I've moved on down to lower frequencies/longer wavelengths in 2010 and now work out at the MIT Haystack Observatory, mostly working on upgrading ALMA to play nicely with the Event Horizon Telescope.
I went back to my space plasma roots and built science ops for IBEX.
Most of my time of late has been sucked into the HETE vortex (High Energy Transient Experiment) though I used to work on other projects (ASCA, ACIS, ASTRO-E, ...) in the CCD lab here at MIT. Let's see, ASCA re-entered; ACIS is happily on orbit in the Chandra Observatory; and ASTRO-E's rocket malfunctioned, burning it up nicely somewhere, but that allowed for the more successful Astro-E2 aka Suzaku.
And the XIS is to rise again as the camera for PICTURE.
So, I was mostly working on HETE, except NASA killed it.
For a break, I go hiking with the scouts Troop 1, Acton Hiking
The launch is currently scheduled for 0135 UTC on Oct. 7. (It was just delayed a day so as not to conflict with the 100th shuttle launch.) When it happens, I'll be at Kwajalein. I got some pictures to give us all a taste of what that'll be like. Look for more as we do the launch.
We went out before Christmas to deliver HETE to Orbital's Vehicle Assembly Building at VAFB, where they assemble the rocket. The mate itself went smoothly. I got pictures to prove it.
I just got back from another trip out to Vandenburg to do it all again. I got yet more pictures. The big excitement was a serious brush fire that burned into the base just about the time we finished. I wasn't in serious danger, but it wasn't something we needed.
Who has time? Of course that doesn't keep me from taking pictures