... rgibson> I get an error message, "Unable to locate a binary table". ... rgibson> trouble.) This is a freshly-generated fits file from rgibson> HEASARC Browse, so I don't think it's too out of date. ... rgibson> Is there some sort of "fitsclean" utility that would make rgibson> it isis-readable? The file fails to fverify. Looking at it, it seems to not have the required 2880 bytes multiple in the primary header, and seems to be sprinkled with "!\newline"s, which look suspicious to me. Where did the file come from? -- Dave David Huenemoerder 617-253-4283 (o); -253-8084 (f); http://space.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/home/dph MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research 70 Vassar St., NE80-6065, Cambridge, MA 02139 [Admin. Asst.: Elaine Tirrell, 617-253-7480, egt_at_email.domain.hidden For the record (I already sent this to Rob): dph_at_email.domain.hidden FVERIFY V4.0.0 (CFITSIO V3.020) ------------------------------- HEASARC conventions are being checked. File: atest.fits 1 Header-Data Units in this file. =================== HDU 1: Primary Array =================== *** Error: The header fill area is not totally filled with blanks. 5 header keywords Null data array; NAXIS = 0 *** Error: Bad HDU? (from CFITSIO error stack:) Extension doesn't start with SIMPLE or XTENSION keyword. (ffrhdu) XTENSION= 'TABLE ' / ASCII TABLE EXTENSION Failed to move to HDU number 2 (ffmahd). ++++++++++++++++++++++ Error Summary ++++++++++++++++++++++ HDU# Name (version) Type Warnings Errors 1 Primary Array 0 1 End-of-file 0 1 **** Verification found 0 warning(s) and 2 error(s). **** ---- You received this message because you are subscribed to the isis-users list. To unsubscribe, send a message to isis-users-request_at_email.domain.hiddenwith the first line of the message as: unsubscribeReceived on Fri Apr 06 2007 - 10:53:44 EDT
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