Time Domain Astronomy: Multi-wavelength analysis of tidal disruption flares
X-ray Astrophysics: Periodic and quasi-periodic phenomena from compact X-ray sources
X-ray and optical timing of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (ULXs) and black hole binaries
2010 - 2014: University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Ph.D., Astronomy, August 2014
Thesis title: X-ray time and spectral variability as probes of ultraluminous X-ray sources
2008 - 2010: University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
M.S., Astronomy, December 2010
2004 - 2008: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
B. Tech, Aerospace Engineering, May 2008
2010 - 2014: Graduate research assistant, University of Maryland & NASA Goddard space flight center
Timing and spectral analysis of ultraluminous X-ray sources
Advisors: Dr. Tod E. Strohmayer, Dr. Coleman Miller & Dr. Richard F. Mushotzky
2009 - 2010: Graduate research assistant, University of Maryland
Near-field cosmological N-body simulations
Advisors: Dr. Ed Shaya & Dr. Massimo Ricotti
2008 : Research assistant, Ecole Polytechnique (EPFL), Laussane, Switzerland
May - July Search for quasar lenses in the SDSS sky survey
Advisor: Dr. Frederic Courbin & Dr. George Meylan
2007 : Undergraduate research assistant, University of Swinburne, Australia
May - July Chemical modeling of proto-planetary disks
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Madison
Spring 2014: Ann G. Wyile dissertation fellowship, merit-based fellowship awarded at the University of Maryland
to doctoral students, stipend of $10,000 plus expenses
April 2012 : Won 1st prize of $500, best oral presentation at the University of Maryland Graduate
Research Interaction Day (GRID)
Oct. 2012 : Won best poster award of $50, CRESST retreat
2008 : Dean's award of $1000, graduate school at the University of Maryland
Time Proposal-description
150 ks: Chandra cycle 15
Confronting IC 10 X-1: Does the most massive stellar black hole have the most extreme spin?
James Steiner et al. Dheeraj R. Pasham (co-I)
1.25ks×30: Swift ToO (Target of Opportunity)
Confirming the 625 day X-ray period of the ultraluminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X-1
Dheeraj R. Pasham (PI)
33ks×2: Joint XMM-Newton & VLT/FORS2, XMM-Newton cycle 12
($65,700) A search for X-ray reverberation in the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5408 X-1
Tod E. Strohmayer, Dheeraj R. Pasham (co-I), Margaret L. Trippe, Poshak Gandhi
1 Night: Goodman SOAR spectrograph, NOAO 2013A cycle
Optical spectroscopy of a mysterious periodic X-ray source
Margaret L. Trippe, Dheeraj R. Pasham (co-I)
2ks×15: Swift ToO (Target of Opportunity)
Search for X-ray dips in the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5408 X-1
Dheeraj R. Pasham (PI)
127ks: XMM-Newton cycle 11
($65,734) X-ray timing and eclipse mapping of the massive black hole binary IC 10 X-1
Tod E. Strohmayer, Dheeraj R. Pasham (co-I), Richard F. Mushotzky
2014 Sept: Standford University, CA, USA
A stable, 3:2 frequency ratio quasi-periodic oscillation from ULX M82 X-1
Stanford tea Talk
2014 Aug: University of Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
A near-Eddington 400 solar mass black hole in M82
Space sciences lab colloquium
2014 Aug: Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA
A near-Eddington 400 solar mass black hole in M82
Space radiation lab Sack lunch Talk
2014 Jan: 223rd AAS Meeting, Washington D.C., USA
X-ray Timing of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
Dissertation Talk
2013 Sept: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
News from long-term (3-7 years) X-ray monitoring of a sample of ultraluminous X-ray sources: orbital and super-orbital periodicities
2013 June: DC/MD/VA astrophysics summer meeting for graduate students, College Park, MD, USA
The precessing accretion disk of the intermediate-mass black hole candidate ULX M82 X-1
Contributed talk
2013 April: 13th Meeting of The High-Energy Astrophysics Division, Monterey, CA, USA
Quasi-periodic X-ray dips from ULX NGC 5408 X-1: Implications for accretion geometry
Contributed talk
2012 Aug: IUCAA, Pune, India
A study of the long X-ray periods of ultraluminous X-ray sources: Clues on accretion geometry
Invited seminar
2012 Aug: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay, India
Nature of the long X-ray periods from ultraluminous X-ray sources: Orbital or super-orbital?
Invited seminar
2012 July: 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Mysore, India
Probing the accretion geometry of ultraluminous X-ray sources: News from 3.5 yr Swift monitoring of NGC 5408 X-1
Contributed talk
2012 June: Energetic Astronomy: Richard Mushotzky at 65, Annapolis, MD, USA
Evidence for Quasi-periodic X-ray Dips from an ULX: Implications for the Binary Motion and the Orbital period
Contributed talk
2011 June: The X-ray Universe 2011, Berlin, Germany
ULX, NGC 5408 X-1 : A deep search for correlated timing & spectral behavior
Contributed talk
2014 Aug: 14th Meeting of The High-Energy Astrophysics Division, Chicago, IL, USA
Discovery of 3:2 Ratio High-Frequency QPOs from a ULX: Evidence for a 400 solar mass black hole
2013 April: 13th Meeting of The High-Energy Astrophysics Division, Monterey, CA, USA
The nature of the mHz QPOs of ULX M82 X-1: Search for timing-spectral correlations
2013 April: 13th Meeting of The High-Energy Astrophysics Division, Monterey, CA, USA
The 62 day X-ray period of the ultraluminous X-ray source M82 X-1 is likely super-orbital
2011 Sept: 12th Meeting of The High-Energy Astrophysics Division, Newport, RI, USA
ULX NGC 5408 X-1: Coupled spectral-timing behavior similar to StMBHs and AGN?
2013 Aug: The 2nd ASTRO-H summer school, Tokyo, Japan
Ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 5408 X-1: A scaled-up stellar-mass black hole?