READ ( 6, *) NYR, ND, NH, V, DEN, W, VR, VT, VN, ALP, EFX, BMAG, BR, BT, BN, AMINAVE, KFLAG, IFLAGF, IFLAGP, IFLAGA NYR = Year ND = Day of year (1= Jan. 1) NH = Hour of day (0-23) V = Solar wind speed from isotropic maxwellian fit DEN = Proton density (cm-3) from isotropic maxwellian fit W = Proton thermal speed, sqrt(2kT/m), from fit (km/s) VR = R component of solar wind velocity, fit (km/s) VT = T component of solar wind velocity, fit (km/s) VN = N component of solar wind velocity, fit (km/s) ALP = Percent alpha particles (0-100), fit EFX = Summed current in low energy electron channel, channels 1-16 (femtoamps) - below data is for MIT use only, and not for outside distribution BMAG = square root of sum of squared average components BR = R component of B field BT = T component of B field BN = N component of B field _ below data describes editing done, and reasons for editing - May not be too meaningful for averages. AMINAVE = 3.0*aminpeak/avepeak IFLAG = ( iflagf*100 + iflagp)*100 + iflaga IEDIT = edit level at which this value survived. RTN components are solar heliographic coordinates This is a spherical polar coordinate system based on the solar equator. R is radial away from the sun, T is positive in the direction of planetary motion, and N completes the right handed RTN system.For hourly averages, generated with prtha using ifor=3, 4