The MIT Voyager Plasma Science Experiment

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On 28 June 1996, Voyager 2 was 4.48 billion miles from Earth, well beyond the orbit of Pluto. Voyager 2 is leaving the solar system at 36,000 miles per hour, which is 3.2 Astronomical Units per year, or 1 light year per 18,600 years.

On the same date, the light travel time from Voyager 2 to Earth was 6 hours, 41 minutes. Data are returned from the spacecraft at 160 bits per second, using a transmitter with about 25 watts (!) of power.

[go to voyager data page]
Solar wind data measured Recent Data VOYAGER 2

[go to voyager event 2/9/96 page]
[go to voyager science page]
[go to voyager trajectory page]
[go to voyager events page]
[go to voyager publications page]
[go to voyager starship page]

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For more information contact John Richardson at MIT (e-mail:

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