recent evaluation

I have plotted days 20-90 of 2003 speed, density and thermal speed with several different editing conditions.First is with "no editing" then I ran the same data with "density > 0.003" and with "density > 0.009" I then tried editing on thermal width with "width < 40" and "width < 30" finally I tried "width < 40 and density > 0.009" This indicates to me that a LITTLE can be gotten by this type of editing. To show what I took out, I plotted the data where "density < 0.0003" and "width > 40" Looking at these last two plots, I think that I have not biased the data, but on the other hand I have not improved it much. Looking at the Spectra does not encourage me to think that I can get much by averaging.Looking at "days 40-50"
looking at the M mode spectra ( time gape removed )(cups 1 & 3 indented)

and with 3 spectra boxcar averaging

and with 11 spectra boxcar averaging

This does not look like much. getting rid of the B-cup, the upper channels (101-128), and a few obvious data hits, gives us

3 spectra boxcar averaging

11 spectra boxcar averaging

21 spectra boxcar averaging

The editing done here was done by hand, most of it could be automated. Where the protons are obvious, there is a much better averaging routine, to keep the width better. I will add some spectra plots latter. Looks like may have to bounce between types of editing and averaging.