- fitting, step
- Formula for converting a spectrum model to counts
- GIF module for S-Lang/ISIS
- help needed: fortran library linking issue.
- isis 1.5.0-20 installation on snow Leopard
- isis configure issue on x86_64
- issue plotting Flux of a data set
- load_par evaluating functions before params
- named models
- outputting model to plain text
- plot_counts : individual model components plotting
- Prob.: timelag calc. using sitar package
- Problems building ISIS
- Rebinning to grid specified by psextract
- S-Lang xpa module 0.5.2 released
- SLgtk v0.7.6 released
- undo set_par_fun
- xspec local model library
- Last message date: Wed Dec 22 2010 - 09:44:16 EST
- Archived on: Wed Aug 06 2014 - 08:25:19 EDT