Data Types
The master definition for the known types of ASCII file is
Each line defines one data type.
The first field is the name of the data type.
After the equal sign [inside the curly brackets] is the idl definition of the data type.
first is idl name, the type name with a '_' appended to it.
then comes a list of coma separated fields which represents
the data fields on one line of the data file.
each field in this definition has the name of the field a colon and
a number, usually zero. If this number is an integer, '0', the field is defines as integer, otherwise the number is a real.
At the end of the line, after the semi colon, is the number of fields in this data type.
The data type are divided in to several groups.
Each member of a group is similar to other members of that grow.
Usually by having more or fewer members.
below is a short description of the different data types as they are found in
The names of data types inside a group are usually the base type suffixed by one or more letters that indicate the modification. e.g.
common meanings of the suffix on data type names
- s ==> small
- b ==> b field added
- m ==> minimal size of group
- n ==> a field, 'n', was added to the data type to indicate the highest level of editing that this item survived.
meanings of data type names
- any just to read in any numeric file, to examine it
- anyst a string version of any
- key a basic parameter file
- jwb a basic parameter file only one that has moment parameters , and n`only one with both fit & moment parameters.
- time mostly just time field, used in logging data
- sedr trajectory data
- voy_ voyprint output. l, m, e suffix are for l, m oe e1.//e2 modes.
meanings of some of the data fields names
- year year of data
- day day of data
- hr hour of data
- min minute of data
- sec second of data
- msec millisecond of data
- sp speed of plasma
- df density of protons from fit
- wf width of protons from fit
- vr R component of velocity from fit
- vt T component of velocity from fit
- vn N component of velocity from fit
- alpha percentage of the proton density the alpha-s are
- dm density of protons from moments
- wm width of protons from moments
- br R component of B field
- bt T component of B field
- bn N component of B field
- x X position of Space Craft
- y Y position of Space Craft
- z Z position of Space Craft
- vx X component of velocity of space Craft
- vy Y component of velocity of space Craft
- vz Z component of velocity of space Craft
While this file is automatically included when IDL
is called, and it is written in IDL,
it is also used by C & Fortran routines to determine file types.
(e.g. rename, readxxx mergexxx ...).