Re: read in code verbatim

From: David P. Huenemoerder <dph_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:30:52 -0400
    rgibson> I'm often debugging and have to repetitively cut/paste
    rgibson> large amounts of code onto the ISIS command line.  Is
    rgibson> there a simple way to do this?

    rgibson> For example, if I have:

    rgibson> % Lotsa code...
    rgibson> for (i = 0; i < length(x); i++) () = printf("%i\n", x[i]);
    rgibson> % Lotsa code...
    rgibson> % Stuff I want to debug...

    rgibson> Let's say I set x = [ 1, 2, 3].  Then I want to execute
    rgibson> everything in the "Lotsa code" region, in order to get to
    rgibson> the section of code I want to debug.

    rgibson> If I encapsulate the "Lotsa code" in a function, then I
    rgibson> have to define variables like "i", pass parameters, etc.
    rgibson> If I just put the code in a file and call "evalfile",
    rgibson> ISIS apparently does some namespace stuff and it doesn't
    rgibson> work.  What I want is to have a text file with my "Lotsa
    rgibson> code" and tell ISIS to execute that text file just as if
    rgibson> I had pasted it to the command line.

What I think you want is source() instead of evalfile().
source() will interpret as if you typed it to the interpreter.
You can also use the shortcut,


You can also use  _auto_declare=1 if you want to have evalfile() not
need declarations.

    rgibson> Sorry for the complicated description.  (Search for "?" to find the question in
    rgibson> this email.)


David Huenemoerder  617-253-4283 (o); -253-8084 (f);
MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
70 Vassar St., NE80-6065,
Cambridge, MA  02139
[Admin. Asst.: Elaine Tirrell, 617-253-7480, egt_at_email.domain.hidden
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