RUN - runs a voyager process
proc [ data_type [ time_file \[\ \ sc\ \[\ \.\.\.\ \]]]]
sets up the environment and runs the process proc on rate of type data
for the time period described in time.proc
RUN will source the file source.process
if present, then it will setenv for ft01, ft02, ft03, ft04, ft32 and ft33
if they are not already set.
RUN then calls TT to execute the process, usually vgranl.
RUN will call in dbx, dbxtool and adjust the window parameters.
RUN will find the best combination of datafiles
to cover the time period requested. ( usually using check_env and GETDATA)
RUN will source files source.${proc}.${data_type} or source.${proc} if present
RUN will look in present directory first, then in ~vgr/default
RUN also may use time and/or control file with the same directories & extensions
for each file
RUN will not reset environmental variables that have been set, with the exception of GEO_X_0 ( or are reset by check_env)
- proc
the type of processing. e.g. log, ans, dp, run. (run uses environmental variables to figure out what to do.-now only supported when vgranl is being run)
- data
The type of data to be read, e.g. edr, sun, vgr, xxx, default is edr, ( for xxx the program tries to figure out the type of data)
For other types of data, if source. is present, then it is assumed that source. makes the type supported.
The shell variable 'job' will be the name of the executable.
The path is computed by grOPT grFP and $
- time
The file time.proc has the time to be processsed; default is all.
- sc
Spacecraft number default is 2
Sets the default type.
- SC
Sets the default sc number.
ft?? override RUN's setting for bat's input or output, in turn maybe changed by check_env
If set, the debugger is called in.
If set, assumes x windows and will use dbxtool if DEBUG is set.
- GEO_X_0 WIN_X_0
If set, assumes that a plotting window will be needed.
TT resets GEO_X_0 with the geometry of that window.
- others
Any environmental variables that are normally set by RUN
can be overwritten by presetting them.
The shell variable 'job' may be overwritten by the environmental
variable 'JOB'.
- run_others
This is a list of variables that are looked at when the process is of type run
Causes 1st Proton Maxwellian to be anisotropic.
Produces an answer print output (after the analysis).
Produces an answer print BEFORE the analysis.
If set, compression is done. If Z, use compress, if a number, use that
level of compression with gzip. ( If no value given, 9 is used, but if
not set, nocompression is used)
Base directory from which subdirectories will be made for mission tapes, hourly averages etc. (default.)
- DP
Produces a dayplot.
Causes the fit analysis to be done.
- HA
Causes the Hourly average tape to be produced.
Causes the detailed KEY parameter file to be produced.
Prints log of input file.
Causes the moment analysis to be done.
Produces long spectral tape.
Produces short spectral tape.
If VGR has no value, 12 minutes is minimum time between spectra.
If it has a value, it is the number of seconds between spectra.
A suffix added to most of the output files generated (default is the PID of this job).
Produces vgr, mission, tape
set to ${funf}
set to ${type} of data
set to${sc} number
should handle a wider range of processes.
Markup created by unroff 1.0, March 13, 1997.