The MIT Voyager Plasma Science idl Documentation

There are several sets of idl procedures used by the Plasma Group. One set was written by Adam Szabo, and is documented both integrally in the code and in a memo written by Adam. This page will document the code written by George S. Gordon Jr. for

Common acquisition processing display

of Voyager data, although it can be used on many other types of data. These procedures can be grouped into four categories: Data Acquisition, Data Manipulation, Data Display and Other. The Data Acquisition procedures are concerned with reading in data, and identifying its type. The Data Manipulation takes the acquired data, and manipulates it to produce data for display. The Data Display routine allows for plotting, over-plotting, multiple panels on one page, printing of plots, plotting (on either x or y axis) year & day of year, and reading values off of the plot. Each of the procedures has internal documentation, which can be viewed by clicking on the procedure's name.


Common routines, that define the common blocks and data types.

Data Acquisition

The Data Acquisition procedures listed below enable the scientist to read in data without having to worry about the details of the format of the data.

Data Processing

Data Display