recent evaluation

I have plotted days 20-90 of 2003 speed, density and thermal speed with several different editing conditions.First is with "no editing" then I ran the same data with "density > 0.003" and with "density > 0.009" I then tried editing on thermal width with "width < 40" and "width < 30" finially I tried "width < 40 and density > 0.009" This indicates to me that a LITTLE can be gotten by this type of editing. To show what I took out, I plotted the data where "density < 0.0003" and "width > 40" Looking at these last two plots, I think that I have not biased the data, ut on the other hand I have not improved ti much. Looking at the Spectra does not incourage me to think that I can get much by averageing.Looking at "days 40-50"
looking at the M mode spectra ( time gape removed )(cups 1 & 3 indented)

and with 3 spectra boxcar averaging

and with 11 spectra boxcar averaging

I am not very encouraged that averaging will help much.