;8 PRO plot_multi, x, y, color=col, psym=psym ; ;+ ; NAME: ; plot_multi ; ; PURPOSE: ; plots out x, y as scatter plot ; i1, i2 ... in in different colors ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; plot_multi\ \ ,x, y, i0, color=col, psym=psym ; ; INPUTS: ; None. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; SIDE EFFECTS ; None. ; ; ;- @arg_common.pro if ( n_params() ne 2 ) then begin print,'wrong number of parameters to plot_multi' return endif if ( n_elements( psym) gt 0 ) then psym=[psym] else psym=[3] if ( n_elements( col) gt 0 ) then color=[col] else color=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] nc = n_elements( color) np = n_elements( psym ) good_range, x(i_nn), rx good_range, y(i_nn), ry plot,x,y,xrange=rx,yrange=ry,/nodata,color=1 i_i = 0 for ic=0,20 do begin col = color( ic mod nc) & ps = psym( ic mod np) inn = strcompress( ic, /remove_all) xx = 'i_i = i_' + inn n = execute( xx) if ( n_elements( i_i) gt 1 ) then oplot, x( i_i), y( i_i), psym=ps, color=col endfor end; plot_multi