I frequently get errors using the new voigt parameter with ISIS 1.4.8. I can't tell what the problem is from the error output. It seems related to the parameters I set before calling fit_counts, though. Thanks, Rob isis> list_par; poly5aScale(1) + voigt(1) idx param tie-to freeze value min max 1 poly5aScale(1).a0 0 1 -6.682142e+28 -1e+100 1e+100 2 poly5aScale(1).a1d1e1 0 1 2.238173e+27 -1e+100 1e+100 3 poly5aScale(1).a2d1e2 0 1 0.003270774 -1e+100 1e+100 4 poly5aScale(1).a3d1e3 0 1 0 -1e+100 1e+100 5 poly5aScale(1).a4d1e4 0 1 0 -1e+100 1e+100 6 poly5aScale(1).a5d1e5 0 1 0 -1e+100 1e+100 7 poly5aScale(1).scale 0 1 1 0 0 8 voigt(1).norm 0 0 3.834939e+31 -1e+100 1e+100 photons/s/cm^2 9 voigt(1).energy 0 0 0.007998968 -1e+100 1e+100 keV 10 voigt(1).fwhm 0 0 0.001 -1e+100 1e+100 keV 11 voigt(1).vtherm 0 0 4000 -1e+100 1e+100 km/s isis> fit_counts(); ... stuff happens... statistic: 6.063471e+02 p[0]=1.242990e+32 p[1]=7.998968e-03 p[2]=1.000000e-03 p[3]=9.420166e+01 statistic: 6.063471e+02 p[0]=1.242990e+32 p[1]=7.998968e-03 p[2]=1.000000e-03 p[3]=9.420166e+01 subplex[245]: succeeded Parameters[Variable] = 11[4] Data bins = 100 Chi-square = 706.2502 Reduced chi-square = 7.356772 Error: function evaluation failed ***string***:1:voigt:Isis Error Struct_Type with 3 fields 100 4 706.25 0 isis> get_fit_method; subplex;tol=1.e-5;scale_factor=0.1;maxnfe=2000 ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Fri Nov 16 2007 - 13:46:23 EST
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