Re: A question on RXTE data

From: David P. Huenemoerder <dph_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:43:24 -0400
    qianlei> If I want to process RXTE data with ISIS, what shall I do
    qianlei> to load the arf and rmf file since RXTE data only have a
    qianlei> rsp file?

simply use load_rmf, and assign it

  assign_rmf( idx_rmf, idx_counts);

If no arf is assigned, a unit arf is used.

Alternatively, if you want an explicit arf, you can factor the response:

a = factor_rsp( idx_rmf);

hplot( get_arf( a ) );  % will then show you the effective area.

assign_rsp( a, idx_rmf, idx_data);  % assign both arf and rmf to a dataset.

I Hope that helps,

-- Dave

David Huenemoerder  617-253-4283 (o); -253-8084 (f);
MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
70 Vassar St., NE80-6065,
Cambridge, MA  02139
[Admin. Asst.: Elaine Tirrell, 617-253-7480, egt_at_email.domain.hidden
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