: L1.5 proposed changes. Reply: will check; looks like only relevant comments are on use of "NaN" for TNULL. Some L1.5 TNULL reals currently 0.0 (tg_lam, tg_mlam, tg_r, tg_d). These won't affect the binned spectrum, since these photons don't get binned. Due Date: 990226 Status: No changes necessary. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0012 Page: 10 Problem: section 4.2 - BIN_LO and BIN_HI units also have eV as an option. Dependencies: tgextract Reply: will fix Due Date: 990226 Status: 990226 - fixed. CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0013 Page: 11-12 Problem: section 4.2 - Table with BACKSCAL...AREASCL are all keywords in the output file, not columns. there is currently no mechanism ti get them to be columns, unless you use other ftools. section 4.2 - ancrfile, respfile, backfile ==> all keywords, not columns. Dependencies: FITS standards Reply: FITS standards allow promotion of constant columns to keywords. The text states that they are either columns or keywords. Standard processing writes them as keywords. Any downstream processing which needs them should be able to use them as keywords or columns, and the file-format requiremnts are not violated by having them as columns. No change necessary. Due Date: 990226 Status: CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0014 Page: 10-11 Problem: section 4.2 - stat_err => this is ALWAYS a column in the output. I also write the POISERR=T to the header. I don't remember you mentioning that the column is removed when this keyword is present. What should be done here? Dependencies: OGIP Spectral File Format (OGIP 92/007) Reply: The OGIP memo states that STAT_ERR column can be deleted if POISERR=T is added as a header keyword. It might not be a problem to have POISERR=T and the STAT_ERR column present. Let's wait and see... 990226 - tried xspec - ambiguous. Reads spectrum, but says POISSERR keyword not found (it's there). Will plot spectrum. Due Date: 990226 Status: wait and see... OPEN %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0015 Page: 14 Problem: section 4.6 - Table 1 - SPEC_NUM and ROWID are the 1st two columns in the output file, not the last two. Dependencies: FITS standards Reply: Column order should not matter. Columns are to be referenced by name, not position. (Order may be "preferred" in design for byte-boundary efficiency considerations). The ICD did not intend to specify a required order for columns. I'll change the order of rows in the table to represent the default order, but NOT a required order! Due Date: 990226 Status: 990226 - changed order of table rows. CLOSED. %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to ASC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990223 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0016 Page: 3, 4 Problem: Typo on p.3: "Guied", instead of "Guide" Mis-sectioning on p.4: section 2 should be 1.9. Dependencies: none Reply: fix. Due Date: 990226 Status: CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990527 Submitted_by: aa, dph Item number: dph002.0017 Page: 8 Problem: HDUCLASS don't match content.txt. Should it be OGIP or ASC? Drop "[TYPE:II...]" Drop "TG" in HDUCLASn Dependencies: content.txt, tgextract Reply: It is an OGIP compatible file, but w/ additional columns. Spec allows additional columns; OGIP compatible means it will work in xspec, for example. Keep as OGIP Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0018 Page: 10 Problem: COUNT should be COUNTS in TTYPE column. Dependencies: spec tools Reply: correct. But note: HDUCLASn is COUNT, TUNITn is COUNT. Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: aa,dph Item number: dph002.0019 Page: 10 Problem: TLMAX needs values in the table. Dependencies: DM-tools, tgextract, spec tools. Reply: If n/a is given, it means that there is no physical legal maximum. So the max is limited by the implementation, or max(TFORM). Put "*" as TLMAX, with table note explanation. Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0020 Page: 10 Problem: TLMAX of COUNT column should not be "n". It should be max(TFORM) Dependencies: spec tools, tgextract Reply: ok Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0021 Page: 14 Problem: units on R is '(angstrom, deg)'. Is this valid for TUNITn? Dependencies: spec tools, tgextract Reply: Have to review. 990528 - made n/a. Is encoded in MFORM, MTYPE keywords, and is implicit in x,y column names. Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0022 Page: 14 Problem: TLMAX on R is 2, but should be larger for angstroms. Dependencies: tgextract, spec tools Reply: will fix, though it's an ambiguous limit when applied to a vector of different units. Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0023 Page: 14 Problem: ROTANG should have a TLMIN of -360. Dependencies: tgextract Reply: will fix Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: aa Item number: dph002.0024 Page: 14 Problem: TLMIN on TG_M should not be 1, but -62. Dependencies: tgextract Reply: will fix Due Date: 990228 Status: 990528 CLOSED %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0025 Page: - Problem: L2 events are not included in the document. Dependencies: archive Reply: L2 events format should be documented in an ICD. Difference is in HDUCLASn, and perhaps certain keywords which must have merging rules applied, and in concatenation of grating masks for each OBI. added as open issue. added placeholder sections. Due Date: 990801 Status: OPEN %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0026 Page: various Problem: Migrate from AXAF to CXO, ASC to CXC, when not the title of a frozen document. Dependencies: Reply: ok. Did some AXAF->CXO's. Some external doc titles. still not updated. Due Date: 990228 Status: OPEN, continually %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: dph Item number: dph002.0027 Page: - Problem: need to include zero-order pha spectrum in extension Dependencies: tgextract Reply: next release (sept99) 990528 put some place-holders in now. Due Date: 990228 Status: OPEN %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regarding: Grating Data Products: Level 2 to CXC Archive ICD Version: 1.3 Date: 990528 Submitted_by: Item number: dph002.00nn Page: Problem: Dependencies: Reply: Due Date: 990228 Status: OPEN