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Deepto Chakrabarty
Professor of Physics

Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
70 Vassar Street, Room 37-602B
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA

Email: deepto (at) mit.edu
Tel: +1 (617) 253-3840
Fax: +1 (617) 253-9798

Research Interests

High-energy astrophysics. X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. Optical astronomy.
Neutron stars and black holes.

Education Awards and Honors Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

Fall 2011: 8.01: Physics I (Mechanics) Co-Administrator/Lecturer
L06: Tue/Thu 11:00-1:00, Fri 12:00-1:00, Room 26-152
Previous Teaching
Fall 2010: 8.01: Physics I (Mechanics) Lecturer
Fall 2009: 8.01: Physics I (Mechanics) Lecturer
Spring 2009: 8.022: Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) Recitation Instructor
Fall 2008: 8.04: Quantum Physics I Lecturer
Spring 2007: 8.03: Physics III (Vibrations and Waves) Recitation Instructor
Fall 2006: 8.04: Quantum Physics I Lecturer
Spring 2006: 8.901: Astrophysics I (graduate subject) Lecturer
Fall 2005: 8.012: Physics I (Mechanics) Lecturer
Spring 2005: 8.901: Astrophysics I (graduate subject) Lecturer
Spring 2004: 8.901: Astrophysics I (graduate subject) Lecturer
Fall 2003: 8.012: Physics I (Mechanics) Recitation Instructor
Fall 2002: 8.901: Astrophysics I (graduate subject) Lecturer
Spring 2002: 8.022: Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) Recitation Instructor
Fall 2001: 8.03: Physics III (Vibrations and Waves) Recitation Instructor
Spring 2001: 8.04: Quantum Physics I Lecturer
Fall 2000: 8.012: Physics I (Mechanics) Recitation Instructor
Spring 2000: 8.04: Quantum Physics I Lecturer
Spring 1999: 8.04: Quantum Physics I Recitation Instructor
Fall 1997: 12S23: Observing the Stars and Planets Section Instructor
Fall 1996: 12S23: Observing the Stars and Planets Section Instructor
