Me and HETE1
Joel Villasenor
Center for Space Research
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel: (617)252-1667
E-mail: jsvilla@space.mit.edu
I'm working on the HETE-2 (High-Energy Transient Experiment) program. Our satellite was launched from Kwajalein Oct.2000 and is now in low earth orbit. I built one of the main instruments on-board, a soft X-ray Camera that can localize flashes of x-rays to within a few tens of arcseconds over a 90 degree x 90 degree swath of sky.
My resume is also available for additional personal info.
- Ph.D., Department of Physics, 1993
M.I.T., Cambridge, MA
- B. A., Physics, 1984
Caltech, Pasadena, CA
Professional Experience:
- Spacecraft systems and detectors
- Ionospheric Modification Experiments
- Diagnostic Development
- Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)/Very Low Frequency (VLF) Applications
- Magnetic Fusion (Tokamak) Research