The Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating: Design, Fabrication, Ground Calibration and Five Years in Flight
Canizares, Claude R., et al.

An Assessment of the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX Line Ratios from the Chandra Grating Observations of Capella
Desai, P., et al.

HETGS Spectroscopy of a Coronally Active Contact Binary, VW Cep
Huenemoerder, David P. & Hunacek, Adrienne

Variation in Emission and Absorption Lines and Continuum Flux by Orbital Phase in Vela X-1
Goldstein, Greg, Huenemoerder, David P., & Blank, David

Chandra X-ray Observatory High-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Stars: Modeling and Interpretation
Huenemoerder, David P.

The Coronal X-ray Spectrum of the Multiple Weak-Lined T Tauri Star System HD 98800
Kastner, Joel H., Huenemoerder, David P., Schulz, Norbert S., Canizares, Claude R., Li, Jingqiang, & Weintraub, David A.

Stellar Coronal Spectroscopy with the Chandra HETGS
Huenemoerder, David P., Boroson, Bram, Schulz, Norbert S., Canizares, Claude R., Buzasi, Derek L., Preston, Heather L., & Kastner, Joel H.

The Coronae of AR Lac
Huenemoerder, David P., Canizares, Claude R., Drake, Jeremy J., & Sanz-Forcada, Jorge

X-ray Modeling of Very Young Early Type Stars in the Orion Trapezium: Signatures of Magnetically Confined Plasmas and Evolutionary Implications
Schulz, Norbert S., Canizares, Claude R., Huenemoerder, Dave P., & Tibbetts, Kevin J.

Evidence for Accretion: High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hydrae
Kastner, Joel H., Huenemoerder, David P., Schulz, Norbert S., Canizares, Claude R., & Weintraub, David A.

X-Ray Plasma Diagnostics of Stellar Winds in Young Massive Stars
Schulz, N. S., Canizares, C. R., Huenemoerder, D. P., Lee, J., & Tibetts, K.

X-ray Spectra and Light Curves of AR Lac: Temperature Structure, Abundances, and Variability
Huenemoerder, David, Canizares, Claude, & Tibbetts, Kevin

X-Ray Spectroscopy of II Pegasi: Coronal Temperature Structure, Abundances, and Variability
Huenemoerder, David P., Canizares, Claude R., & Schulz, Norbert S.

Chandra Observations of Variable Embedded X-ray sources in Orion. Paper I: Resolving Orion Trapezium
Schulz, N. S., Canizares, C., Huenemoerder, D., Kastner, J. H., Taylor, S. C., & Bergstrom, E. J.

X-ray Line Emission from the Hot Stellar Wind of theta 1 Ori C
Schulz, N. S., Canizares, C. R., Huenemoerder, D., & Lee, J. C.

High Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Capella: Initial Results from the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer
Canizares, C. R., et al.

X-ray Spectroscopy of the Nearby, Classical T Tauri Star TW Hya
Kastner, Joel H., Huenemoerder, David P., Schulz, Norbert S., & Weintraub, David A.