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Generation of the LSF Library and RMFs

The LSF library is generated from MARX simulations that are run for several locations: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16$^\prime$ in azimuth and 0, 1, 2, 4, 6$^\prime$ in altitude and contain $\sim$105 counts. The MARX data files are read into IDL and a square region 5 $^{\prime\prime}$.3 on a side, centered on the position of the line and with 1 $\mu $m pixels is extracted. This region is then integrated in the dispersion or cross-dispersion direction to obtain the LSF or the cross-dispersion profile. These profiles are then reformatted into the FITS library format described in PSF Library ICD

The current version of the RMF generation program for the grating RMF's produces RMF from a series of Gaussian functions. To accommodate this the HETG LSF data were fit with a Gaussian function (see §3). These fitted functions were then used to construct the HEG and MEG RMF's. The Gaussian functions for the LETG were generated from calibration products describing the resolution for that set of gratings and then the RMF was generated in the same fashion as those for the HETG. Formats for the RMF files can be found in the Response Tool Design Spec. .

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David Davis
MIT Accessibility