% Time-stamp: <98/07/07 12:08:17 dph> % MIT Directory: ~dph/h1/ASC/TG/Flight/L15_ICD/ % CfA Directory: /dev/null % File: ICD_L1.5.tex % Author: D. Huenemoerder % Original version: 971213 based on HRC L1 % % (this header is ~dph/libidl/time-stamp-template.el) % to auto-update the stamp in emacs, put this in your .emacs file: % (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) %==================================================================== \documentclass{article} \usepackage[dvips]{graphics} \textwidth=6.5in \textheight=8.9in \topmargin=-0.5in \oddsidemargin=0in \evensidemargin=0in %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BEGIN dph useful macros %%%%%%%%%%+++++++++++++ %%% Normally, these live in dph.sty, but to make this self-contained %%% (mostly), I've inserted them here. %% suppress badness messages %%%%%%%%%%%% \tolerance=10000 \hbadness=10000 \vbadness=10000 %%% Suppress widows and orphans! %%% \widowpenalty=1000 \clubpenalty=1000 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % a hack for marginal comments. % doesn't work in certain environments (like tabular) % easily runs out of room if margins are small \marginparwidth 1.5in %% adjust size of margin to give room for remarks \marginparsep 2em \newcommand{\Skinny}{ \textwidth=5in\textheight=8.5in \oddsidemargin=0.3in \evensidemargin=1in \marginparwidth 2.0in %% adjust size of margin to \marginparsep 0.2in % give room for remarks } \newcommand{\Remark}[1]{\marginpar {\fbox{\parbox{1.7in}{\raggedright\scriptsize#1}}}} \newcommand{\Putline}{ % \advance\textwidth-26pt \rule{\the\textwidth}{1pt} % \advance\textwidth+26pt } \newcommand{\Note}[1]{ \begin{changemargin}{0.25in}{0in} \advance\textwidth-26pt \parbox{\textwidth}{ % testing... \hfill\Putline\newline %\parbox{\textwidth}{\small\sf#1}\\ {\small\sf#1}\\ % testing... \Putline\newline } % testing... \advance\textwidth+26pt \end{changemargin} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \putstring{x}{y}{angle}{scale}{gray}{string} % gray: 0=black, 1=white \newcommand{\putstring}[6]{ \special{!userdict begin /bop-hook{gsave #1 #2 translate #3 rotate /Times-Roman findfont #4 scalefont setfont 0 0 moveto #5 setgray (#6) show grestore}def end} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % To change the margins of a document within the document, % modifying the parameters listed on page 163 will not work. They % can only be changed in the preamble of the document, i.e, before % the \begin{document} statement. To adjust the margins within a % document we define an environment which does it: \newenvironment{changemargin}[2]{\begin{list}{}{ \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}\setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt} \setlength{\rightmargin}{0pt} \setlength{\listparindent}{\parindent} \setlength{\itemindent}{\parindent} \setlength{\parsep}{0pt plus 1pt} \addtolength{\leftmargin}{#1}\addtolength{\rightmargin}{#2} }\item }{\end{list}} % This environment takes two arguments, and will indent the left % and right margins by their values, respectively. Negative values % will cause the margins to be widened, so % \begin{changemargin}{-1cm}{-1cm} widens the left and right margins % by 1cm. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\Header}[2]{ \pagestyle{myheadings} %%%%%%%%%% \markboth{\bf \qquad #1 \hfill #2 \qquad}%%%%%%%%%% {\bf \qquad #1 \hfill #2 \qquad}%%%%%%%%%% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END dph useful macros %%%%%%%%%%-------------- %%% %%% Look for occurrences of five pound characters: #####, to locate places %%% where updates are necessary %%% %%% %%% revision info %%% \newcommand{\Revision}{\mbox{\em% %%% %%% ##### Update the revision information %%% %Revision 0.0---23 Dec 1997 % my first draft, uncirculated %Revision 0.9; 23 Dec 1997 % my first draft, for circulation, after % which it will become: %Revision 1.0---02 Feb 1998 % reviewed, updated. %Revision 1.1---18 Feb 1998 % reviewed, updated. %Revision 1.2---20 Feb 1998 % A.Rots; region extension, TNULLi %Revision 1.3---27 Apr 1998 % misc edits, as per aa,wlm. Revision 1.4---2 July 1998 % more misc edits, as per aa,wlm, arots. }} \hyphenation{pipe-line} \hyphenation{pipe-lines} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Skinny \Header{L1.5 to ASC Archive ICD /}{\Revision} \begin{document} % \putstring{x}{y}{angle}{scale}{gray}{string} % gray: 0=black, 1=white %\putstring{70}{40}{90}{40}{0.90}{D R A F T -DRAFT- D R A F T} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% title stuff, no need to change anything %%% \begin{titlepage} \begin{changemargin}{-1in}{-1in} \begin{center} {\huge\bf AXAF Science Center} \vspace*{0.1in} \leavevmode{\scalebox{0.17}{\includegraphics{asc_logo.eps}}} \vspace*{0.1in} {\LARGE\bf Grating Data Products:} \vspace*{0.1in} {\LARGE\bf Level 1.5 to ASC Archive Interface Control Document} ({\tt http://space.mit.edu/ASC/docs/ICD\_L1.5.ps.gz}) \vspace*{0.2in} \Revision \end{center} \vfill \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} Submitted: & \rule{3.25in}{0.01in} & \rule{0.55in}{0.01in} \\ & David Huenemoerder & Date \\ & Grating Scientist, ASC Science Data Systems & \\[0.25in] % Concurred: & \rule{3.5in}{0.01in} & \rule{0.75in}{0.01in} \\ & Arnold Rots & Date \\ & Archive Scientist, ASC Data Systems & \\[0.25in] % Concurred: & \rule{3.5in}{0.01in} & \rule{0.75in}{0.01in} \\ & Janet De Ponte & Date \\ & ASC Data Systems Group Leader, L1.5 Pipelines & \\[0.25in] % Concurred: & \rule{3.5in}{0.01in} & \rule{0.75in}{0.01in} \\ & Fred Seibel & Date \\ & Manager, ASC Data Systems & \\[0.25in] % Concurred: & \rule{3.5in}{0.01in} & \rule{0.75in}{0.01in} \\ & Martin Elvis & Date \\ & Manager, ASC Science Data Systems & \\[0.25in] % Approved: & \rule{3.5in}{0.01in} & \rule{0.75in}{0.01in} \\ & Harvey Tananbaum & Date \\ & Director, ASC & \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{changemargin} \end{titlepage} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% update info %%% \pagenumbering{roman}\setcounter{page}{2} %%% %%% ##### update as necessary %%% \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|p{3.0in}|} \hline \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{}\\[1mm] \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\bf Document and Change Control Log}\\[3mm]\hline {\bf Date} & {\bf Version} & {\bf Section} & {\bf Status} \\ \hline % 23 Dec 97 &0.9 &all &Initial Draft \\\hline % 3 Feb 98 &1.0 &all &Revisions as per review by DS\\ % 18 Feb 98 &1.1 &all &Revisions as per comments of AR, JCM, JHK, AD; generic FITS material removed and referenced to ASC FITS document. Added FITS region specifications. Specified HRC columns to drop.\\ % 20 Feb 98 &1.2 &all &Minor edits, as per AR comments. Major changes to REGION section: cast as BINTABLE extension instead of a file. Added TNULL$i$ keywords to grating columns as appropriate.\\ % 27 Apr 98 &1.3 &all &Various edits as per A.Alexov, W.McLaughlin comments. Fixed inconsistency in tg\_part labels. Added schematic figure showing region specification. Updated file-naming convention.\\ % 2 July 98 &1.4 &all &More miscellaneous edits; new unresolved issues (regions). For release and signatures. \\\hline % \end{tabular} \end{center} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section*{Unresolved Issues} The following is a list of unresolved, un-reviewed, or un-implemented items: \begin{enumerate} \item 980702: The ASCII region specification is being updated to be more general (page~\pageref{pg:asciireg}). Need a reference for the generalized ASCII region. \item 980702: Region extension may be made a separate file. \item 980427: Need data-model keywords on region extension. (page~\pageref{pg:fitsregion}) %\item 980427: Need full region header sample % (page~\pageref{pg:fitsregionsample}) \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Note{Formatting NOTE: Text formatted between horizontal rules (like this block) provide some historical context regarding alternative choices considered, which may still be debated. } \Remark{Items boxed in the right margin (like this) are questions to be answered or TBD's to be replaced.} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% table of contents, list of tables %%% \clearpage \tableofcontents %\clearpage \listoftables \listoffigures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pagenumbering{arabic} \clearpage \section{Introduction} This document describes the interface to be employed in transferring the products of grating (HETG, the High Energy Transmission Grating, or LETG, the Low Energy Transmission Grating) obervations Standard Data Processing from the ASC Level 1.5 processing pipeline to the ASC Data Archive, according to the requirements stipulated in the ``ASC Data System Requirements'' (Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:se03}). % \subsection{Purpose} TG (generically referring to HETG and LETG Transmission Grating instruments) Level 1.5 processing, described in Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:se03}, consists of event processing of HRC or ACIS Level 1 products (which are described in Applicable Documents~\ref{appdoc:hrcicd} and~\ref{appdoc:acisicd}) to add grating-specific coordinates and associated values. Level 1.5 denotes an intermediate stage between Level 1 (primarily re-formatting and coordinate transformations) and Level 2 (primarily source analysis), since some minimal analysis is necessary on grating observations before coordinate transformations can be done (e.g., source detection). This document describes the {\em additional} structure and content of the resulting event files and of region and summary files that are generated from Level 1 products during Level 1.5 processing. \subsection{Scope} This interface shall apply to all TG-specific data products that are generated by ASC Level 1.5 pipelines and distributed to the ASC Data Archive during the course of the AXAF mission (see Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:se03} and the ``ASC Data System Software Design,'' Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:ds01}). %\clearpage % \subsection{Applicable Documents} The Applicable Documents required for background and detail on grating Level 1.5 products are as follows: \begin{enumerate} % %\item\label{appdoc:data-prod} % AXAF Data Products Guide\newline % {\tt http://hea-www.harvard.edu/asclocal/sds/CDR2/dp.ps} %% \item\label{appdoc:coord} AXAF Coordinate Systems\newline {\tt http://hea-www.harvard.edu/$_{\verb@~@}$jcm/asc/coords} % \item\label{appdoc:se03} ASC AMO-2400 (SE03) \newline ASC Data System Requirements (ASC.302.93.0008) % \item\label{appdoc:ds01} ASC AMO-2401 (DS01) \newline ASC Data System Software Design (ASC.500.93.0006) % %\item\label{appdoc:fitsdef} % NOST 100-1.1, Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System % (FITS)\newline % {\tt http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/} %% %\item\label{appdoc:fitsstd} % HEASARC FITS Standards:\newline %{\tt http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/ofwg\_intro.html} %% \item\label{appdoc:ascfits} ASC FITS File Designers' Guide\newline {\tt http://hea-www.harvard.edu/$\sim$arots/asc/fits/ascfits.ps} % \item\label{appdoc:hrcicd} HRC Data Products Guide:\newline Level 1 to ASC Archive Interface Control Document\newline {\tt http://hea-www.harvard.edu/asclocal/sds/ICD/l1icd.ps.gz} % \item\label{appdoc:acisicd} ACIS Data Products Guide:\newline Level 1 to ASC Archive Interface Control Document\newline {\tt http://space.mit.edu/ASC/docs/acis\_l1.ps.gz} % \item\label{appdoc:ascfiles} FITS File Names for the AXAF Archive:\newline {\tt http://hea-www.harvard.edu/$\sim$arots/asc/archive/files.html} % \item\label{appdoc:regfiles} FITS REGION Binary Table Design (ASC-FITS-REGION-1.0)\newline {\tt http://hea-www.harvard.edu/$\sim$arots/asc/fits/region.ps} % \end{enumerate} % synopsis for editing purposes... % % 1 appdoc:data-prod AXAF Data Products Guide % 2 appdoc:coord AXAF Coordinate Systems % 3 appdoc:se03 ASC AMO-2400 (SE03) % 4 appdoc:ds01 ASC AMO-2401 (DS01) % 5 appdoc:fitsdef NOST 100-1.1, Definition of the FITS % 6 appdoc:fitsstd HEASARC FITS Standards: % 7 appdoc:ascfits ASC FITS Designers' Guide % 8 appdoc:hrcicd HRC Data Products Guide: % 9 appdoc:acisicd ACIS Data Products Guide: % 10 appdoc:ascfiles filename convention %\clearpage % \subsection{Functional Description} \subsubsection{Data Content Summary} TG data sets generated by the Level 1.5 processing pipeline shall consist of data files conforming to the FITS format % %(Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:fitsdef}) %and further conforming to HEASARC %standards (Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:fitsstd}) and % as described the ``ASC FITS File Designers' Guide'' (Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:ascfits}) and references therein. These files contain header keyword entries and binary table (BINTABLE) extensions. Following rules outlined in the ASC FITS Guide, all these files will contain a null primary header followed by a main binary table (the ``principal HDU'') and auxiliary extensions (``auxiliary HDU''). Any other types of files will either be of types in common use (e.g., PostScript), or fully described here (e.g., ASCII region files of IRAF/PROS). \subsubsection{Recipients and Utilization} The primary recipients of TG Level 1.5 data products, via distribution from the archive, are AXAF observers, who will utilize these data products for scientific data analysis. The ASC may also make use of specific Level 1.5 data products for instrument calibration, instrument and/or spacecraft monitoring and trends analysis, and validation and verification of the Level 0, Level 1, and Level 1.5 software and of the data products themselves. Level 1.5 data products will also be used in Level 2 (standard data analysis) pipelines, the products of which will be used for all of the above purposes. \subsubsection{Pertinent Relationships with Other Interfaces} Changes to the definition of HRC or ACIS Level 1 data products, as described in Applicable Documents~\ref{appdoc:hrcicd} and~\ref{appdoc:acisicd}, may affect the Level 1.5 data products described in the current document. \subsection{Assumptions and Constraints} For each TG science event run reported in the AXAF telemetry stream, Level 1.5 processing shall generate a set of product files as described in Section~\ref{sec:labeling}. The products depend upon possibly time-dependent calibration data for coordinate transformations and region definitions. The natural subdivision of TG Level 1.5 processing is the Observation Interval (ObI). Each ObI may span several TG science runs, which are the atomic unit of the scientific instrument's telemetry. TG data will therefore be processed by ObI by the Level 1.5 pipeline. The pipeline will accept a list of one or more ObIs and process each independently. \subsection{Products Not Covered} TG Level 1.5 products that are used for maintenance and diagnostic purposes (those that are not supplied to the user for scientific data analysis), or which are generic AXAF Level 1.5 products (those parts of the product which are common to ACIS and HRC Level 1 products), are not currently included within the interface defined by this document. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\clearpage % \section{Detailed Interface Specifications} \subsection{Labeling and Identification}\label{sec:labeling} The data files generated by the Level 1.5 processing pipeline shall be assigned external names as defined by the following general convention, (specified in ``FITS File Names for the AXAF Archive'', Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:ascfiles}):% \centerline{\tt \_[\_][].} where the mnemonics are: \begin{description} \item[\tt ] instrument: ``acis'', ``hrci", ``hrcs'', \ldots \item [\tt ] data source: ``x'', ``f'', ``t'', ``b'', ``s'', ``u'' \item[\tt ] TSTART (integer part): ``\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#'' \item[\tt ] processing run (version): ``N\#\#\#'' \item[\tt ] optional discriminator (e.g., FEP Id) \item[\tt ] contents: ``evt'', ``prf'', ``hst'', ``src'', ``win'', ``bias'', \ldots \item[\tt ] processing level: single digit: ``0'', ``1'', ``2'' \item[\tt ] sublevel: single lower case letter; e.g., 1.5 is ``1a'' \item[\tt ] superfluous: usually ``fits'' \end{description} % Relevant values for instrument ({\tt }) are {\tt acis} or {\tt hrc}; for data source ({\tt }) is ``f'' for flight. The appropriate designation for the file contents, processing level, and sublevel ({\tt }) is {\tt \_evt1a}. The spatial spectral extraction region mask is encoded as an extension in the Level 1.5 FITS file, but may optionally be provided as an ASCII file following the above conventions, but with a {\tt } equal to {\tt reg}. % \Remark{980702 TBD: region format in flux: being generalized, new descriptor lines being added.} % No additional non-instrument-specific data products are output by the TG Level 1.5 processing pipeline. \subsection{Substructure Definition and Format} The ``ASC FITS Designers' Guide'' (Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:ascfits}) defines and lists header components for the primary header and for all binary table extensions. Since grating data are always obtained with either the HRC or ACIS detectors, file content is also described in detail by the HRC and ACIS Level 1 Interface Control Documents (Applicable Documents~\ref{appdoc:hrcicd} and ~\ref{appdoc:acisicd}). \subsubsection{Header/Trailer Description Details} Table~\ref{tab:headerkeywords} shows the associated keywords that differ from ACIS or HRC L1 files to specify the TG Level 1.5 products. % \begin{table}[h] \begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline \verb@GRATING = 'HETG ' / HETG, LETG or NONE@\\ \verb@CONTENT = 'TGEVT ' / @\\ \verb@HDUCLASS= 'ASC ' / @\\ \verb@HDUCLAS1= 'EVENTS ' / @\\ \verb@HDUCLAS2= 'ALL ' / @\\ \verb@HDUCLAS3= 'RESOLVED' / ASC definition for TG coord. events@\\ \verb@HDUSPEC = 'Grating Data Products: Level 1.5 ICD, V1.1' / ICD ref. @\\ \verb@HDUDOC = 'ASC-FITS-1.0: McDowell, Rots: ASC FITS Designers Guide' /@\\\hline \end{tabular} \caption[Level 1.5-specific Keywords] {\em Level 1.5 - specific FITS Header Keywords} \label{tab:headerkeywords} \end{table} % The binary tables are further described by an extension header that immediately follows the keyword header (since the primary data unit is empty). In the file definition tables that follow, only the associated fields added to the Level 1 products by Level 1.5 processing or which require additional explanation are defined. % \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline % \verb@ACSYS1 = 'ASC-GDP-x.x' / (optional) grating diffraction pixel coords@\\ \verb@TCTYP1 = 'GDPX ' / Grating Diffraction Pixels@ \\ \verb@TCRVL1 = 0.0 / Nominal angle@ \\ \verb@TCRPX1 = 16384.5 / Reference pixel@ \\ \verb@TCDLT1 = 1.59265544165e-5 / [degrees/pixel]@\\ \verb@TDBIN1 = 10 / default [pixels/bin]@\\ \verb@TCUNI1 = 'deg' / Unit of GDP@\\\hline % \verb@ACSYS2 = 'ASC-GDP-x.x' / (optional) grating diffraction pixel coords@\\ \verb@TCTYP2 = 'GDPY ' / Grating Diffraction Pixels@ \\ \verb@TCRVL2 = 0.0 / Nominal angle@ \\ \verb@TCRPX2 = 16384.5 / Reference pixel@ \\ \verb@TCDLT2 = 1.59265544165e-5 / [degrees/pixel]@\\ \verb@TDBIN2 = 10 / default [pixels/bin]@\\ \verb@TCUNI2 = 'deg' / Unit of GDP@\\\hline % \end{tabular} \caption[Special Keywords for TG Columns with coordinate systems] {\em Special Keywords for TG Columns with coordinate systems. Grating coordinates can be specified either by angle, wavelength, or pixel. The pixel system requires a coordinate system. (Column numbers and keyword values are representative and not to be taken as a literal requirement.)} \label{tab:coordkeywords} \end{center} \end{table} % \subsubsection{Keywords Describing Calibration Data} Resolution of HETGS (HETG + ACIS-S) photons into diffraction orders requires application of the calibration from wavelength to pulse-height (PI, for Pulse-Invariant signal), and information on the distribution of the response. To do this, a special table is read, which was in turn generated from the CCD response matrices (RMFs), for a given fractional enclosed energy. Subsequent processing will require knowledge of this filter, so keywords are stored in the event extension header, as defined in Table~\ref{tab:rmfkeys}. % \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline \verb@COMMENT Order-sorting lookup tables: @\\ \verb@COMMENT Tables of PI_min and PI_max vs E used for order-sorting, @\\ \verb@COMMENT constructed for a specific fractional enclosed probability@\\ \verb@COMMENT Reference ICD for file definition is: TBD.@\\ \verb@COMMENT @\\ \verb@ACISDPIF='acis_fi_95_V0.0.fits' /delta-PI vs energy table, FI CCD@\\ \verb@ACISDPIB='acis_bi_95_V0.0.fits' /delta-PI vs energy table, BI CCD@\\\hline % \end{tabular} \caption[Calibration Keywords]{\em Special Keywords describing calibration files.} \label{tab:rmfkeys} \end{center} \end{table} % \Remark{TBD: Need reference ICD for order sorting table.} \subsection{Event Data Files (*\_evt1a.fits)} During Level 1.5 processing, event coordinates undergo several transformations. Given a zero-order centroid in sky coordinates, a region angle, and region width, events within each region are given several new coordinates (for AXAF coordinate system details, see Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:coord}). Proper interpretation of the spectrum requires consistent selection on several coordinates. For example, a $(TG\_R, TG\_D)$ image should only be made for a selection on $TG\_SRCID$. % \begin{description} % \item[$TG\_SRCID$ ] is the source number, as output from the detection algorithm. There is a limit of 10 sources per L1.5 event-list (but the actual IDs can be greater than 10, as determined by detect algorithms). A $TG\_SRCID$ of 0 means background --- the photon has not been associated with a detected source. (The maximum of 10 was a compromise between implementation efficiency and a feasible maximum number of sources for a grating observation; 32-bits were allocated, with 3 bits per source.) % \item[$TG\_PART$ ] identifies the region of the spectrum of which the photon is a part. This can have only specific values as follows: \begin{description} \item[0: ] zero order; \item[1: ] HEG part of the spectrum; \item[2: ] MEG part; \item[3: ] LETG photon; \item[4--7: ] LETG/HESF parts of the spectrum; \item[99: ] background. \end{description} The region components are shown in a schematic image in Figure~\ref{fig:regions}. \begin{figure} \leavevmode{\scalebox{0.85}{\includegraphics{HETGS_parts.eps}}} \leavevmode{\scalebox{0.85}{\includegraphics{LETGS_parts.eps}}} \caption[HETG/LETG regions]{\it This is a schematic representation of the grating region showing the different parts of the spectrum. On the top is the HETG specification, and on the bottom, LETG. For the LETG, the parts, 4--7 are optional, only being required if the HESF is in the beam. Scales are arbitrary. There has been a small rotation applied, to emphasize the fact that in sky coordinates, the spectrum can have any orientation. It is also possible that the zero-order be off the detector. In this case, there will be no zero-order photons, but it's position and region are still required for the coordinate system origin.} \label{fig:regions} \end{figure} % \item[$TG\_R$: ] diffraction angle, parallel to the dispersion. For an on-axis source, the angle ranges from $-0.5$ to $+0.5$ degrees for HETGS, and about twice that for LETGS. Offset-pointing can increase the range somewhat. For background or zero-order photons, $TG\_R$ is undefined, and stored as $NaN$. % \item[$TG\_D$: ] cross-dispersion (spatial) angle. For an on-axis source, this ranges from about $-0.1$ to $0.1$ degrees for HETGS or LETGS. In practice, it is generally restricted to much less ($-0.001$ to $0.001$ degrees), though in backup modes (e.g., HETG/HRC-I), it could conceivably be as large as 1 degree. For background or zero-order photons, $TG\_D$ is undefined, and stored as $NaN$. % \item[$TG\_MLAM$: ] The diffraction order times the wavelength. This can range from about $-200$\AA\ to $200$ \AA\ for on-axis data (LETGS). Off-axis pointing theoretically allows $-400$ to $400$ \AA\ (though with a severe penalty in resolution!) For background or zero-order photons, $TG\_MLAM$ is undefined, and stored as $NaN$. % \item[$TG\_M$: ] The diffraction order, if resolved. This is a small integer, not likely to be of absolute value greater than 10 for HETG/ACIS-S. The value, $99$, is used as a flag for ``unresolved'' or background photons. For LETGS photons (detector is HRC, $TG\_PART$ is 3-7), $TG\_M$ will be either $+1$ or $-1$ (since HRC cannot resolve the orders via a pulse-height). The physically meaningful geometric limit set by the ACIS-S array with HETG is about $\pm62$. This is for a 10 keV photon observed with the aim-point at one end of the ACIS-S array, and the detected photon at the other end. It is not a likely scenario, but is used to define allowed physically conceivable data ranges. % \item[$TG\_LAM$: ] Photon wavelength, if resolved. For LETGS events ($TG\_PART$ is 3--7), $TG\_LAM$ will be set to the first-order wavelength at that position. For background or zero-order photons, $TG\_LAM$ is undefined, and stored as $NaN$. % \item[$TG\_SMAP$: ] Source map. This is a bitmap which matches photons to multiple sources. This is partially redundant with $TG\_SRCID$, but is used in the case of multiple sources observed with HETG in which MEG and HEG parts from different sources cross. Then, if photons cannot be resolved to a specific source (e.g., it could resolve to either of two sources), the bits will indicate which sources it could belong to. Ten bits are allocated for the up-to-ten sources in the region specification. The least significant bit is assigned to the first source in the region, the next-to-least significant to the next source, etc. Note that the sources themselves may not be numbered sequentially from 1 to 10. Thus, if the region specification has three sources enumerated 1, 3, and 4, then if a photon could not be resolved between source 1 and 4, the bitmap would have the binary value, 101. To continue the example, consider the following table: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc} source \#& tg\_srcid& smap bits\\ 1& 1& 001\\ 2& 3& 010\\ 3& 4& 100\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} The first three sources in the region have ID's of 1, 3, and 4. Each gets a bit of the $TG\_SMAP$ field. Any photons which are un-resolved between different sources (and are {\em not} background), have $TG\_SMAP$ set to the ``OR'' of the appropriate ``smap bits''. % \item[$GDPX$, $GDPY$] (optional) refer to coordinates in Grating Diffraction Pixels. These are analogous to $TG\_R$ and $TG\_D$. They are intermediate coordinates, and optional in L1.5 files. For background or zero-order photons, $GDPX$ and $GDPY$ are undefined, and stored as $0$. % \end{description} % % \begin{table}[ht] \label{pg:NULLi} \begin{center} {\small \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|p{0.5in}|c|c|p{1.65in}|} \hline & & & & & & &\\ TTYPE & TUNIT & TFORM & TLMIN & TLMAX & TDBIN & TNULL & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Comment}\\ & & & & & & &\\\hline % TG\_R & deg & 1D $|$ 1E & $-2.0$ & $2.0$ & $1.593E-4$ & $NaN^*$ & diffraction angle \\\hline % TG\_D & deg & 1D $|$ 1E & $-2.0$ & $2.0$ & $1.593E-4$ & $NaN^*$ & cross-dispersion angle \\\hline % TG\_MLAM & angstrom & 1D $|$ 1E & $-400.0$ & $400.0$ & $2.0E-3$ & $NaN^*$ & $m\times\lambda$ \\\hline % TG\_M & & 1I & $-62$ & $62$ & N/A & 99 & order ($m$) \\\hline % TG\_LAM & angstrom & 1D $|$ 1E & -400 & 400 & $2.0E-3$ & $NaN^*$ & wavelength ($\lambda$) \\\hline % TG\_PART & & 1I & 0 & 99 & N/A & N/A & component (HEG, MEG, LEG, \ldots) \\\hline % TG\_SMAP & & 1I & 0 & 32767 & N/A & N/A & source map \\\hline % TG\_SRCID & & 1I & 0 & TBD & N/A & N/A & source ID \\\hline % GDPX & pixel & 1J & 1 & $2^{16}$\newline (65536) & 10 & 0 & grating diffraction pixel, dispersion direction\newline (optional)\\\hline % GDPY & pixel & 1J & 1 & $2^{15}$\newline (32768) & 10 & 0 & grating diffraction pixel, cross-dispersion\newline (optional)\\\hline % \multicolumn{8}{|l|}{$^*$ Not actually indicated in the header, but implied as a missing or undefined by the FITS standard.}\\\hline % \end{tabular} } % close \small \caption[FITS Event Bintable Contents]{\em FITS Event Data File binary table contents (one entry per event). ``N/A'' means ``Not Applicable''. ``$NaN$'' is the IEEE standard for ``Not A Number''. } \label{tab:evtcontents} \end{center} \end{table}% % \subsubsection{Columns Dropped from Level 1 Files} There are some columns in Level 1 input files which are seldom used, so it is not necessary to carry them into Level 1.5. They will always be available in Level 1 products. % \paragraph{HRC columns to omit: } \ {\tt \begin{tabular}{l} CRSV\\ CRSU\\ AMP\_SF\\ AV1\\ AV2\\ AV3\\ AU1\\ AU2\\ AU3\\ RAWX\\ RAWY\\ SUMAMPS\\ \end{tabular} } % close \tt \paragraph{ACIS columns to omit: } \label{pg:acispunt} \ {\tt \begin{tabular}{l} PHAS\\ \end{tabular} } % close \tt % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\clearpage % \subsection{Grating Spectral Region Definitions ({\tt REGION BINTABLE} extension or {\tt *.reg ASCII} file)} For each ObI, a regional mask is created for each observation, as defined by the zero-order sky coordinates output from source detection and width and angle parameters. The source regions are designed to be of generous dimensions, such that the L1.5 product is a superset of photons likely to be selected for analysis, thus avoiding re-running the L1.5 pipeline for alternate selection criteria. It is defined in sky $(X,Y)$ coordinates (typically a right-ascension and declination tangent-plane system) and is used to filter the events for transformation to grating diffraction coordinates. \subsubsection{{\tt *.reg} (ASCII) Region File Definition}\label{pg:asciireg} \Note{The {\tt ASCII} file is the current implementation and is included here until replaced by the {\tt FITS} implementation. We will keep this specification, since the {\tt FITS} file will be a {\em T}ransport mechanism, and usage may remain {\tt ASCII}. } The {\tt ASCII} region file follows the {\tt IRAF/PROS} Region File definition (see the documentation avialible in IRAF/XRAY via ``help regions'', for example), with some pipeline directives added in comment fields. The coordinates are given as sky pixel values, whose coordinate system can be obtained from the event-file's ({\tt *\_evt1.fits}) extension header keywords for columns labeled {\tt X} and {\tt Y}. %%% NOTE: ftool fsaoi will convert region file to ftools file, but: %%% its output isn't a FITS file, it is case sensitive, the syntax %%% isn't the same as the L1.5 pipe (``physical'' isn't recongnized, %%% fsaoi wants something like ``BOX(3200,3200,119,5.00)'' vs %%% ``rotbox 3200 3200 119 5.0d;'' % \Remark{980702 The ASCII region specification is being updated to be more general. It will have lines to specify the components for each part. Reference: TBD.} \begin{itemize} \item The first line of the {\tt *.reg} file contains a comment line of the format {\tt \#.mode} where mode is {\tt HETG, LETG, DRAKE, HEG,} or {\tt MEG}. Note that the modes {\tt HEG} and {\tt MEG} are special, in that one cannot observe in flight with them separately; they are for special processing purposes of ground-calibration data, simulations, or specially filtered flight data. % \item The second line of the file contains a comment line of the format ``{\tt \#.SRC $n$}'' where $n$ is the current source id. \item For any given source, a maximum of 8 distinct parts (neglecting background) exist. These parts are: zero order, heg arm, meg arm, letg, Drake 1, Drake 2, Drake 3, and Drake 4. For any given source, not all of these parts will be listed. \item Relevant parts of a source are listed one per line. The ordering of the parts depends on the type of data The parts for each mode are, in region-file line order: \begin{tabular}{lll} HETG& 0---&Zero-order\\ & 1---&HEG\\ & 2---&MEG\\[1mm] LETG& 0---&Zero-order\\ & 3---&LEG\\[1mm] DRAKE (HESF)&0---&Zero-order\\ &3---&LEG\\ &4---&Drake 1\\ &5---&Drake 2\\ &6---&Drake 3\\ &7---&Drake 4\\[1mm] HEG& 0---&Zero-order\\ & 1---&HEG\\[1mm] MEG& 0---&Zero-order\\ & 2---&MEG\\[1mm] \end{tabular} % I don't know what the next line means: (from anastasia) % \item All source parts are defined in physical coords \item Parts that belong to a source are identified as follows: {\tt physical; ;} where {\tt } is any of the following: \begin{description} {\tt \item[BOX] xcenter ycenter xwidth yheight [angle] \item [CIRCLE] xcenter ycenter radius \item [ROTBOX] xcenter ycenter xwidth yheight angle } \end{description} \item abbreviations {\tt b, c,} or {\tt r} may also be used for {\tt BOX, CIRCLE,} and {\tt ROTBOX}, respectively. \item blank lines are ignored; they may be used to make the {\tt *.reg} more readable to users, but are not used by the code. \item a separate source comment line (e.g. {\tt \#.SRC 3}) must be supplied before each source included in the region file. A region file may specify multiple sources. \item {\tt ASCII} characters may be in upper or lowercase. \item Lines beginning with ``{\tt \#.}'' are processed as instructions by Level 1.5 software. They are treated as normal comments by other region parsers. \item Lines starting with a ``{\tt \#}'' and succeeded by any other characters other than ``{\tt .}'' are considered comments. \end{itemize} In {\em ALL} cases, the zero-order part is {\em required} even if the zero-order wass off the detector, or deleted via intentional detector modes prior to telemetry.) \paragraph{Example --- A single HETG source, source ID of 1:} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline \verb@#.HETG@\\ \verb@#.SRC 1 @\\ \verb@physical; circle 3200.1 3200.349 70;@\\ \verb@physical; rotbox 3200 3200 3300 119 -5.3d;@\\ \verb@physical; rotbox 3200 3200 3300 119 5.00d;@\\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \paragraph{Example --- Two LETG sources, source IDs of 2 and 4:} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline \verb@#.LETG@\\ \verb@#.SRC 2@\\ \verb@physical; c 2000.1, 2000.0249, 100;@\\ \verb@physical; box 2000, 2000 2000 140;@\\ \verb@ @\\ \verb@#.SRC 4@\\ \verb@physical; c 4000, 4000, 100;@\\ \verb@physical; box 4000, 4000 3500 150;@\\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %\clearpage % \subsubsection{FITS Region Extension Definition}\label{pg:regionext} The generic definition of an ASC FITS region is given in the ``FITS REGION Binary Table Design'' (Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:regfiles}. The region HDU will be a single {\tt REGION} auxiliary extension, whose header is comprised of: \begin{itemize} \item a mandatory {\tt REGION}-content header, \item table coordinate system and ranges, \item short configuration control, \item short timing, and \item short observation information components. \end{itemize} The components which differ substantially from the event file's other extensions (events, GTI) are the mandatory {\tt REGION} keywords, and the table coordinate system. A region specification is in general specific to the ObI. The {\tt REGION} definition for Level 1.5 spectral mask are comprised of components described by a circle for zero-order and rotated boxes for diffracted orders. There are generally multiple components for each spectrum and possibly multiple sources per observation. \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline \verb@EXTNAME = 'REGION ' / Region specification table@\\ \verb@CONTENT = 'REGION '@\\ \verb@HDUCLASS= 'ASC '@\\ \verb@HDUCLAS1= 'REGION '@\\ \verb@HDUCLAS2= 'STANDARD'@\\ % \verb@MTYPE1 = 'pos '@\\ \verb@MFORM1 = 'X,Y '@\\\hline % \verb@TCTYP2 = 'RA---TAN' / sky X WCS@\\ \verb@TCRVL2 = 0.0 / Nominal angle@ \\ \verb@TCRPX2 = 16384.5 / Reference pixel@ \\ \verb@TCDLT2 = 1.59265544165e-5 / [degrees/pixel]@\\ \verb@TDBIN2 = 10 / default [pixels/bin]@\\ \verb@TCUNI2 = 'deg' / Unit of X@\\\hline % \verb@TCTYP3 = 'DEC--TAN ' / Sky Y WCS@\\ \verb@TCRVL3 = 0.0 / Nominal angle@ \\ \verb@TCRPX3 = 16384.5 / Reference pixel@ \\ \verb@TCDLT3 = 1.59265544165e-5 / [degrees/pixel]@\\ \verb@TDBIN3 = 10 / default [degrees/bin]@\\ \verb@TCUNI3 = 'deg' / Unit of Y@\\\hline % \verb@TCTYP4 = 'TBS ' / Sky XY WCS - for a radius value@\\ \verb@TCDLT4 = 1.59265544165e-5 / [degrees/pixel]@\\ \verb@TDBIN4 = 10 / default [pixels/bin]@\\ \verb@TCUNI4 = 'deg' / Unit of radius@\\\hline % \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption[Special REGION File Keywords]{\em Special Keywords for grating {\tt REGION} FITS File. region coordinates are specified in terms of sky $(X,Y)$, so that coordinate system must be specified. (Column numbers and keyword values are representative and not to be taken as a literal requirement.)} \label{tab:ltfkeywords}\label{pg:fitsregion} \end{table} % % \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} {\small \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|p{1.75in}|}\hline & & & & & \\ TTYPE & TUNIT & TFORM & TLMIN & TLMAX & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Comment} \\ & & & & & \\\hline % SHAPE & - & 16A & - & - & Shape of region: may be CIRCLE, ROTBOX, or BOX.\\\hline % X & pixel & $2E$ & 0.5 & 65534.5 & sky $X$ (RA) coordinate vector for SHAPE.\\\hline % Y & pixel & $2E$ & 0.5 & 65534.5 & sky $Y$ (Dec) coordinate vector for SHAPE.\\\hline % R & pixel & $2E$ & 0 & 65534.5 & radius vector for SHAPE (sky units) \\\hline % ROTANG & deg & $2E$ & 0 & 360 & Rotation angle for SHAPE, in degrees.\\\hline % COMPONENT & - & I & 0 & 7 & Component number that SHAPE belongs to (default is 1). Interpretation of this depends upon the GRATING column. (The component number is identical to TG\_PART.)\\\hline % INCLUDE & - & I & 0 & 1 & Inclusion (1; default) or exclusion (0). \\\hline % SOURCE & - & I & 0 & 10 & Source number. \\\hline % GRATING & - & 16A & - & - & Applicable grating; one of: HETG or LETG\\\hline % OBI & - & 1I & - & - & Observation Interval (optional)\\\hline \end{tabular} } \caption[REGION File Contents]{\em FITS grating region file binary table contents.} \label{tab:ltfbintable} \end{center} \end{table} The conditional interpretation of the {\tt COMPONENT} upon {\tt GRATING} value is shown in Table~\ref{tab:components}. \begin{table}[hbt] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|cc|p{2.0in}|}\hline % GRATING &COMPONENT & Meaning \\\hline % HETG & 0& Zero-order\\ & 1& HEG arm\\ & 2& MEG arm\\\hline LETG & 0& Zero-order\\ & 3& LEG arm\\ & 4& HESF (Drake Flat) region 1 (optional)\\ & 5& HESF (Drake Flat) region 2 (optional)\\ & 6& HESF (Drake Flat) region 3 (optional)\\ & 7& HESF (Drake Flat) region 4 (optional)\\\hline % \end{tabular} % \caption[REGION Table Components]{\em Region table component interpretation. Zero-order regions are optional. Grating is either HETG or LETG. If Grating is LETG, then HESF parts are also optional.} \label{tab:components} % \end{center} \end{table} The interpretation of the coordinate vectors for grating region shapes, as given in the FITS region specification (Applicable Document~\ref{appdoc:regfiles}) is: % \begin{description} \item[{\tt CIRCLE: }] First element of $X$, $Y$, $R$ vectors specifies center and radius. \item[{\tt ROTBOX: }] First element of each $X$ and $Y$ vectors specify the center of a rectangle. The first element of {\tt ROTANG} specifies counter-clockwise rotation of the rectangle with respect to $X$ and $Y$ axes. The center of the rotation is the center of the rectangle (given by $X,Y$). Other elements of $X,Y$ are undefined. The first two elements of $R$ specify the full-widths of $X$ and $Y$, respectively. \end{description} For the LETG, components 4--7 are optional (e.g., the source was not imaged onto the HESF (Drake Flat)). % %\subsubsection{Example: Full Region Extension Header} %The following is a sample header for a region describing a field with %two HETG sources. %\label{pg:fitsregionsample} %\Remark{TBS: Insert a sample region header here.} \subsection{Volume, Size, and Frequency Estimates} The columns added to an HRC or ACIS Level 1 file in Level 1.5 processing add about 48 to 64 bytes per photon. A 10-source HETG region file extension is about 720 bytes. %\section{Example Files} %\label{pg:samples} %\begin{verbatim} %TBS: HETG/ACIS-S 2 src FITS events, region, summary % LETG/HRC_S 2 src % LETG/HESF TBD. %\end{verbatim} \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 to to into Level 2 ICD by USG. \clearpage \subsection{Level 1.5 Summary File} \label{pg:summary} \Note{Note: Summary file definition very preliminary. Summary should be hardcopy (i.e., postscript) graphs, images, and tables. Graphs and images should also be written as GIF files (TBR), wrapped in HTML interface with ASCII tables and text. Postscript version (TBR) should be gzipped. Summary tables also provided as FITS bintables? } Since Level 1.5 processing has added columns to the data, but not yet merged ObIs, binned events into images, light curves, or spectra, nor performed any measurements of the data, Level 1.5 summary will consist of a statistical summary and diagnostic observational parameters. % \subsubsection*{L1.5 processing summary parameters: } \# sources, source table, roll\_tolerance % \subsubsection*{Observational parameters:} elapsed time, total good time, roll range % \subsubsection*{Order summary: } \bigskip \begin{tabular}{|rcc|}\hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Field Summary}\\\hline & rate & counts\\\hline Total: & \tt 0.0E-00 & \tt 0.0E+00\\ Background:& \tt 0.0E-00 & \tt 0.0E+00\\\hline \end{tabular} \begin{picture}(420,740) \put(-10,600){ \mbox{ \begin{tabular}{|ccc|}\hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Source Summary: HETG/ACIS-S}\\\hline & rate & counts\\\hline Zero-order& 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG+$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG-$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG+$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG-$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG+1 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG-1 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG+2 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG-2 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG+3 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG-3 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG+1 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG-1 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG+2 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG-2 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG+3 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG-3 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\\hline \end{tabular} } } \put(200,680){ \mbox{ \begin{tabular}{|ccc|}\hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Source Summary: LETG/HRC-S}\\\hline & rate & counts\\\hline Zero-order& 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG+ $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG- $ & 0.00& 0.00\\\hline $HESF+$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HESF-$ & 0.00& 0.00\\\hline \end{tabular} } } \put(-10,400){ \mbox{ \begin{tabular}{|ccc|}\hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Source Summary: HETG/HRC-I}\\\hline & rate & counts\\\hline Zero-order& 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG+ $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $HEG- $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG+$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $MEG-$ & 0.00& 0.00\\\hline \end{tabular} } } \put(200,530){ \mbox{ \begin{tabular}{|ccc|}\hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Source Summary: LETG/ACIS-S}\\\hline & rate & counts\\\hline Zero-order& 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG+$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG-$ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG+1 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG-1 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG+2 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG-2 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG+3 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\ $LEG-3 $ & 0.00& 0.00\\\hline \end{tabular} } } \end{picture}