SLgtk provides an assortment of other higher-level S-Lang functions and variables, to simplify common case use of selected Gtk widgets or features. The names of some of these are prefixed with underscores, usually to distinguish them from wrappers for Gtk functions proper or denote their higher susceptibility to revision in a future release.
As a convenience SLgtk pre-allocates a number of GdkColor structures, for colors expected to be commonly used. They are named
been loaded.
GtkWidget = _menu_new(String_Type labels[], callback [,cbdata1, cbdata2, ...] )
A convenience function to instantiate a GtkMenu, whose entries are labels
created from the given array of strings. The callback specification may
either be NULL
or a signature (a function reference, optionally
followed by one or more callback data parameters) suitable for responding
to the activate signal via g_signal_connect()
Recall that such callback functions should accept at least one argument,
even when no callback data is registered, to receive the activated menu
item. Any label which, after being lowercased, matches "<separator>"
will cause a horizontal separator to be drawn in the menu.
GtkWidget = _option_menu_new(String_Type labels[], Integer_type default)
A convenience function to instantiate a GtkOptionMenu, whose entries
are labels created from the given array of strings. The active menu
item will be set to the given default.
GtkWidget = _color_button_new(GdkColor_structure)
This function returns an instantiated GtkButton, which when realized
will display a swatch of the given color. When the button is pressed
a color selection dialog will be launched through which the color of
the swatch (as well as the RGB field values within the given GdkColor
structure, since S-Lang structures are passed as references) may be
Void_Type _info_window(title,text)
This function will create a non-modal dialog to display the given text
in a window with the given title. The dialog will be raised immediately,
provided there is at least one active gtk_main()
loop context.
Integer_Type = _is_numeric(Any_Type datum)
This function will return a one if the given datum can be interpreted
as a real- or integral-valued numerical type, and zero otherwise. This
function will be phased out of SLgtk proper, as it is now available in
S-Lang 2.x.
Integer_Type = _is_callable(Any_Type datum)
This function returns either 1 or 0, to indicate whether the given
datum can be dereferenced to invoke a function. This function will be
phased out of SLgtk proper, as it is now available in S-Lang 2.x.
String_Type = _get_slgtk_doc_string(topic)
This function will search the SLgtk documentation for the given topic.
If the topic is found then its entire entry will be returned as a single
string, otherwise an error string will be returned.
Provides a one-step way to set the transient parent of a window AND have it be destroyed with that parent. It is equivalent to calling
Array_Type = _gdk_pixbuf_get_formats()
Similar to the Gdk function gdk_pixbuf_get_formats()
, in that
its return value indicates the number and kind of file formats
supported by the Gdk pixbuf interface, only this version returns an
array of String_Type
instead of a GSList*