On Jul 30, 2010, at 12:01 AM, Nilay Bhatt wrote: > if i understand it correctly, the lines u introduced are already present in v0.8.0 . > I think the value of 'lfreq' should be assigned to 'lnavg' , if 'navg' is a number and not an array. > That means changing the following if-statement in sitar_lags() routine as, > ------------------------- > ... > ... > if( lnavg == 1 ) > { > navg = ones(lfreq)*navg; > lnavg = lfreq; > } Yes, I had meant to add that line to the file. Go ahead and do that, and all should be fine. -Mike ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Fri Jul 30 2010 - 21:52:26 EDT
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