6 Hz quasiperiodic oscillations from low-mass X-ray binaries - The sound of an accretion disk? |
Alpar et al. 1992 |
A High-Resolution X-Ray Spectrum of Centaurus X-3 |
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Phase-resolved spectroscopy of the low-mass X-ray binaries 1636-536/V 801 Arae and 1735-444/V 926 Scorpii |
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Exosat observations of the 1983 outburst of the rapid burster - A new mode of behaviour |
Barr et al. 1987 |
ROSAT and follow-up infrared observations of the X-ray burster KS 1731-260 |
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EXOSAT Observations of the Low-Luminosity X-Ray Burster 4U 0614+091 |
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Optical photometry of Sco X-2. |
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X-ray observations of the burst source MXB 1728 - 34 |
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An empirical torque noise and spin-up model for accretion-powered X-ray pulsars |
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A 4.8 hour periodicity in the spectra of Cygnus X-3 |
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Extended observations of Vela X-1 by OSO 8 |
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Energy dependence in the quasi-periodic oscillations and noise of black hole
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An Unstable Central Disk in the Superluminal Black Hole X-Ray Binary GRS 1915+105 |
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An Intermediate State of Cygnus X-1 |
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A Unified Model for the Spectral Variability in GRS 1915+105 |
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The 'noisy' pulsar in Her X-1 |
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Variability in the noise properties of Cygnus X-1 |
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A comparison of the fast timing behaviour of 4U 1705-44 to that of 4U 1608-52 and Cygnus X-1 |
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Discovery of 800 Hz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in 4U 1608-52 |
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IUE observations of Centaurus X-4 during the 1979 May outburst |
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LMC X-2 - An extragalactic bulge-type source |
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The optical counterparts of compact galactic X-ray sources |
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Celestial position of X-ray sources in Sgr. |
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Evidence for the degenerate dwarf nature of Cygnus X-2 |
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Exosat measurements of the quiescent X-ray spectrum of the burster 2S1636 - 536 |
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Line Emission from an Accretion Disk around a Rotating Black Hole: Toward a Measurement of Frame Dragging |
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X-ray observations of NGC 1851 and the globular cluster LMXBs |
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Optical Observations of 4U 1915-05, and the Stability of the Long Term Ephemeris |
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An 8.15 hour modulation in the light curve of LMC X-2 |
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Exosat observations of the X-ray source in M15 |
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Aquila X-1 from Outburst to Quiescence: The Onset of the Propeller Effect and Signs of a Turned-on
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The Mass of the Neutron Star in Cygnus X-2 (V1341 Cygni) |
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Spectral Properties of Accretion Disks around Galactic and Extragalactic Black Holes
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Low-mass X-ray binaries and millisecond pulsars in globular clusters |
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2S 0918-549 - Optical identification and study of a new distant low-mass X-ray binary |
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Exosat observations of Cygnus X-2 continuum and line spectrum |
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A Low State Eclipse Spectrum of Hercules X-1 Observed with ASCA |
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The Survey of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries with the Einstein Observatory |
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X-Ray Observations of X2127+119/AC 211 in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster M15: An X-Ray
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Accretion disk corona line emission from X0614+091 |
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Cosmic-abundance absorption dips in X1755-33 |
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X-Ray Observations of X2127+119/AC 211 in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster M15: An X-Ray
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X-Ray Bursts from 1RXS J170930.2-263927 = XTE J1709-267 |
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Fast transients - A search in X-rays for short flares, bursts, and related phenomena |
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A Low-Amplitude X-Ray and Optical Outburst from the Periodic Transient A0538-66: Accretion onto a
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The spectrum and pulses of 1E 2259+586 from ASCA and BBXRT observations |
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Hard X-Ray Lags in Cygnus X-1 |
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Search for Rapid X-Ray Variability from the Black Hole Candidate GRO J1655-40 |
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Correlation between BATSE Hard X-Ray Spectral and Timing Properties of Cygnus X-1 |
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Evolution of Aquila X-1 during the Rising Phase of Its 1998 Outburst |
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RXTE Observations of a New X-Ray Transient: GRS 1737-31 |
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RXTE Observations of a New X-Ray Transient: GRS 1737-31 |
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Temporal Properties of Cygnus X-1 during the Spectral Transitions |
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A disc-reflected component in the spectra of X-ray bursters |
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Dust scattering in the high-state eclipse of Cen X-3 |
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Vela X-1 pulse timing. II - Variations in pulse frequency |
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Ginga observations of GX 3+1: Long-term variabilities, branches, and X-ray bursts |
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Ginga observations of quasi-periodic oscillations in type II bursts from the Rapid Burster <
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On the Spectral Slopes of Hard X-Ray Emission from Black Hole Candidates |
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Ginga observations of X1820 - 303 in the globular cluster NGC 6624 |
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An Asymmetric Arcsecond Radio Jet from Circinus X-1 |
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Measurement of Hard Lags and Coherences in the X-Ray Flux of Accreting Neutron Starsand
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Discovery of a Second Kilohertz QPO in the X-Ray Binary 4U 1735-44 |
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Strong Correlation between Noise Features at Low Frequency and the
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Energy Spectra and High-Frequency Oscillations in 4U 0614+091 |
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Neutron star model atmospheres - A comparison with MXB 1728-34 |
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An indication of the Eddington luminosity during X-ray bursts and constraints on the
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The third UHURU catalog of x-ray sources |
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The Main Characteristics of GRO J1744-28 Observed by the Proportional Counter Array Experiment on
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The EXOSAT GSPC iron line catalog. |
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An atlas of optical counterparts of low mass X-ray binaries. I - The northern sample |
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X-ray bursts from 4U 1705-44 - Another case of burst properties dependent on the strength of the
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An Exosat observation of the bursting X-ray transient 4U 1608-52 |
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The properties of bursts with short recurrence times from the transient X-ray source EXO 0748-676 |
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ROSAT observations of GRO J1655-40 |
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Uhuru observations of the Norma X-ray burster |
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Improved position for the X-ray source associated with the globular cluster NGC 6441 |
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Scattering model for X-ray bursts - Massive black holes in globular clusters |
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Discovery of intense X-ray bursts from the globular cluster NGC 6624 |
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On the distance and mass-radius relation of neutron stars in X-ray burst sources. |
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A Ginga observation of the supergiant X-ray binary system 4U 1700-37/HD 153919 |
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EXOSAT observations of double-peaked bursts with radius expansion from 4U/MXB 1820-30 |
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Multifrequency observations of Cygnus X-2 - X-ray observations with Ginga |
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X-ray Diagnostics of Accretion Disks. |
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Two patterns of correlated X-ray timing and spectral behaviour in low-mass X-ray binaries |
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A third X-ray spectral mode in Scorpius X-1 - Similarities to the other bright bulge sources |
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A classification of fast quasi-periodic X-ray oscillators - Is 6 Hz a fundamental frequency? |
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The nature of the compact X-ray source in the supernova remnant G27.4+0.0 |
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Discovery of a 4.2 hour X-ray period in GX 9+9 |
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The Einstein Galactic plane survey. II - Optical observations of Northern Hemisphere X-ray
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The nature of the low-luminosity globular cluster X-ray sources |
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An X-ray survey of globular clusters and their X-ray luminosity function |
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HEAO 1 observation of a type I burst from MXB 1728-34 |
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A Variable 0.58-2.44 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Eclipsing and Dipping
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Discovery of Twin Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the High Galactic LatitudeX-Ray Transient
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Discovery of a 57-69 Hz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in GX 13+1 |
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Radio and X-Ray Observations of the 1998 Outburst of the Recurrent X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-47 |
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Radio observations of the X-ray binary Cygnus X-2 |
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CCD photometry of AC 211/X2127+119 - The 8.5 h period |
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Two successive X-ray bursts within eight minutes from XB 1745 - 25 |
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A new X-ray outburst in the globular cluster NGC 6440: SAX J1748.9-2021 |
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Discovery of the X-ray transient SAX J1808.4-3658, a likely low-mass X-ray binary |
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Detection of X-ray bursts in the globular cluster NGC 6652 |
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Recent X-Ray Measurements of the Accretion-powered Pulsar 4U 1907+09 |
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The globular cluster population of low-luminosity X-ray sources. |
Johnston & Verbunt 1996 |
Search for neutron star spin periods in X-ray bursts. |
Jongert and van der Klis 1996 |
A Persistent ~1 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Dipping Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 4U 1323-62 |
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Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Z Source GX 340+0 |
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High-resolution soft X-ray spectra of Scorpius X-1 - The structure of circumsource accreting
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Evidence for weak X-ray burst emission from Cygnus X-2 and GX 17 + 2 |
Kahn & Grindlay 1984 |
The 1979 X-ray outburst of Centaurus X-4 |
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Spectral evolution of a burst from MXB 1728-34 and constraints on burster parameters |
Kaminker et al. 1989 |
Hakucho observation of the pulse period of GX 301-2 and confirmation of the orbital parameters |
Kawai et al. 1985 |
Orbital Period Changes of Cygnus X-3 |
Kitamoto et al. 1995 |
Outburst, identification, and X-ray light curve of GS 1354 - 64 (= MX 1353 - 64?, Centaurus X-2?) |
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The transient X-ray source 4U 1543-47 observed from Tenma |
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Emission lines from X-ray-heated accretion disks in low-mass X-ray binaries |
Ko & Kallman 1994 |
X-ray properties of the Be/X-ray system 28 0114+650 = LSI +65deg 010 |
Koenigsberger et al. 1983 |
New mode of activity of MXB 1730-335 |
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GX349+2 (ScoX-2): an odd-ball among the Z sources |
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(Erratum) Low-energy line emission from Cygnus X-2 observed with the BeppoSAX LECS. |
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Complex outburst behaviour from the black hole candidate 4U1630-47 |
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Absorption Dips in the Light Curves of GRO J1655-40 and 4U 1630-47 during Outburst |
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Low-energy line emission from Cygnus X-2 observed with the BeppoSAX LECS. |
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GX17+2: X-ray spectral and timing behaviour of a bursting Z source |
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Evidence for an Anomalous State in the Black Hole Candidate 4U 1630-47 |
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GX340+0 with EXOSAT: its correlated X-ray spectral and timing behaviour. |
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Secular variations in the Z source CygnusX-2 |
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Detection of 26Hz quasi-periodic oscillations in the flaring branch of CygnusX-2. |
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Burstlike Events in the Z Source Cygnus X-2 |
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Spectral and correlated timing behaviour of GX 5-1 |
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The bimodal spectral and QPO-behaviour of GX 17 + 2 |
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Detection of a strong excess noise component in the low state of 4U 1705-44 |
Langmeier et al. 1989 |
Exosat observations of 4U 1705-44 - Type I bursts and persistent emission |
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X-ray, radio, and infrared observations of the 'rapid burster' /MXB 1730-335/ during 1979 and 1980 |
Lawrence et al. 1983 |
Quasi-periodic oscillations in the Z source GX 5-1 |
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A common origin for the spectral differences between type II bursts and the spectral oscillations during QPO? |
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Quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray flux of GX3+1 (4U 1744-26) |
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A search for a dynamical attractor in Cygnus X-1 |
Lochner et al. 1989 |
Model atmospheres for X-ray bursting neutron stars |
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Unusual features in the persistent emission of the Rapid Burster |
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A new kind of oscillation in the persistent emission of the Rapid Burster |
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The relation between the bolometric flux and the blackbody temperature at the peak of type II bursts from the Rapid Burster |
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Erratic profiles of type II bursts of very low fluence from the Rapid Burster |
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Short-term X-ray variability of GX 339 - 4 |
Maejima et al. 1984 |
Observations of the peculiar hard X-ray transient X0331 + 53 (V0332 + 53) |
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Discovery of a prominent cyclotron absorption feature from the transient X-ray pulsar X0331 + 53 |
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Simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of GX 339-4 in an X-ray high state |
Makishima et al. 1986 |
Discovery of a 437.5-s X-ray pulsation from 4U 1907 + 09 |
Makishima et al. 1984 |
Discovery of X-ray bursts from GX 3+1 /4U 1744-26/ |
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The MIT/OSO 7 catalog of X-ray sources - Intensities, spectra, and long-term variability |
Markert et al. 1979 |
Observation of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations from the Atoll Source 4U 1702-429 by the Rossi
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Variable-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations from the Galactic Microquasar GRS 1915+105 |
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X-ray observations of H1908+050 /=SS 433/ |
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A 5.57 hr modulation in the optical counterpart of 2S 1822-371 |
Mason et al. 1980 |
Discovery of X-Ray Bursts from GX 13+1 (4U 1811-17) |
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Observation of an iron K X-ray line from SS433 |
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Delays of optical bursts in simultaneous optical and X-ray observations of MXB 1636-53 |
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The wind-disk interaction in X-ray burst sources |
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Precise Measurements of the Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in 4U 1728-34 |
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Dependence of the Frequency of the Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillationson X-Ray Count Rate and
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Discovery of a Second KHZ QPO Peak in 4U 1608-52 |
Mendez et al. 1998 |
Difference Frequency of Kilohertz QPOs Not Equal to Half the Burst Oscillation Frequency in 4U
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Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation Peak Separation Is Not Constant in the Atoll Source 4U 1608-582 |
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Kilohertz Quasi-particle Oscillation and Atoll Source States in 4U 0614+09 |
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The EXOSAT Data on GX 339-4: Further Evidence for an ``Intermediate'' State |
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The structure of the accretion disk rim in supersoft X-ray sources. |
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Accretion instabilities and jet formation in GRS 1915+105 |
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Energy spectra of low-mass binary X-ray sources observed from Tenma |
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RXTE Observations of QPOs in the Black Hole Candidate GRS 1915+105 |
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Progressive covering of the accretion disc corona during dipping in the LMXB XB 1916-053 |
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Morrison & Mc Cammon 1983 |
The optical counterpart of the X-ray transient EXO 2030+375 |
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The optical light curve of the low-mass X-ray binary XB 1254-690 |
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Ginga X-ray observations of two gamma-ray burst error boxes |
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A possible 67-s X-ray pulsation period from 4U 1700-37 |
Murakami et al. 1984 |
Observation of Centaurus X-3 by Hakucho |
Murakami et al. 1984 |
Discovery of two new X-ray burst sources XB1812-12 in Serpens and XB1940-04 in Aquila |
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Ginga observations of Centaurus X-3 |
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Secular variation and short-term fluctuations of the pulse period of Vela X-1 |
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Light curve and pulse profile of the X-ray pulsar Vela X-1 |
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The 1998 outburst of the X-ray transient 4U 1630-47 observed with it BeppoSAX |
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Spectral and timing behaviour of GS 2023+338 |
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On the origin of the iron line in GS 2023+338. |
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Circinus X-1 revisited: Fast-timing properties in relation to spectral state |
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Simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of GX 340+0 |
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Exosat observations of the X-ray burst source 4U 1702 - 42 |
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Archival observations of the ultra-soft X-ray transient 4U 1630-47. |
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The discovery of 2.93 hour periodic intensity dips from X1323-619 |
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The discovery of 3.8 hour periodic intensity dips and eclipses from the transient low-mass X-ray
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The evolution of the 1984 outburst of the transient X-ray source 4U 1630 - 47 |
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The shell spectrum of the optical counterpart of GX 304-1 /4U 1258-61/ |
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On the stability of the period of Cygnus X-3 |
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Torque-luminosity correlation and possible evidence for core-crust relaxation in the X-ray pulsar GX
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Spectra of X-ray bursts at near-Eddington luminosities |
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The radio counterpart of the Z source GX 340+0 |
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Quasi-periodic oscillations in the Z source GX 340 + 0 |
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Quasi-periodic oscillations in GX 17 + 2 |
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A search for quasi-periodic oscillations in 4U/MXB 1735-44 |
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X-raying the interstellar medium: ROSAT observations of dust scattering halos. |
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Rosat discovery of bright X-ray sources in globular cluster Ter 6 and NGC 6652 |
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Bimodal quasi-oscillatory and spectral behavior in Scorpius X-1 |
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Correlated X-ray spectral and fast-timing behaviour of 4U 1636-53. |
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The Beat-Frequency Interpretation of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star
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Psaltis et al. 1998 |
The Beat-Frequency Interpretation of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star
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X-Ray Spectra of Z Sources |
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The evolutionary status of 4U 1820-30 |
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A model of an X-ray-illuminated accretion disk and corona |
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EXOSAT observations of the ultra-soft X-ray binary 4U 1957+11. |
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Populations of low-mass black hole binaries |
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The Thermal X-Ray Spectra of Centaurus X-4, Aquila X-1 , and 4U 1608-522 in Quiescence |
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X-ray timing and spectral behaviour of the Rapid Burster |
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ROSAT and ASCA Observations of W50 Associated with the Peculiar Source SS 433 |
Safi-Harb and Oegelman 1997 |
Orbital Decay in the X-Ray Binary LMC X-4 |
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X-ray probing of the circumstellar matter in the Vela X-1 system from observations over an eclipse
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A broad-band X-ray telescope observation of the black hole candidate LMC X-1 |
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VLBI monitoring of the complex jet of Cygnus X-3 during the January 1991 outburst |
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ROSAT Energy Spectra of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries |
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A new outburst of the transient X-ray pulsar Cephei X-4 |
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Compton modelling of spectral variations observed in Z-sources |
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Spectral classification of low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) energy spectra with color-color diagrams |
Schulz et al. 1989 |
Results of Ginga/ROSAT Simultaneous Observation of the X-Ray Burst Source 1735-444 |
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New Features of the X-Ray Dip Source 1755-338 |
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The rotation speed of the companion star in V395 Car (=2S0921-630) |
Shahbaz et al. 1999 |
An atlas of optical continuum and line emission from low-mass X-ray binaries |
Shahbaz et al. 1996 |
Spectral variations in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 0614+09 |
Singh & Apparao 1995 |
A Type I Burst with Radius Expansion Observed from Cygnus X-2 with the Rossi X-Ray Timing
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Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations from 4U 1820-303 with Rossi X-Ray Timing
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The Infrared Counterpart of X1323-619 |
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Cygnus X-3 in an ``Ultrahigh'' X-Ray State with No Detected K alpha Line Emission |
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Resolving the iron K line in Cygnus X-2 - An observation with BBXRT |
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Long-term variability in low-mass X-ray binaries - A study using data from Vela 5B |
Smale & Lochner 1992 |
Ginga observations of the dipping low-mass X-ray binaries XB 1916-053 and EXO 1748-676 |
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X-ray observations of the 50-min dipping source XB1916-053 |
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Branches and loops in the X-Ray colour-colour diagram of Cygnus X-3 |
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XTE J1739-302: An Unusual New X-Ray Transient |
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Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Discovery of Coherent Millisecond Pulsations during an X-Ray Burst
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X-Ray Timing in 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258 |
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Constraints on the mass-radius relation of the neutron star in 4U 1746-37/NGC 6441 |
Sztajno et al. 1987 |
The discovery of 7 and 24-28 hertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray flux of GX 17 + 2 (4U
1813-14) |
Stella et al. 1987 |
The discovery of 15-30 hertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray flux of 4U 1820-30 |
Stella et al. 1987 |
The discovery of a 685 second orbital period from the X-ray source 4U 1820 - 30 in the globular
cluster NGC 6624 |
Stella et al. 1987 |
Short-term X-ray variability of the globular cluster source 4U 1820 - 30 (NGC 6624) |
Stella et al. 1984 |
Time lag between hard and soft X-ray photons in QPO |
Stollman et al. 1987 |
On the Frequency Evolution of X-Ray Brightness Oscillations during Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts:
Evidence of Coherent Oscillations |
Strohmeyer et al. 1999 |
The Long-Term Stability of Oscillations during Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts: Constraining the Binary
X-Ray Mass Function |
Strohmeyer et al. 1998 |
On the Amplitude of Burst Oscillations in 4U 1636-54: Evidence for Nuclear-powered Pulsars |
Strohmeyer et al. 1998 |
363 Hz Oscillations during the Rising Phase of Bursts from 4U 1728-34: Evidence for Rotational
Modulation |
Strohmeyer et al. 1997 |
Millisecond Pulsations from a Low-Mass X-Ray Binary in the Galactic Center Region |
Strohmeyer et al. 1997 |
Millisecond X-Ray Variability from an Accreting Neutron Star System |
Strohmeyer et al. 1996 |
Discovery of a double radio source associated with Cygnus X-3 |
Strom et al. 1989 |
Comptonization of X-rays in plasma clouds - Typical radiation spectra |
Sunyaev & Titarchuk 1980 |
Detection of iron K-emission lines from two low-mass binary X-ray sources - Scorpius X-1 and
4U 1608-52 |
Suzuki et al. 1984 |
MXB 1916-053/4U 1915-05 - Burst properties and constraints on a 50 minute binary secondary |
Swank et al. 1984 |
The case for a burst from 3U 0614+09 |
Swank et al. 1978 |
Rapid Bursts from GRS 1915+105 with RXTE |
Taam et al. 1997 |
Simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of GX 5 - 1 |
Tan et al. 1992 |
The Rapid Burster and its type II burst profiles |
Tan et al. 1991 |
Changes in the 11 minute period of 4U 1820 - 30 |
Tan et al. 1991 |
Tawara et al. 1984 |
Discovery of a New Soft X-Ray Excess in the Spectrum of EXO 0748-676 |
Thomas et al. 1997 |
Correlations between Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations and Low-Frequency Features Attributed to Radial Oscillations and Diffusive Propagation in the Viscous Boundary Layer around a Neutron Star |
Titarchuk and Osherovich 1999 |
Mechanisms for High-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Neutron Star and Black Hole Binaries |
Titarchuk et al. 1998 |
X-Ray Spectral Formation in a Converging Fluid Flow: Spherical Accretion into Black Holes |
Titarchuk et al. 1997 |
On the specta of X-ray bursters: Expansion and contraction stages |
Titarchuk 1994 |
Bursts from GS 1826-238: A Clocked Thermonuclear Flashes Generator |
Ubertini et al. 1999 |
The Dipping Source X1254-690 Observed with Ginga |
Uno et al. 1997 |
A spectral study of the persistent X-ray flux from 4 U/MXB 1636-53 |
Vacca et al. 1987 |
Eddington luminosities and photospheric radius expansion during X-ray bursts from 4U/MXB
1820-30 |
Vacca et al. 1986 |
Discovery of soft X-ray emission from V471 Tauri and UU Sagittae - Two highly evolved, low-mass
binaries |
van Buren et al. 1980 |
Hard X-Ray Variability of the Black Hole Candidate GRO J0422+32 during Its 1992 Outburst |
van der Hooft et al. 1999 |
Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray transient GRO J1719-24. |
van der Hooft et al. 1999 |
Timescale Invariance of Rapid X-Ray Variability of the Black Hole Candidate GRO J1719-24 |
van der Hooft et al. 1996 |
Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Peak Separation Is Not Constant in Scorpius X-1 |
van der Klis et al. 1997 |
Discovery of Submillisecond Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of Scorpius X-1 |
van der Klis et al. 1996 |
Similarities in neutron star and black hole accretion |
van der Klis et al. 1994 |
A comparison of the power spectra of Z and atoll sources, pulsars and black hole candidates |
van der Klis 1994 |
Further ROSAT measurements of the period of 4U 1820-30 |
van der Klis et al. 1993 |
Simultaneous ROSAT/Ginga observations of 4U 1820-30 |
van der Klis et al. 1993 |
A three-year record of the branch behaviour of the Z source GX 5 - 1 (4U 1758 - 25) |
van der Klis et al. 1991 |
Correlation of X-ray burst properties with source state in the 'atoll' source 4U/MXB 1636 - 53 |
van der Klis et al. 1990 |
The X-ray ephemeris of Cygnus X-3 |
van der Klis and Bonnet-Bidaud 1989 |
The complex cross-spectra of Cygnus X-2 and GX 5-1 |
van der Klis et al. 1987 |
Intensity and source state dependence of the quasi-periodic oscillations in Scorpius X-1 |
van der Klis et al. 1987 |
X-ray spectroscopy of the ultrasoft transient 4U 1543 - 47 |
van der Woerd et al. 1989 |
Luminosity dependence of the hardness of the 13-80 keV X-ray spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries |
van Paradijs and van der Klis 1994 |
The orbital period of 4U/MXB 1636-53 (V801 Arae) |
van Paradijs et al. 1990 |
On the relation between X-ray burst properties and the persistent X-ray luminosity |
van Paradijs et al. 1988 |
The recurrence behaviour of X-ray bursts from 4U/MXB 1735-44 |
van Paradijs et al. 1988 |
Quasi-periodic oscillations in the bright Galactic bulge X-ray source GX 340 + 0 |
van Paradijs et al. 1988 |
A unique triple-peaked type-1 X-ray burst from 4U/MXB 1636-53 |
van Paradijs et al. 1986 |
The relation between optical and X-ray flux variations of the black-hole candidate LMC X-3 |
van Paradijs et al. 1984 |
The phase-delay spectrum of GX 5-1 on its normal branch |
Vaughan et al 1999 |
Erratum: Discovery of Microsecond Time Lags in Kilohertz QPOs |
Vaughan et al 1998 |
Discovery of Microsecond Time Lags in Kilohertz QPOs |
Vaughan et al 1997 |
Searches for millisecond pulsations in low-mass X-ray binaries, 2 |
Vaughan et al 1994 |
The time-delay spectrum of GX 5-1 in its horizontal branch |
Vaughan et al 1994 |
The Wolf-Rayet counterpart of Cygnus X-3. |
van Kerkwijk et al. 1996 |
Infrared helium emission lines from Cygnus X-3 suggesting a Wolf-Rayet star companion |
van Kerkwijk et al. 1992 |
High-energy observations of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232 |
Verbunt et al. 1996 |
ROSAT observations of soft X-ray transients in quiescence |
Verbunt et al. 1994 |
Effects of inclination angle on the spectra of X-ray binaries |
Vrtilek et al. 1993 |
Observations of Cygnus X-2 with IUE - Ultraviolet results from a multiwavelength campaign |
Vrtilek et al. 1990 |
Long-term temporal variability of Cygnus X-2 |
Vrtilek et al. 1988 |
X-ray spectral models of Galactic bulge sources - The emission-line factor |
Vrtilek et al. 1988 |
Optical Studies of the Transient Dipping X-Ray Sources X1755-338 and X1658-298 in Quiescence |
Wachter & Smale 1998 |
The 41.5 day binary X-ray pulsar 4U 1223 - 62 (GX 301 - 2) |
White & Swank 1986 |
A study of the continuum and iron K line emission from low-mass X-ray binaries |
White et al. 1986 |
Evidence for 4.4 hour periodic dips in the X-ray flux from 4U 1755 - 33 |
White et al. 1984 |
Accretion powered X-ray pulsars |
White et al. 1983 |
The X-ray absorption spectrum of 4U 1700-37 and its implications for the stellar wind of the
companion HD 153919 |
White et al. 1983 |
The discovery of 50 minute periodic absorption events from 4U 1915-05 |
White & Swank 1982 |
A 5.57 hour modulation of the X-ray flux from 4U 1822-37 |
White et al. 1982 |
Discovery of an ~7 HZ Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Low-Luminosity Low-Mass X-Ray Binary
4U 1820-30 |
Wijnands et al. 1999 |
The X-ray timing behavior of the X-ray burst source SLX 1735-269 |
Wijnands et al. 1999 |
The Broadband Power Spectra of X-Ray Binaries |
Wijnands & van der Klis 1999 |
Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Z Source GX 5-1 |
Wijnands et al. 1998 |
Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in 4U 1735-44 |
Wijnands et al. 1998 |
Discovery of kHz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Z Source Cygnus X-2 |
Wijnands et al. 1998 |
The Broadband Power Spectrum of SAX J1808.4-3658 |
Wijnands & van der Klis 1998 |
Discovery of Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in GX 17+2 |
Wijnands et al. 1997 |
Ginga observations of Cygnus X-2. |
Wijnands et al. 1997 |
Discovery in 4U 1636-53 of Two Simultaneous Quasi-periodic Oscillations near 900 Hz and 1176 Hz |
Wijnands et al. 1997 |
Discovery of Two Simultaneous Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in KS 1731-260 |
Wijnands et al. 1997 |
Detection of a approximately 78 day Period in the RXTE, Vela 5B, and Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor Data of
Cygnus X-2 |
Wijnands et al. 1996 |
Discovery of a Variable-Frequency, 50--60 Hz Quasi-Periodic Oscillation on the Normal Branch of GX 17+2 |
Wijnands et al. 1996 |
Searches for millisecond pulsations in low-mass X-ray binaries |
Wood et al. 1991 |
Ultraviolet observations of the transient X-ray sources A0535 + 26 and A0620-00 |
Wu et al. 1983 |
kHz Quasi-periodic Oscillation in Island State of 4U 1608-52 as Observed with RXTE/PCA |
Yu et al. 1997 |
Discovery of Two Simultaneous Kilohertz QPOs in the Persistent Flux of GX3 49+2 |
Zhang et al. 1998 |
Correlation between Energy Spectral States and Fast Time Variability and Further Evidence for the
Marginally Stable Orbit in 4U 1820-30 |
Zhang et al. 1998 |
Millisecond Oscillations in the Persistent and Bursting Flux of Aquila X-1 during an Outburst |
Zhang et al. 1998 |
Neutron Star Masses and Radii as Inferred from Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations |
Zhang et al. 1997 |
Quasi-periodic X-Ray Brightness Oscillations of GRO J1744-28 |
Zhang et al. 1997 |
Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Intensity Oscillations from 4U 1636-536 (Erratum) |
Zhang et al. 1996 |
Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Intensity Oscillations from 4U 1636-536 |
Zhang et al. 1996 |
Radio observations of the low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630 |
Zwarthoed et al. 1993 |
X-ray spectral evolution of GS 2023+338 (V404 Cyg) during decline after outburst |
Zycki et al. 1999 |
Relativistically Smeared X-Ray Reprocessed Components in the Ginga Spectra of GS 2023+338 |
Zycki et al. 1997 |
Spectroscopy of the companion and bow-shock nebula of PSR 1957 + 20 |
Aldcroft et al. 1992 |
A search for X-rays from five pulsars: PSR's 0740-28, 1737-30, 1822-09, 1915+13 and 1916+14. |
Alpar et al. 1995 |
Alpar et al. 1993 |
Spin-up of young pulsars due to rapid cooling by neutrino emission |
Alpar and Oegelman 1990 |
Search for Thermal Afterglow from PSR 0656+14 |
Andersen and Oegelman 1997 |
ROSAT High Resolution Imager observations of PSR 0656 + 14 |
Anderson et al. 1993 |
Discovery of Four Isolated Millisecond Pulsars |
Bailes et al. 1997 |
Discovery of three binary millisecond pulsars |
Bailes et al. 1994 |
The proper motion of the Vela pulsar |
Bailes et al. 1989 |
Formation of Planets around Pulsars |
Banit et al. 1993 |
Timing Measurements and Their Implications for Four Binary Millisecond Pulsarsu |
Bell et al. 1997 |
The proper motion and wind nebula of the nearby millisecond pulsar J0437-4715 |
Bell et al. 1995 |
The X-ray emission properties of millisecond pulsars |
Becker and Truemper 1998 |
The X-ray luminosity of rotation-powered neutron stars. |
Becker and Truemper 1997 |
ROSAT observations of gamma-ray pulsars: Vela, PSR 1706-44 and PSR 1951+32. |
Becker and Truemper 1996 |
ROSAT observations of the binary millisecond pulsar PSR J0751+1807 |
Becker et al. 1996 |
ROSAT observations of PSR 2334+61 in the supernova remnant G 114.3+0.3. |
Becker et al. 1996 |
ROSAT observations of the radio and gamma-ray pulsar PSR 1706-44. |
Becker et al. 1995 |
Becker and Truemper 1993 |
Does the Vela pulsar have 'wisps'? |
Bietenholz et al. 1991 |
High-resolution X-ray imaging of the supernova remnant MSH 15-52 |
Brazier and Becker 1997 |
ROSAT HRI observation of the supernova remnant Kes 32 and the nearby radio pulsar PSR B1610-50 |
Brinkmann et al. 1999 |
Polarization Modes in a Strongly Magnetized Hydrogen Gas |
Bulik and Pavlov 1996 |
The magnetic fields, ages, and original spin periods of millisecond pulsars |
Camillo et al. 1994 |
The soft spectrum of PSR B1509-58. |
Chang et al. 1996 |
Millisecond Pulsar Alignment: PSR J0437-4715 |
Chen et al. 1998 |
Optical Pulse Polarization of the Crab Pulsar |
Chen et al. 1996 |
Does the coalescence of white dwarfs produce millisecond pulsars in globular clusters? |
Chen and Leonard 1993 |
Pulsar death lines and death valley |
Chen and Ruderman 1993 |
Low-mass X-ray binaries and millisecond pulsars in globular clusters |
Chen et al. 1993 |
Origin and radio pulse properties of millisecond pulsars |
Chen and Ruderman 1993 |
An outer gap model of high-energy emission from rotation-powered pulsars |
Chiang and Romani 1994 |
Gamma radiation from pulsar magnetospheric gaps |
Chiang and Romani 1992 |
Pulse sharpness and asymmetry in millisecond pulsars |
Chen and Shaham 1989 |
The Guitar nebula - A bow shock from a slow-spin, high-velocity neutron star |
Cordes et al. 1993 |
Soft Phase Lags in the Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 |
Cui et al. 1998 |
The Parkes Southern Pulsar Survey - III. Timing of long-period pulsars |
D'Amico et al. 1998 |
PSR B1802-07 - A globular cluster pulsar in an eccentric binary system |
D'Amico et al. 1993 |
Pulsed high-energy gamma rays from PSR 1055-52 |
Fierro et al. 1993 |
A Broadband X-Ray Study of the Young Neutron Star PSR B1706-44 |
Finley et al. 1998 |
Rosat observations of PSR 0656 + 14 - A pulsating and cooling neutron star |
Finley et al. 1992 |
The Morphology of Young Neutron Stars: PSR B1823-13, Its Compact Nebula, and Its Interstellar Neighborhood |
Finley et al. 1996 |
The PSR 1800-21/G8.7-0.1 association: A view from ROSAT |
Finley et al. 1994 |
ROSAT observations of the LMC pulsar PSR 0540-69 |
Finley et al. 1993 |
A Radio Survey for Pulsar Wind Nebulae |
Frail and Scharringhausen 1997 |
The Changing Stucture of the Radio Nebula around the Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater SGR 1806-20 |
Frail et al. 1997 |
A Radio/X-Ray Comparison of the Vela X Region |
Frail et al. 1997 |
The Pulsar Wind Nebula around PSR B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44 |
Frail et al. 1996 |
Does the Crab Have a Shell? |
Frail et al. 1995 |
Deep VLA imaging of pulsar-powered nebulae and the beaming fraction of young pulsars
Frail and Moffett 1993 |
A Radio/X-Ray Comparison of the Vela X Region |
Frail et al. 1997 |
SNR G320.4-01.2 and PSR B1509-58: new radio observations of a complex interacting system |
Gaensler et al. 1999 |
G309.2-00.6 and jets in supernova remnants |
Gaensler et al. 1998 |
Submergence and re-diffusion of the neutron star magnetic field after the supernova |
Geppert et al. 1999 |
X-Ray Variability from the Compact Source in the Supernova Remnant RCW 103 |
Gotthelf et al. 1999 |
X-Ray Emission from the Radio Pulsar PSR J1105-6107 |
Gotthelf and Kaspi 1998 |
The Nature of the Radio-quiet Compact X-Ray Source in SNR RCW 103 |
Gotthelf et al. 1997 |
Kes 73: A Young Supernova Remnant with an X-Ray--bright, Radio-quiet Central Source |
Gotthelf and Vasisht 1997 |
Heated Polar Caps in PSR 0656+14 and PSR 1055-52 |
Greiveldinger et al. 1996 |
PSR 1509-58 and Its Plerionic Environment |
Greiveldinger et al. 1995 |
A Broadband X-Ray Study of the Geminga Pulsar |
Halpern and Wang 1997 |
The Geminga Pulsar: Soft X-Ray Variability and an EUVE Observation |
Halpern et al. 1996 |
A Long EUVE Observation of the Seyfert Galaxy RX J0437.4-4711 |
Halpern and Marshall 1996 |
Soft X-Ray Properties of the Binary Millisecond Pulsar J0437-4715 |
Halpern et al. 1996 |
A Possible X-Ray Detection of the Binary Millisecond Pulsar J1012+5307 |
Halpern 1996 |
Soft X-ray properties of the Geminga pulsar |
Halpern and Ruderman 1993 |
Soft X-ray properties of the Geminga pulsar |
Halpern and Ruderman 1993 |
Discovery of an X-Ray Synchrotron Nebula Associated with the Radio Pulsar PSR B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44 |
Harrus et al. 1996 |
How Common Are Magnetars? The Consequences of Magnetic Field Decay |
Heyl et al. 1998 |
Pulse period history and cyclotron resonance feature of the X-ray pulsar 1E 2259+586 |
Iwasawa et al. 1992 |
Transient radio emission from the PSR B1259-63 system near periastron |
Johnston et al. 1999 |
Radio observations of PSR B1259-63 around periastron |
Johnston et al. 1996 |
Timing measurements for 45 pulsars. |
Johnston et al. 1995 |
Johnston et al. 1994 |
PSR 1259-63 - A binary radio pulsar with a Be star companion |
Johnston et al. 1992 |
Quasi-static winds from neutron stars |
Joss and Melia 1987 |
Annihilation radiation from a power-law distributed electron-positron plasma on the ground Landau level - The case of low magnetic fields |
Kaminker et al. 1992 |
The 69 Millisecond Radio Pulsar near the Supernova Remnant RCW 103 |
Kaspi et al. 1998 |
Discovery of the Young, Energetic Radio Pulsar PSR J1105-6107 |
Kaspi et al. 1997 |
A Search for Radio Pulsars in Southern Supernova Remnants |
Kaspi et al. 1996 |
Evidence from a precessing pulsar orbit for a neutron-star birth kick. |
Kaspi et al. 1996 |
A massive radio pulsar binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud |
Kaspi et al. 1994 |
On the spin-down of PSR B1509-58 |
Kaspi et al. 1994 |
A young, glitching pulsar near the direction of W28 |
Kaspi et al. 1993 |
PSR J1341-6220 - A young pulsar in a supernova remnant |
Kaspi et al. 1992 |
X-ray and radio pulse phase comparison for PSR 1509 - 58 |
Kawai et al. 1991 |
Optical Observations of the Isolated Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125 |
Kulkarni and van Kerkwijk 1998 |
BVRI observations of PSR B0656+14 with the 6-meter telescope |
Kurt et al. 1998 |
Discovery of Four Binary Millisecond Pulsars |
Lorimer et al. 1996 |
Four new millisecond pulsars in the galactic disk |
Lorimer et al. 1995 |
The Parkes Southern Pulsar Survey - II. Final results and population analysis |
Lyne et al. 1998 |
A giant glitch in PSR B1757-24. |
Lyne et al. 1996 |
Polarization observations of 66 southern pulsars |
Manchester et al. 1998 |
The Parkes southern pulsar survey - I. Observing and data analysis systems and initial results. |
Manchester et al. 1996 |
Period evolution of PSR B1259-63: Evidence for propeller-torque spindown |
Manchester et al. 1995 |
Polarization properties of two pulsars |
Manchester and Johnston 1995 |
Pulsar-supernova remnant associations |
Manchester et al. 1994 |
The Ellery Lecture 1993: Pulsars--Setting the standard |
Manchester et al. 1994 |
The radio structure of supernova remnant 0540-693 |
Manchester et al. 1993 |
Radio detection of PSR B0540-69 |
Manchester et al. 1993 |
PSR 1758 - 24 and G5.4 - 1.2, a remarkable pulsar-supernova remnant association |
Manchester et al. 1991 |
A braking index for PSR 0540-69 |
Manchester et al. 1989 |
The ASCA Spectrum of the Vela Pulsar Jet |
Markwardt and Oegelman 1997 |
Discovery of an Ultrafast X-Ray Pulsar in the Supernova Remnant N157B |
Marshall et al. 1998 |
Soft X-ray spectral fits of Geminga with model neutron star atmospheres |
Meyer et al. 1994 |
The effect of stimulated scattering in compact sources |
Meszaros et al. 1989 |
Magnetic and Spin History of Very Young Pulsars |
Muslimov and Page 1996 |
Mean Pulse Shape and Polarization of PSR J0437-4715 |
Navarro et al. 1997 |
A Very Luminous Binary Millisecond Pulsar |
Navarro et al. 1995 |
EGRET pulsar upper limits. |
Nel et al. 1996 |
ROSAT observations of pulsed soft X-ray emission from PSR 1055-52 |
Oegelman and Finley 1993 |
Pulsed X-rays from the Vela pulsar |
Oegelman et al. 1993 |
Soft X-ray observations of the Vela pulsar PSR 0833-45 |
Oegelman and Zimmermann 1989 |
Fast Cooling of Neutron Stars: Superfluidity versus Heating and Accreted Envelope |
Page 1997 |
Surface Temperature of a Magnetized Neutron Star and Interpretation of the ROSAT Data. II. |
Page and Sarmiento 1996 |
Geminga's Soft X-Ray Emission and the Structure of Its Surface |
Page et al. 1995 |
Surface temperature of a magnetized neutron star and interpretation of the ROSAT data. 1: Dipole ields |
Page 1995 |
Geminga: A cooling superfluid neutron star |
Page 1994 |
The cooling of neutron stars by the direct Urca process |
Page and Applegate 1992 |
X-Ray Pulsations from the Central Source in Puppis A |
Pavlov et al. 1999 |
Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Middle-aged Pulsar 0656+14 |
Pavlov et al. 1997 |
Mass-to-Radius Ratio for the Millisecond Pulsar J0437-4715 |
Pavlov and Zavlin 1997 |
Multiwavelength Observations of Isolated Neutron Stars as a Tool to Probe the Properties of their Surfaces |
Pavlov et al. 1996 |
Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Isolated Pulsars |
Pavlov et al. 1996 |
Bound-Bound Transitions in Strongly Magnetized Hydrogen Plasma |
Pavlov et al. 1995 |
Model atmospheres and radiation of magnetic neutron stars: Anisotropic thermal emission |
Pavlov et al. 1994 |
Finite-Velocity Effects on Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields and Implications for Neutron Star Atmospheres |
Pavlov and Meszaros 1993 |
Photoionization of Hydrogen in Atmospheres of Magnetic Neutron Stars |
Potekhin et al. 1997 |
Ionization of the hydrogen atom in strong magnetic fields. Beyond the adiabatic approximation. |
Potekhin et al. 1997 |
Photoionization of the hydrogen atom in strong magnetic fields |
Potekhin and Pavlov 1993 |
Timing observations of the 8 hour binary pulsar 2127 + 11C in the globular cluster M15 |
Prince et al. 1991 |
Magnetospheric Scattering of Pulsar Surface Radiation |
Rajagopal and Romani 1997 |
Magnetized Iron Atmospheres for Neutron Stars |
Rajagopal et al. 1997 |
Model Atmospheres for Low-Field Neutron Stars |
Rajagopal and Romani 1996 |
A Survey for Millisecond Pulsars |
Ray et al. 1996 |
X-Ray Emission from the Guitar Nebula |
Romani et al. 1997 |
A unified model of neutron-star magnetic fields |
Romani 1990 |
Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Absolute Timing Results for the Pulsars B1821-24 and B1509-58 |
Rots et al. 1998 |
Neutron Star Magnetic Field Evolution, Crust Movement, and Glitches: Erratum |
Ruderman et al. 1998 |
Neutron Star Magnetic Field Evolution, Crust Movement, and Glitches |
Ruderman et al. 1998 |
Neutron Star Crustal Plate Tectonics. III. Cracking, Glitches, and Gamma-Ray Bursts |
Ruderman 1991 |
ROSAT observations of the unusual supernova remnant CTB 80 containing the pulsar PSR 1951 + 32 |
Safi-Harb et al. 1995 |
The Proper Motion and Parallax of PSR J0437-4715 |
Sandhu et al. 1997 |
Model atmospheres and radiation of magnetic neutron stars. I - The fully ionized case |
Shibanov et al. 1992 |
X-Ray Nebula around the Gamma-Ray Pulsar PSR 1055-52 |
Shibata et al. 1997 |
Timing parameters for 59 pulsars |
Siegman et al. 1993 |
Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor Localization of SGR 1627-41 |
Smith et al. 1999 |
Very High Energy Observations of PSR B1951+32 |
Srinivasan et al. 1997 |
The Orbital Evolution and Proper Motion of PSR J2051-0827 |
Stappers et al. 1998 |
Probing the Eclipse Region of a Binary Millisecond Pulsar |
Stappers et al. 1996 |
Discovery of PSR J0108-1431: The closest known neutron star? |
Tauris et al. 1994 |
Catalog of 558 pulsars |
Taylor et al. 1993 |
Gamma Radiation from PSR B1055-52 |
Thompson et al. 1999 |
EGRET Observations of High-Energy Gamma Radiation from PSR B1706-44 |
Thompson et al. 1996 |
EGRET high-energy gamma-ray pulsar studies. 1: Young spin-powered pulsars |
Thompson et al. 1994 |
Discovery of a 69 Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar: A Compact Source in the Vicinity of the Supernova Remnant RCW 103 |
Torii et al. 1998 |
Spectra of Southern Pulsars |
Toscano et al. 1998 |
Exosat observation of the supernova remnant MSH 15-52 |
Trussoni et al. 1990 |
Gamma-Ray and Radio Observations of PSR B1509-58 |
Ulmer st al. 1993 |
A Massive White Dwarf Companion to the Eccentric Binary Pulsar System PSR B2303+46 |
van Kerkwijk and Kulkarni 1997 |
Spectroscopy of the White Dwarf Companions of PSR 0655+64 and PSR 0820+02 |
van Kerkwijk and Kulkarni 1995 |
The Discovery of an Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar in the Supernova Remnant Kes 73 |
Vasisht and Gotthelf 1997 |
A Cooling Neutron Star in Supernova Remnant G296.5+10.0 |
Vasisht et al. 1997 |
Radio monitoring and high-resolution imaging of the soft gamma-ray repeater 1806-20 |
Vasisht et al. 1995 |
The optical counterpart of the isolated neutron star RX J185635-3754. |
Walter and Matthews 1997 |
Discovery of a nearby isolated neutron star. |
Walter at al. 1986 |
Models for X-Ray Emission from Isolated Pulsars |
Wang et al. 1998 |
ROSAT HRI Detection of the 16 MS Pulsar PSR J0537-6910 Inside Supernova Remnant N157B |
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The detection of pulsed X-ray emission from a nearby radio pulsar |
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The neutron star in the supernova remnant PKS 1209-52 |
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Soft X-rays from polar caps of the millisecond pulsar J0437-4715 |
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Model neutron star atmospheres with low magnetic fields. I. Atmospheres in radiative equilibrium. |
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Thermal radiation from rotating neutron star: effect of the magnetic field and surface temperature distribution |
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Pulsed e plus or minus Annihilation gamma -Ray Line from a Crab-like Pulsar |
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