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Chandra Science:

HETG Science Instrument Team Report

The Science Instrument (SI) Calibration Report for the Chandra High Energy Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) is prepared and updated by the HETG and Chandra Science team at MIT, instrument PI is C. Canizares. The report is quite lengthy, therefore instead of pointing to the original Project Science Calibration page entry, the report was broken up into single sections containing each main topic in a separate page entry. For updated versions, i.e. versions after Oktober 26th 1998, please visit the HETG home page.

Contents, list of tables and figures, summary


LRF Physics and Model

Efficiency Physics and Model

Laboratory Measurements and Predictions

XRCF and the HETG

XRCF LRF Measurements

XRCF Efficiency and Effective Area Measurements

Calibration Data

Calibration Products

Acronyms and Bibliography

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