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Simulations of 4U 1626-67

Simulations by Norbert S. Schulz

Page by Norbert S. Schulz

TITLE: Strong X-ray emission line complexes in the highly compact binary pulsar 4U1626-67.

4U1626-67 is 7.7s X-ray pulsar in a compact (40 min) binary system X-ray continuum consists of 0.6 keV blackbody and a variable power law of 0.8 - 1.2. ASCA discovered a 4.4 c/s (SIS0) strong emission-line complex at 1 keV (Angelini et al. 1995) accompanied by a broad feature at 1.42 keV, probably Ne(H) recombination edge (1.36 keV), Mg(H) at 1.47 keV and Mg(He) at 1.34 keV. The whole complex, however, remained unresolved. Blends with unresolved O-K and Fe-K line complexes seemed highly probable. The data indicated an overabundance of Ne of 6 times, O and Mg 2 times the solar abundance. Several questions arise from these indications: Why is there so much Ne, O, Mg? Would that point towards a Ne or He-white dwarf companion? Could we possibly constrain evolutionary scenarios such as an AIC from a CO or ONeMg white dwarf or a type II supernova of the progenitor star. If it was a type I, where is the Si and S?

Model Spectra

The basis for this simulation is the proposed model spectrum obtained from fitting the ASCA spectrum as presented in Angelini et al. 1995. Clearly because of the limited spectral resolution of the CCD devices on ASCA the best fit line emission there gives only be a rough indication of the underlying emission line structure. In an early attempt to simulate the ASCA result we used the precise fit obtained by Angelini et al. (see table 1 therein), which consisted of a two component blackbody plus a power law model and the fitted energy O- and Ne-emission lines plus the Ne- recombination edge. The resulting photon spectrum is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: ASCA SIS0 model spectrum

This model spectrum was used to optimize the exposure time. Figure 2 shows a result for an MEG combined first order spectrum. With 30 ks all input lines for O- and Ne- are clearly detectable.

Figure 2: An MEG combined first order spectrum using the model in figure 1 for 30 ks.

In order to exploit the potential of the instrument a bit further, we refined the emission line model using SPEX and keeping the thermal continuum as observed vy ASCA. The resulting components of the XSPEC model are listed in table A.

Figure 3: The photon spectum using SPEX bright lines and a blend of a Ne-recombination and Mg-absorption edge (figure 4: same with in energy scale).

Simulation Set-up

The current set of simulations below were carried out with the MARX simulator version 2.15, which is still under development and not yet accessible to the public, but which offers several improved features such as an upgraded HRMA psf and a more realistic vignetting function. It however still utilizes a HRMA effective area model with 'old' optical constants which especially around the Ir-M-edges will significantly differ from reality. Please look at the MIT MARX Simulator page for latest updates and versions. Note, that any version lower than 2.15 won't work for the set-up below.

For the simulations we use a template marx.par file and set every other parameter from the command line:

"marx ExposureTime=30000 OutputDir='MyDir' GratingType='HETG' DetectorType='ACIS-S', SpectrumType='FILE' SourceType='POINT' SourceFlux=-1 SpectrumFile='table5'"

Table 5 is the input spectral table as seen in figures 3/4. The same procedure has been applied using a spectrum without edges and emission line features. The resulting spectrum is in table 6. Because we do not yet have a working grating response matrix, we constructed model spectra each for the MEG and HEG +/-1st order by folding the continuum components of the source spectrum with the instrument areas and efficiencies. Multiplied by exposure time and adjusted to the correct energy binning, the result serves as a perfect continuum model fit to the simulated spectra. Note, that the ccd gaps appear in the model and in the simulated data, since for the time being, no dither motion has been applied. For the residual spectra below we use a fit of the model spectra to the simulated spectra of the continuum alone to correct for imperfections in the model (gap edges etc..). Those model spectra are in table 7 for the MEG combined 1st order, and in table 8 for the HEG combined 1st order.

The final simulated eventlists are somewhat large in size (~20-50 Mb) and we will not offer them on the public domain. However, we will make them available upon request (send e-mail to: nss@space.mit.edu).

Simulated Spectra

Table 9 ( figure 5 left below) and Table 10 (figure 7 right below) show the full bandpass 1st order spectra of with the MEG and HEG on a wavelength scale (note, in most most cases for those who are not yet used to wavelengths in X-ray binaries, we added plots with energy scale also, see figure 6 and figure 8 ). All figures shown below use one resolution cell binning (0.048 mm), which is the highest possible for each instrument.

In order to ee how well each instrument detects and separates the input line emission we constructed residual plots for several wavelength regions for the MEG and HEG. Most line emission is expected to be around 1 keV and below (we did not include the possibility of Si- and S- emission). Therefore the MEG will be the instrument with the largest bandpass for expected line features. Figure 9 below shows the expected MEG residuals in between 5 and 25 Å.

Most of the input line are clearly resolved, as is the Mg/Ne-edge blend visible. However a closer look shows that several lines complexes are not entirely resolved. Figure 10 (below left) shows a close-up view for the 9 to 15 Å range, figure 11 (below right) for the 15 to 25 Å range. Especially the latter figure highlights the power of the MEG in the O-line domain.

Finally we show the HEG 1st order spectrum (Figure 12 below) between 9 and 15 Å. With a resolution of a factor 2 higher, most of the unresolved complexes in figure 10 are further resolved.

Norbert's AXAF Science page