Troop 1 Acton

Time flies when you're having fun. You'll find much more interesting, current stuff at Troop 1's offical web site

Troop 1 assaulted Mt. Garfield

On the first glorious weekend in September, 2001 we assaulted Mt. Garfield in the White Mountains.

Alex Crew, James Kinicki and Kos Barsakov atop Mt. Garfield. (360 kB)

We camped just below the summit. (410 kB) (400 kB)

Philmont prep hike along the Franconia Ridge

The Philmont crew did the ridge walk in June 2001.

This is the best waterfall on the Falling Waters Trail. Denis Nothern, Scott Burroughs, Peter Cullinane and Jeremy Small pose. (360 kB)

No really, this is the best waterfall on the Falling Waters Trail. Alex Crew, James Kinicki and Jeremy Small pose. (360 kB)

From Mt. Lincoln, looking north to Mt. Liberty. (400kB) (70kB) (70kB)

Looking back towards Mt. Lincoln (370kB)

The view is worth the effort. (Denis Nothern in picture for scale.) (60 kB)

Philmont prep hike to Mts. Flume and Liberty

A real nice hiker (Dick Martel) took some pictures of the Philmont gang on the way up to Mt. Flume in May 2001.

The wet and soggy gang. (360 kB JPEG version)

Same group, take 2. (360 kB JPEG version)

Same group, take 3. (360 kB JPEG version)