On Jun 15, 2007, at 3:33 AM, qianlei wrote: > If I want to process RXTE data with ISIS, what shall I do to load the > arf and rmf file since RXTE data only have a rsp file? What Dave said. Also, if you grab my .isisrc files from: http://space.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/home/mnowak/isis_vs_xspec/download.html They have two functions in them: load_all() and load_hexte() (code attached below) that I use for PCA data and HEXTE data, respectively. You don't *need* these functions, since they just wrap existing ISIS functionality. But they cut out a few steps. They make sure the backgrounds get loaded, and that the HEXTE exposure is assigned to the HEXTE arf (since one usually uses canned arfs for HEXTE). If you've built the PCA pha files in the standard ways, the PCA pha file should have the response file listed in the header, and load_data (embedded in load_all and load_hexte below), should automatically load the PCA response. (If it's not in the header, use load_rmf, like Dave mentioned.) Likewise, if you built HEXTE data in the standard way, the response names should be in the headers. Otherwise use load_rmf and load_arf. Also, note that standard ISIS plotting usually doesn't do background subtraction in the plots (certainly does it in the fits, however - standard ISIS data plots show model+background, and counts with the background counts included). That's not very noticeable for most Chandra data. But, you will notice it for PCA and HEXTE data. I also have plotting routines in those scripts that you might find useful for RXTE data. -Mike public define load_hexte(a) { variable b = load_data(a); variable c = get_data_exposure(b); variable a_id = get_data_info(b).arfs; if(a_id[0] !=0 and a_id[0] != NULL) { set_arf_exposure(a_id,c); } variable d = fits_read_key(a,"backfile"); () = define_bgd(b,d); return b; } public define load_all(a) { variable b = load_data(a); variable d = fits_read_key(a,"backfile"); () = define_bgd(b,d); return b; } ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Wed Jun 20 2007 - 10:04:35 EDT
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