Void_Type _print_dialog(print_context, callback [, cbarg1, ...])
This function will create a modal dialog which your guilet can use to
query the user for common printing options. The print context argument
can either be NULL (in which case a default context will be generated) or
an instance of the GtkPrintContext
structure, with fields
title text to display in dialog window title bar (default: "Print")
dest destination of generated output: 0 = printer (default), 1 = file
cmd operating system command used to generate a print job (default: "lpr")
file an output file name (default: "slgtk.ps")
orient page orientation: 0 = portrait (default), 1 = landscape
size page size: 0 = letter (default), 1 = legal, 2 = A4
The second argument is a reference to a function that will be called
when the user presses the Print
dialog button. This function
should be defined to receive at least one argument (the print context,
updated to reflect any input given within the dialog), and optionally
any callback arguments specified when the dialog was invoked. It is
is important to understand that this callback, rather than the print
dialog itself, is responsible for output generation.
The following S-Lang snippet gives a mock usage of the print dialog, and intentionally avoids initializing several print context fields in order to show that the dialog gives them suitable default values.
define print_cb(context, callback_message)
vmessage(callback_message); % sample callback arg usage
variable file;
if (context.dest == 0) % generate output to printer
file = "temp.ps"; % mock temp file name
file = context.file; % else dump output to user-
% specified filename
% the print dialog uses a callback function to provide the flexibility
% of calling an application-specific output rendering method, such as
% the following mocked-up "export_postscript" function
%() = export_postscript(file);
if (context.dest == 0) {
() = system( sprintf("%s %s",context.cmd, file));
() = remove(file);
define launch_print_dialog()
variable context = @GtkPrintContext;
context.title = "MyApp Print Dialog";
context.file = "MyApp.ps";
_print_dialog(context, &print_cb, "Hello, from MyApp print callback!");
GtkPrintContext = _print_context_new()
This function will generate a GtkPrintContext
structure with
default values for all fields.