setft - when sourced, it creates the environmental variables which serve to direct input to batnto1.


setft process


setft takes the variable i1, i1 as the start & stop times. it then searches known directories for the data of type ype of spacecraft to get as complete coverage of the period from 1 to 2 as it can. The format for i1, i2 is yyddd. for edr data the variable qf is checked fq == q quick look only fq == f finials only fq == fq either quick look or finial Setft leaves the environmental variables

ft10	stdout
ft11 "uncompress < datafile |"
for input to batnto1. A shell variable xxxx also gives a list of the data files. Main user is getdata, which will use multiple calls to batnto1 to put all the datafiles together.


getdata RUN


Has a limited knowledge of data types, & can not fill in small gaps or even minimize them. Should be better able to handle data in different directories. Should not be so fussy on the naming of data files. Should be able to handle non compressed files. Only knows about edr and vgr data for now.

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    April 11, 1996.