Re: voigt backward compatibility

From: John Houck <houck_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:21:28 -0400
On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 11:17 -0400, rgibson_at_email.domain.hidden> I have tried using ISIS 1.4.8 and my saved models don't work.
> (They give very bad fits, whereas before they gave good fits.)
> This is because the voigt() model has changed, apparently.
> This is a backward compatibility problem.  Is the old voigt
> model still around?
> Another option is to convert my old models at run time.  What
> are the formulae to convert between old and new voigt
> parameters?
> Also, is there a way to tell what version of ISIS I'm running
> at run-time, so I can do this automatically?
> Also, when did voigt() change?  I recall that my models worked
> on 1.4.7, but I may misremember.
> Thanks,
> Rob

The file Changes.txt included in the source code distribution
documents important changes to isis.

This file is also available on the web at

Item #9 in the list of changes since 1.4.5 was released
(meaning changes that appeared in version 1.4.6) documents the
change to the voigt profile normalization.

Note that setting Isis_Voigt_Is_Normalized=0 should restore the
old behavior. This variable can be set in your $HOME/.isisrc
file so that it is applied automatically.

To determine the isis version number at run-time, you can use
the intrinsic variables _isis_version and _isis_version_string.


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