A program to display conformal maps.
This is a test program.
Copyright George S. Gordon Jr.
With this program you make many windows that are related to
each other by conformal maps.
When you r
draw in one window, the program draws the corresponding
figure in the other windows.
Conformal maps may be chained one after the other.
Figures may be either drawn free hand, or one of several
predefined figures may be drawn.
Special drawing functions are available, such as
drawing axis, or cuts, singularities, or special map dependent functions.
This code draws figures in different windows, that correspond to
different conformal maps of each other.
Running the code
The code can be run as either an application, or as an applet.
To run as an applet either
- use a Java enabled browser on "draw.html
- appletviewer draw.html
to run as an application
enableing HELP feature.
To enable the help feature, this file must be converted to a txt file
using netscape, (Outlook Express will not work as it does not
put bullets in front ot list items.)
This html file is edited with vi sed or the like
:w d.html
Then d.html is converted to a txt file using nescape,
and stored as draw.txt
Operation of Program
The first Canvas will come up.
You can draw into it, or bring up one of several menus.
To draw into a window, move the mouse to the start point for the figure,
then release the mouse for the second point in the figure. Some figures
such as sectors or arc may require a second mouse depression and release
to define third and fourth points.
- A left click will bring up the "Control Menu"
This controls the look and drawing in the associated window,
or in case of the ALL popup, of all windows.
- A right click will bring up a new "New Canvas Menu"
This allows th creation of a new window which is related to the current window by the
chosen Conformal Map. In ala, except a few simple cases, the inverse transform may be chosen with a click on the defining box which
pops up as the window is created.
In every menu there is a "HELP" option.
When this option is activated, The normal function of all menu_choices
is suspended, and replaces by popping up a help frame, that will
explain that option.
Normal operation of the menus resumes when the "HELP DONE" button on the main
HELP frame is activated, and that frame is destroys.
The other help frames can be left up if you wish.
The "HELP" option on the "Control Menu"
can also be used to enter the help mode.
The help mode is exited by either clicking on the "HELP DONE"
button on the help popup, the "HELP" button on the "Control Menu" or selecting "HELP on the "New Canvas Menu".
control text
control buttons
The next two line's buttons apply only to this canvas, unless the "all" button on the next line is set, in which case they effect all canvases.
Clears this canvas
Draws a X & Y Axis
print out info on this canvas & transform
plots out sectors in different colors.
All does not cause this to be done for all active mappings.
Not defined for many mappings.
Background and foreground colors may be ignored
This is disabled in ALL menu.
plots a mark at known singularity for this map
Draws any cut lines
draws marks at important points for this transform
draws special figures for this transform.
May also send these to other Canvas if "local" is not set, and may
write on caller's Canvas if "Pre Mark" is set.
This function is not defined for many mappings.
It is disables on all menu;
control checkboxs
The next three lines effect the general processing
Local only
only plotted on this canvas, no transform done
Bring to the front the "ALL" Control menu.
Allow Drag
Allows mouse drags rather than just recording mouse press and release
Mark Pre
Mark on caller Canvas when the "special command is invoked
Fill In
Fills the interior of the figure being drawn.
Fill Out
Fills exterior, continues fill interior lines (even if interior lines are not drawn) their length on the exterior
Pops up a window on next draw so you can put in exact coordinates for the next figure.
Pops up a panel which shows the real world coordinates (in x, y format) at the end of the last draw, but only if line is chosen on the line below
Treats figures drawn as polygons, and fills them in with a solid color.
Allow figures such as Square and rectangle to be rotated from axisies.
(Not yet implemented.)
Plots all points, even if they are possibly wrong.
Pops up a panel which shows the real world coordinates (in R theta format) at the end of the last draw, but only if line is chosen on the line below
Geometric figures that will be drawn in this canvas. Is effected by "Allow Drag, "length of dxy" etc.
Draw a straight line. (The default)
Draw a circle centered at mouse press, with radius to mouse release
Draw a rectangle
Force a rectangle to a square
Draw parallelogram.
Draw a sector of a circle.
mouse press at center then release at end of first radius.
Press again on the interior of the sector, releasing on the second radius of the sector.
Draw the difference in two sectors with the same radii.
mouse press at center then release at interior point of first radius.
Press again on the interior of the sector,but at the distance of the max radius.
Release on the second radius.
draws polygon, and fills.
Press the mouse, than drag the outline of the polygon.
on release the polygon is filled.
Draws a point on button release
Draws an arc.
Center on button down, first edge on button up,
button down interior of arc, release governs radial line for end of arc
control colors
control finial
finial three buttons
This will bring up the First HELP Frame, and suspend the normal menu functions
until this HELP window is removed
Does the top half of the menu.
Does the top half of the menu, and makes the menu invisible.
(A left click will make it visible again.)
Deletes this Canvas. This will delete children canvases.
control end
This drop down menu let you select the next canvas (conformal map)
that will be done from this Canvas.
This is a multi level dropdown menu.
At present the following Conformal maps are implemented