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Current Position

  • Postdoctoral Associate, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, MIT, Cambridge, MA

    • Supervisor: Mark Bautz

    • Research Interests (in order of priority and expertise):
      •       Population Studies of AGN in Galaxy Clusters
      •       Environmental Influences on Galaxy Evolution
      •       Astrophysical processes in AGN
      •       AGN Feedback in Giant Elliptical Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
      •       Observations of Galaxy Clusters Near the Virial Radius
      •       Astrophysical Processes in Large Scale Structure Formation
      •       Utilizing Galaxy Clusters as cosmological probes


    • 09/2008-08/2013: PhD Student, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stanford University

      • Advisor: Steve Allen

      • Research Topics: AGN in Galaxy Clusters, X-ray surveys of field AGN, Galaxy Cluster Cosmology, AGN Feedback, Astrophysics of the Intracluster Medium

      • PhD Thesis: "The Co-evolution of Galaxies and their Surrounding Environments in Massive Galaxy Clusters"

    • 09/2007-08/2008: DAAD Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg Germany.

      • Advisor: Werner Hofmann

      • Research Topics: Observational Gamma Ray Astronomy, Reconstruction of Gamma Ray Showers using HESS, X-ray observations of Supernova Remnants

      • Capstone Paper: Single Telescope Shower Reconstruction for H.E.S.S. Phase II

    • 09/2003-06/2007: B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Northwestern University

      • Advisor: Melville Ulmer

      • Research Topics: Fabrication of lightweight optical and X-ray mirrors, Clusters of Galaxies

      • Honors Thesis: Temperature and Iron Abundance Gradients in High Redshift Galaxy Clusters


    • Outstanding Honors Thesis in Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, 2007

    • Outstanding Student in Mathematics, Northwestern Univeristy, 2004 and 2005,

    • DAAD Research Fellowship, 2007-2008

    Refereed Journal Papers and Articles

      All of these papers have been accepted by refereed journals
    • Ulmer, M. P.; Graham, M. E.; Vaynman, S.; Echt, J.; Farber, M.; Ehlert, S.; Varlese, S. Progress Toward Light Weight High Angular Resolution Multilayer Coated Optics, Experimental Astronomy 2005, Volume 20, Issue 1-3 ADS Link

    • Ehlert, S.; Ulmer, M. P. The radial dependence of temperature and iron abundance. Galaxy clusters from z = 0.14 to z = 0.89, Astronomy and Astrophysics 2009, Volume 503, Issue 1 ADS Link

    • Ehlert, S.; Allen, S. W.; von der Linden, A.; Simionescu, A.; Werner, N.; Taylor, G. B.; Gentile, G.; Ebeling, H.; Allen, M. T.; Applegate, D.; Dunn, R. J. H.; Fabian, A. C.; Kelly, P.; Million, E. T.; Morris, R. G.; Sanders, J. S.; Schmidt, R. W. Extreme active galactic nucleus feedback and cool-core destruction in the X-ray luminous galaxy cluster MACS J1931.8-2634, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2011, Volume 411, Issue 3 ADS Link

    • Ehlert, S.; Allen, S.W.; Brandt, W.N.; Xue, Y.Q.; Luo, B.; von der Linden, A.; Mantz, A.; and Morris, R. G. X-ray Bright Active Galactic Nuclei in Massive Galaxy Clusters I: Number Counts and Spatial Distribution, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 428, Issue 4, ADS Link

    • Ehlert, S.; Allen, S.W.; von der Linden, A.; Werner, N.; Simionescu, Kenney, J.D.P.; A.; Million, E. T.; Finoguenov, A.; Ripping at the Seams: The Network of Stripped Gas Surrounding M86, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 430, Issue 3 ADS Link

    • Hlavacek-Larrondo, J.; Allen, S. W.; Taylor, G. B.; Fabian, A. C.; Canning, R. E. A.; Werner, N.; Sanders, J. S.; Grimes, C. K.; Ehlert, S.; von der Linden, A. Probing the extreme realm of AGN feedback in the massive galaxy cluster, RX J1532.9+3021, Accepted in the Astrophysical Journal ADS Link
    • Ehlert, S.; Allen, S.W.; Brandt, W.N.; Xue, Y.Q.; Luo, B.; von der Linden, A.; Mantz, A.; and Morris, R. G., Allen, M. T., Applegate, D., and Kelly, P. X-ray Bright Active Galactic Nuclei in Massive Galaxy Clusters II: The fraction of galaxies hosting X-ray AGN, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in press

    • Urban, O.; Simionescu, A.; Werner, N.; Allen, S. W.; Ehlert, S.; Zhuravleva, I.; Morris, R. G.; Fabian, A. C.; Mantz, A.; Nulsen, P. E. J.; Sanders, J. S.; Takei, Y. Azimuthally Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy to the Edge of the Perseus Cluster, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in press

    Successful Grant Proposals

    • XMM-Newton Cycle 10, "The Deep Impact of AGN Feedback in Messier 84", PI Steven Ehlert, 130 ks XMM-Newton + 2 hours VLT

    • Chandra Cycle 14, "Tracing a Subcluster Merger from Start to Finish in Abell 85 ", Observing PI Steven Ehlert, 160 ks Chandra + 100 ks Suzaku

    • Chandra Cycle 15, "A deep study of ram-pressure stripping, metal ridges, and AGN feedback in the Ophiuchus Cluster ", Observing PI Steven Allen, 250 ks Chandra + 4 hours VLA

    • ESO VLT Period 90, "An inside view: Does the fraction of X-ray AGN track the quenching of star formation in cluster galaxies ", Observing PI Anja von der Linden, 42 hours, 10 clusters

    Contributed Conference Talks

    • Snowcluster , Snowbird UT, March 2010, "Extreme AGN Feedback in the most X-ray luminous cooling cores: MACSJ1931.8-2634"

    • Half a Century of X-ray Astronomy , Myknonos Island, Greece, September 2012, "X-ray Bright AGN in the Vicinity of Massive Galaxy Clusters"

    Proceedings and Miscellaneous Publications

    • Ehlert, S.; and Ulmer, M.P., "Iron Abundance and Temperature Gradients in High Redshift Galaxy Clusters", Meeting of the American Astronomical Society , Seattle WA, January 2007

    • Becherini, Y.; Djannati-Atai, A.; Punch, M.; Bernlohr, K.; Ehlert, S. ; Masbou, J.; Moulin, E.; Arribas, M. Paz, "HESS-II reconstruction strategy and performance in the low-energy (20-150 GeV) domain", 4th Meeting on High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy , Heidelberg Germany, August 2008


      All Teaching Appointments are at Stanford University

    • Winter 2009: Teaching Assistant, Physics 41, "Introductory Mechanics for Engineers"

    • Autumn 2009: Head Teaching Assistant, Physics 45, "Introductory Thermodynamics and Optics for Engineers"

    • Spring 2011: Teaching Assistant, Physics 100/301,"Introduction to Observational Astronomy for Undergraduate and Graduate Students"

    • Spring 2012: Teaching Assistant, Physics 100, "Introduction to Observational Astronomy"