Re: read in code verbatim

From: John Houck <houck_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:27:55 -0400
On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 12:12 -0500, rgibson_at_email.domain.hidden> I'm often debugging and have to repetitively cut/paste large amounts of code
> onto the ISIS command line.  Is there a simple way to do this?

In general, I would recommend looking for ways to turn
often-used bits of code into functions that take generic
arguments.  Those functions can then be loaded at startup by
your $HOME/.isisrc file or perhaps loaded on-demand through the
"autoload" feature.

> What I want is to have a text file with my "Lotsa code" and tell ISIS to
> execute that text file just as if I had pasted it to the command line.

I think the ".source" command does what you want:


    read slang commands from a file

    .source filename

    This function is very similar to the .load shortcut except that
    lines from the file are interpreted as though they had been
    typed at the command line -- all command shortcuts are
    available and variables need not be declared before use.

    .load, evalfile

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