#!/bin/csh #this script generates mission tapes for SC 2 by default echo $0 $* prtenv if ( ! $?SC ) setenv SC 2 if ( ! ${?FILL_SUM} ) setenv FILL_SUM /plas7/d2/vgr/data/sum.gsfc.fillin/v${SC}/sum if ( ! ${?FILL_EDR} ) setenv FILL_EDR "/plas7/d2/vgr/edr.gsfc.fill/v${SC}/edr /plasma/d2/vgr/edr.fill" prtenv @ yr=$1 @ sub_yr=$2 setenv DIR00 ${DIR} if ( ! ${?SC} ) then setenv SC 2 endif if ( ! $?DIR ) then setenv DIR ${vgrDATA}/v${SC}/vgr endif echo " " echo START yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} set xx=( ) setenv DIR ${DIR00} setenv TIM ${yr} setenv SUFF ${TIM}.${sub_yr} setenv DIRO ${DIR} set ee="s/yyyy/19${yr}/g" switch ( $sub_yr ) case 1: set dd1=001 @ dd2=120 breaksw case 2: @ dd1=121 @ dd2=240 breaksw case 3: @ t=${yr} @ t%=4 if ( ${yr} == 77 ) then @ dd1=230 @ dd2=365 else if ( ${t} == 0 ) then @ dd1=240 @ dd2=366 else @ dd1=240 @ dd2=365 endif breaksw default: echo sub_yr ${sub_yr} an error breaksw endsw set ee="${ee};s/dd1/${dd1}/;s/dd2/${dd2}/" echo ee ${ee} rm -f time.run.* >& /dev/null sed -e "${ee}" TIME.vgr.sample.fine > time.run rm -fr ${DIRO}/{q,f,v,e,s,S,l,m,e1,e2,F,E} setenv VGR # first EDRs quick look & finials if after 89, else use old VGRs echo first EDRs quick look \& finials if after 89, else use old VGRs " " ${yr} if ( ${yr} < 90 ) then foreach mode ( e1 e2 l m ) setenv DIR ${DIRO}/${mode} mkdir -p ${DIR} #cp -p ${DATA}/vgr.gsfc/${mode}${SC}/v${SC}_vgr_19${yr}.* ${DIR} foreach file ( ${DATA}/vgr.gsfc/${mode}${SC}/v${SC}_vgr_19${yr}.* ) set d1=`expr ${file} : '.*v._.*_....\.\(...\)\..._....\....\...'` set d2=`expr ${file} : '.*v._.*_.*_....\.\(...\)'` echo d1 $d1 d2 $d2 dd1 $dd1 dd2 $dd2 file $file set echo if ( ${d1} <= ${dd2} && ${d2} >= ${dd1} ) then cp -p ${file} ${DIR} endif unset echo end echo yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} mode ${mode} ls -l ${DIR}/v${SC}_vgr* set xx=( ${xx} ${DIR}/v${SC}_vgr* ) end else #mkdir -p ${DIRO}/v foreach qf ( q f ) set echo setenv QF ${qf} setenv DIR ${DIRO}/${qf} mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/l ${DIR}/vgr/m ${DIR}/vgr/e1 ${DIR}/vgr/e2 unset echo echo vgrDATA $vgrDATA DIR $DIR RUN run edr end unsetenv QF set echo echo yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} echo ls -l ${DIRO}/ qf /vgr/v${SC}_vgr #echo ls -l ${DIRO}/[qf]/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr* #ls -l ${DIRO}/[qf]/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr* set xxx=(`ls ${DIRO}/[qf]/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr*` ) echo ${#xxx} xxx ${xxx} unset echo if ( ${#xxx} > 0 ) then set xx=( ${xx} ${xxx} ) else echo NO DATA yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} first endif #set xx=( ${xx} ${DIRO}/[qf]/vgr/v${SC}_vgr* ) endif if ( ${SC} == 1 ) then echo for now no fill in for VOYAGER ${SC} goto TRY6 else if ( ${yr} > 90 ) then echo for now no fill after 1990 goto TRY6 endif # second SUMMARYs from GSFC pre & post Neptune echo second SUMMARYs from GSFC pre \& post Neptune " " ${yr}" " ${sub_yr} setenv DIR ${DIRO}/s mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr switch ( ${yr} ) case 89 switch ( ${sub_yr} ) case 2: setenv ft32 "cpnto1sum sum_pre_nep |" RUN run sum set echo echo DIR $DIR SC $SC set xx=( ${xx} ${DIR}/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr* ) echo ${xx} unset echo unsetenv ft32 breaksw case 3: setenv DIR ${DIRO}/S mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr setenv ft32 "cpnto1sum sum_post_nep_89 |" RUN run sum unsetenv ft32 set xx=( ${xx} ${DIR}/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr* ) breaksw endsw breaksw case 90 setenv ft32 "cpnto1sum sum_post_nep_90 |" RUN run sum set echo echo yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} set xxx=(` ls ${DIR}/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr*` ) echo ${#xxx} xxx $xxx unset echo if ( ${#xxx} > 0 ) then set xx=( ${xx} ${xxx} ) else echo no sum_post_nep_90 yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} endif #set xx=( ${xx} ${DIR}/vgr/v${SC}_vgr* ) unsetenv ft32 breaksw endsw echo $#xx xx $xx # third EDRs from GSFC echo third EDRs from GSFC " " ${yr}" " ${sub_yr} setenv DIR ${DIRO}/e mkdir -p ${DIR} switch ( ${yr} ) case 90 setenv ft32 "cpnedrgsfcto1 |" RUN run edr echo yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} third set xxx=( `ls ${DIR}/vgr/v${SC}_vgr*` ) echo ${#xxx} xxx ${xxx} if ( ${#xxx} > 0 ) then set xx=( ${xx} ${xxx} ) else echo no cpnedrgsfcto1 yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} endif #set xx=( ${xx} ${DIR}/vgr/v${SC}_vgr* ) unsetenv ft32 breaksw endsw # fourth, SUM fillin from GSFC echo fourth, SUM fillin from GSFC yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} set gg_fill=( `GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} sum.print ${FILL_SUM} |& cat` ) #set gg_fill=( `setenv vgrDATA /plas7/d2/vgr/data/sum.gsfc.fillin ;GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} sum.print ${FILL_SUM} |& cat` ) echo ${#gg_fill} gg_fill ${gg_fill} unset echo if ( ${#gg_fill} > 1 ) then # we have some fill data, use it setenv DIR ${DIR0}/F mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/l mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/m mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/e1 mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/e2 setenv ft25 ${DIR}/vgr/l/v${SC}_vgr_l_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft26 ${DIR}/vgr/m/v${SC}_vgr_m_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft27 ${DIR}/vgr/e1/v${SC}_vgr_e1_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft28 ${DIR}/vgr/e2/v${SC}_vgr_e2_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft32 "GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} sum ${FILL_SUM} |" #setenv ft32 "vgrDATA=/plas7/d2/vgr/data/sum.gsfc.fillin;export vgrDATA ;GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} sum ${FILL_SUM} |" RUN run sum rename $ft25 $ft26 $ft27 $ft28 unsetenv ft25 ft26 ft27 ft28 unsetenv ft32 set xxx=( `ls ${DIR}/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr_* ` ) if ( ${#xxx} > 0 ) then set xx=( ${xx} ${xxx} ) echo fill data for SUM xx ${xx} else echo " " echo NO fill data generated for SUM xx ${xx} echo " " endif else echo NO try for fill data for SUM xx ${xx} endif # fifth, EDR fillin from GSFC echo fifth, EDR fillin from GSFC yr ${yr} sub_yr ${sub_yr} set gg_fill=( `GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} edr.print ${FILL_EDR} |& cat` ) #set gg_fill=( `setenv vgrDATA /plas7/d2/vgr/data/edr.gsfc.fillin ;GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} edr.print ${FILL_EDR} |& cat` ) echo ${#gg_fill} gg_fill ${gg_fill} unset echo if ( ${#gg_fill} > 1 ) then # we have some fill data, use it setenv DIR ${DIR0}/E mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/l mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/m mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/e1 mkdir -p ${DIR}/vgr/e2 setenv ft25 ${DIR}/vgr/l/v${SC}_vgr_l_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft26 ${DIR}/vgr/m/v${SC}_vgr_m_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft27 ${DIR}/vgr/e1/v${SC}_vgr_e1_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft28 ${DIR}/vgr/e2/v${SC}_vgr_e2_${yr}.${sub_yr} setenv ft32 "GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} edr ${FILL_EDR} |" #setenv ft32 "vgrDATA=/plas7/d2/vgr/edr.gsfc.fill/v${SC}/edr;export vgrDATA ;GETDATA ${yr}${dd1} ${yr}${dd2} ${SC} edr ${FILL_EDR} |" RUN run edr rename $ft25 $ft26 $ft27 $ft28 unsetenv ft25 ft26 ft27 ft28 unsetenv ft32 set xxx=( `ls ${DIR}/vgr/*/v${SC}_vgr_* ` ) if ( ${#xxx} > 0 ) then set xx=( ${xx} ${xxx} ) echo fill data for EDR xx ${xx} else echo " " echo NO fill data generated for EDR xx ${xx} echo " " endif else echo NO try for fill data for EDR xx ${xx} endif echo end TRY 5 TRY6: # end of all trys, not only vgr for Voyager 1 setenv DIR ${DIRO} if ( ! -f ${DIR}/v${SC}/vgr ) then mkdir -p ${DIR}/v${SC}/vgr endif #foreach ff ( ${DIR}/{l,m,e1,e2}/v${SC}_vgr* ${DIR}/[fq]/v${SC}.VGR* ${DIR}/s/v${SC}.VGR* ${DIR}/e/v${SC}.VGR* ) echo do merge echo " " echo xx ${#xx} @ i=1 foreach xxx ( ${xx} ) echo ${i} ${xxx} @ i++ end echo " " set echo @ i=10 setenv ft10 ${DIR}/v${SC}/vgr/v${SC}_vgr_19${yr}.${sub_yr} foreach ff ( ${xx} ) @ i++ if ( `expr ${ff} : '.*\.gz$' ` > 0 ) then setenv ft${i} "gunzip < ${ff} |" else if ( `expr ${ff} : '.*\.Z$' ` > 0 ) then setenv ft${i} "uncompress < ${ff} |" else setenv ft${i} ${ff} endif end @ i++ unsetenv ft${i} @ i++ unsetenv ft${i} setenv ft01 time.merge.vgr sed -e "${ee}" time.merge.sample.fine > ${ft01} cat ${ft01} unset echo prtft echo $vgrLIB/mergexxx time $vgrLIB/mergexxx unsetenv ft01 while ( ${i} > 10 ) unsetenv ft${i} @ i-- end du ${DIR} set echo ls -lR ${DIR} if ( $?RSH ) then rsh -n $RSH " gzip -v -9 ${ft10} ; rename ${ft10}.gz " & else gzip -v -9 ${ft10} ; rename ${ft10}.gz endif unsetenv ft10 unset echo echo END yr ${yr}