c stops remote processes subroutine rshstop( n, list) integer*4 n,list(n) include "/usr4/vgr/include/rshcom.i" include "/usr4/vgr/include/rshio.i" include "/usr4/vgr/include/rshcmd.i" integer i, k, nn, mm, ierr logical ll ierr = 0 nn = iabs(n) if (nn .eq. 0) nn = rshmax do 100 mm=1,nn c find rshtyp if ( n .eq. 0) then rshtyp = mm else do 50 i=1,rshmax k = i if ( rshuida(i) .eq. list(mm )) go to 70 50 continue ierr = ierr + 1 go to 100 70 continue rshtyp = k end if c build command to stop c for now this is just rm remote process input and output files rshin = rshina(rshtyp) inquire( file=rshin, exist=ll) if (ll) then rshcomd = ' rm ' // rshin // ' ! ' call syscmd( rshcomd,jj) end if rshout = rshouta(rshtyp) inquire( file=rshout, exist=ll) if (ll) then rshcomd = ' rm ' // rshout // ' ! ' call syscmd( rshcomd,jj) end if 100 continue if (nn .eq. 0) nn = rshfnx do 500 mm=1,nn c find rshtyp if ( n .eq. 0) then rshtyp = mm else do 350 i=1,rshmax k = i if ( rshuidw(i) .eq. list(mm )) go to 370 350 continue ierr = ierr + 1 go to 500 370 continue if ( rshstw (k) .eq. 0) go to 500 rshtyp = k end if c build command to stop c for now this is just rm remote process input and output files rshin = rshfilw(rshtyp) inquire( file=rshin, exist=ll) if (ll) then rshcomd = ' rm ' // rshin // ' ! ' call syscmd( rshcomd,jj) end if 500 continue if (ierr .gt. 0) n = - ierr return end