A list of the inputs needed for the psf tools ** PSF_model ** 1) HRMA PSF images at surface of best focus (images) images for shell pairs (1,3 & 4,6) and 1,3,4,6 2) PSF blurring function for defocus or HRMA PSF images for max defocus for tilted chips (images) for ACIS-I ACIS-S HRC-I HRC-S 3a)Intrumental PSF's (2-D functional forms) for HRC (in hand Gaussian w/ sigma=18um) ACIS-I/S for standard grade ACIS-I/S for each? grade 3b)Intrumental PSF's (1-D azimuthally averaged functional forms) for HRC (in hand Gaussian w/ sigma=18um) ACIS-I/S for standard grade ACIS-I/S for each? grade 4) Grating LSF's (functional forms) for HEG MEG LEG for the 1-D and 2-D case ** PSF_calc_fraction ** Table of Enclosed Energy Fraction vs Energy and off_axis angle and Input from PSF model ** PSF_calc_size ** Table of characteristic size (say 50% and 90% enclosed energy) compiled on an energy and offaxis angle grid. and Input from PSF model for arbitrary EE fraction