Herman Lee Marshall

2000- President, Alumni Association, Beta Upsilon chapter of Beta Theta Pi
1995-2000 Secretary, Alumni Association, Beta Upsilon chapter of Beta Theta Pi
1994- Lead organizer, CSR Science Lunch
1995-6 Member, EUVE User Committee
1992-3 Secretary, Eureka Scientific, Inc.
1992 President and Founder, Eureka Scientific, Inc.
1991-3 Member, NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Advisory Council
1991-3 Member, STScI Data Archive and Distribution System (DADS) User Committee
1990- Member, International Astronomical Union (IAU)
1990 Co-Chair, Automated Systems panel of NASA Astrophysical Information Systems Workshop
1988-90 Member, NASA Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) Mission Operations and Data Analysis Working Group
1983- Reviewer for various journals and NASA and NSF funding panels
1983- Member, American Astronomical Society (AAS)
1982-83 President of the Harvard University Graduate Student Council (GSC)
1981-82 Vice President of the Harvard University GSC
1980-81 Athletic Chair of the Harvard University GSC

You can go back to my resume.