4 /plas5/h1/vgr/bin/RUN run pls time.run 1 time1 78030 time2 78160 timef time.run 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 9% 0+44k 1+0io 1pf+0w 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 12% 0+264k 0+0io 0pf+0w mom if ( 0 ) then set ns=/^XXXXX/d endif if ( 0 ) then set other=/^XXXXX/d endif echo ns /^XXXXX/d ns /^XXXXX/d sed -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^F/s/^\(.....\)T/\1f/ -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d -e /ldmp(4)/s/f/t/;/icunit(13)/s/0/16/ -e /^XXXXX/d -e /ip[rq]=/s/3/12/g;/^F/s/t/f/;/^F/s/\(...\)T\(.......................\).../\1f\2tft/ -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^F/s/\(.\)T/\1f/ -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d -e s/^\(......\)F/\1t/;/icunit(10)=/s/=0/=17/ -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d -e /^XXXXX/d /plas5/h1/vgr/default/control.run 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 600% 0+256k 0+0io 0pf+0w setenv ft02 /tmp/control.run_25530 cat /tmp/control.run_25530 &PLSNT idsrn(1)=8, idsrn(11)=0, idsrn(12)=8, idsrn(13)=0, idsrn(14)=0, idsrn(15)=8, ipr=2,2,2,2,12,12,12,12, ipq=2,2,2,2,12,12,12,12, iend=6, csig=0.6, fsig=1.0, ns=0, eps=0.01, &END &RUNNT iconv=3, iout=6, iunit=0, icunit(3)=8, icunit(5)=0, icunit(7)=0, icunit(8)=0, icunit(9)=0, icunit(10)=17, icunit(13)=16, idsrnd=8, ldmp(1)=f, ldmp(2)=f, ldmp(3)=f, ldmp(4)=t, idtvgr=0, ls(2)=t, ixmina=1,1,1,1, ixmaxa=16,128,16,16, &END FfFfFftFFTFTFFTFTTFFFFFFFFFtftfF 12345678901234567890123456789012 &PLSNT &END &RUNNT &END 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 60% 0+204k 0+1io 0pf+0w unset echo SC=1 TYPE=pls HA=ha LOG=log KEY=key ft01=time.run RUN_FUNC=run RUN_TYPE=sum RUN_SC=1 DIR=. SUFF=25530 ft08=out.run ft16=./key/KEY_ALL_25530 FIT= ft17=./ha/HA_25530 MOM= ft02=/tmp/control.run_25530 0.0u 0.0s 0:01 12% 0+192k 0+1io 0pf+0w using given ft01 time.run instead of time.run using given ft02 /tmp/control.run_25530 instead of control.run using given ft08 out.run instead of output.run 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 60% 0+128k 0+0io 0pf+0w t1 1978 30 00 00 1978 160 24 0 0 00000000 , t2 1978 30 00 00 1978 160 24 0 0 00000000 time1 78030.00 time2 78161.01 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 83% 0+132k 0+0io 0pf+0w 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 116% 0+104k 0+0io 0pf+0w ft01=time.run ft02=/tmp/control.run_25530 ft03=/plas5/h1/vgr/default/bfield.data ft08=out.run ft16=./key/KEY_ALL_25530 ft17=./ha/HA_25530 ft32=/plas5/h1/vgr/bin/GETDATA 78030.00 78161.01 1 pls | ft33=unset GGG_COPY GET_ALL;export GGG_COPY ; export GET_ALL ;/plas5/h1/vgr/bin/GETDATA 78030.00 78161.01 1 sedr | ft35=/plas5/h1/vgr/plots/plot ft36=/plas5/h1/vgr/plots/plot 0.0u 0.0s 0:00 142% 0+120k 0+5io 0pf+0w TT TT /plas5/h1/vgr/lib/O/9/vgrsumn PARMS ft35=/plas5/h1/vgr/plots/plot ft36=/plas5/h1/vgr/plots/plot ft01=time.run ft08=out.run ft16=./key/KEY_ALL_25530 ft17=./ha/HA_25530 ft02=/tmp/control.run_25530 ft03=/plas5/h1/vgr/default/bfield.data ft32=/plas5/h1/vgr/bin/GETDATA 78030.00 78161.01 1 pls | ft33=unset GGG_COPY GET_ALL;export GGG_COPY ; export GET_ALL ;/plas5/h1/vgr/bin/GETDATA 78030.00 78161.01 1 sedr | GEO_X_0 600x553+0+0 WIN_X_0 :0.0 h 553 w 600 data_base /plasma/d2/vgr/data , data /plasma/d2/vgr/data/v1/pls yr 1978, test_dir /plasma/d2/vgr/data/v1/sum/1978/pls GGG_COPY /plas5/h1/vgr/lib/O/9/batnto1 GETDATA_PRINT level 1 xx 25580 0START TIME = 1978 30 0 0. STOP TIME = 1978 160 24 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LTIME = T T edit time 0 0 0 0 0. LTIME = T T 630950 0 Note: the following IEEE floating-point arithmetic exceptions occurred and were never cleared; see ieee_flags(3M): Inexact; Division by Zero; Underflow; Overflow; Invalid Operand; Note: IEEE Infinities were written to ASCII strings or output files; see econvert(3). Note: IEEE NaNs were written to ASCII strings or output files; see econvert(3). Sun's implementation of IEEE arithmetic is discussed in the Numerical Computation Guide. file ft16, number 16 opened on file ./key/KEY_ALL_25530 form formatted , iostat = 0 0NO LABEL J= 4 HDR1GS-3FLT1+JULYCRUISE HG M CR-1FLT1+q}s}SCET:0 E1 CR-1FLT1+!Gs!GSCET 5B!!0 M CR-1FLT1+q&, s&, -SCET:0 0 0HDR1GS-3FLT1+JULYCRUISE HG 0M CR-1FLT1+q}s}SCET:0 0E1 CR-1FLT1+!Gs!GSCET 5B!!0 0(<~a ~a њx9AAAA 0 end of trailer sedr time T 1978 29 0 1 17.279 LERROR=T inertial sun 2.171E+00 3.611E-01 -6.860E-03 1.400E+01 2.064E+01 -2.389E+00 range, angle 2.201E+00 1.648E-01 -3.117E-03 TTB 9.865E-01 1.640E-01 -3.117E-03 -1.640E-01 9.865E-01 0.000E+00 3.074E-03 5.112E-04 1.000E+00 TTB5 9.651E-02 -9.878E-01 1.222E-01 9.951E-01 9.355E-02 -2.940E-02 1.761E-02 1.245E-01 9.921E-01 TTB 3.759E-01 1.721E-01 9.106E-01 7.609E-01 5.036E-01 -4.093E-01 -5.289E-01 8.467E-01 5.835E-02 file ft17, number 17 opened on file ./ha/HA_25530 form formatted , iostat = 0 sedr time F 1978 48 4 59 19.033 LERROR=F inertial sun 2.317E+00 5.885E-01 -3.335E-02 1.217E+01 2.025E+01 -2.373E+00 range, angle 2.390E+00 2.488E-01 -1.395E-02 TTB 9.691E-01 2.462E-01 -1.395E-02 -2.462E-01 9.692E-01 0.000E+00 1.352E-02 3.435E-03 9.999E-01 TTB5 1.198E-02 -9.924E-01 1.221E-01 9.997E-01 9.754E-03 -1.855E-02 1.723E-02 1.223E-01 9.923E-01 TTB 3.112E-01 -2.878E-03 9.504E-01 4.267E-01 8.936E-01 -1.393E-01 -2.842E-01 9.542E-01 9.352E-02 sedr time T 1978 49 1 52 32.624 LERROR=T inertial sun 2.323E+00 5.987E-01 -3.455E-02 1.209E+01 2.023E+01 -2.372E+00 range, angle 2.399E+00 2.523E-01 -1.440E-02 TTB 9.682E-01 2.496E-01 -1.440E-02 -2.496E-01 9.683E-01 0.000E+00 1.395E-02 3.595E-03 9.999E-01 TTB5 8.451E-03 -9.925E-01 1.220E-01 9.998E-01 6.252E-03 -1.810E-02 1.721E-02 1.222E-01 9.924E-01 TTB 3.652E-01 1.791E-01 9.135E-01 7.568E-01 5.143E-01 -4.034E-01 -5.421E-01 8.387E-01 5.226E-02 sedr time F 1978 98 6 41 29.113 LERROR=F inertial sun 2.614E+00 1.156E+00 -1.007E-01 8.643E+00 1.904E+01 -2.281E+00 range, angle 2.860E+00 4.165E-01 -3.521E-02 TTB 9.140E-01 4.043E-01 -3.520E-02 -4.045E-01 9.145E-01 0.000E+00 3.219E-02 1.424E-02 9.994E-01 TTB5 -1.564E-01 -9.808E-01 1.165E-01 9.875E-01 -1.572E-01 2.266E-03 1.610E-02 1.154E-01 9.932E-01 TTB 2.716E-01 1.541E-01 9.500E-01 7.637E-01 5.661E-01 -3.102E-01 -5.856E-01 8.098E-01 3.603E-02 sedr time T 1978 98 7 31 20.714 LERROR=T inertial sun 2.614E+00 1.158E+00 -1.008E-01 8.636E+00 1.903E+01 -2.281E+00 range, angle 2.861E+00 4.168E-01 -3.526E-02 TTB 9.138E-01 4.046E-01 -3.525E-02 -4.049E-01 9.144E-01 0.000E+00 3.223E-02 1.427E-02 9.994E-01 TTB5 -1.567E-01 -9.807E-01 1.164E-01 9.874E-01 -1.576E-01 2.307E-03 1.610E-02 1.154E-01 9.932E-01 TTB 2.716E-01 1.542E-01 9.500E-01 7.637E-01 5.661E-01 -3.103E-01 -5.856E-01 8.098E-01 3.596E-02 sedr time F 1978 98 7 48 41.114 LERROR=F inertial sun 2.614E+00 1.158E+00 -1.008E-01 8.636E+00 1.903E+01 -2.281E+00 range, angle 2.861E+00 4.168E-01 -3.526E-02 TTB 9.138E-01 4.046E-01 -3.525E-02 -4.049E-01 9.144E-01 0.000E+00 3.223E-02 1.427E-02 9.994E-01 TTB5 -1.567E-01 -9.807E-01 1.164E-01 9.874E-01 -1.576E-01 2.307E-03 1.610E-02 1.154E-01 9.932E-01 TTB 2.715E-01 1.542E-01 9.500E-01 7.637E-01 5.661E-01 -3.102E-01 -5.856E-01 8.098E-01 3.592E-02 600x553+0+0 *** Open Pipe = signal 13 code 0 3258.1u 77.9s 1:09:09 80% 0+560k 5+5202io 52pf+0w Traceback has been recorded in file: /plas5/h1/vgr/lib/O/9/batnto1.trace Note: Line numbers for system and library calls may be incorrect echo source.post.run source.post.run if ( 0 && 1 && 1 && ! 0 ) then if ( 0 && 0 ) then echo leaving source.post.run leaving source.post.run unset echo