Research Scientist


Address, phone, etc.

Hans Moritz Günther
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Off: 617-253-8008
FAX: 617-253-8084

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4243-2840

My public PGP key is available here
(fingerprint: EE0A C3C9 714F F4CB 858C D1AF 048A 4A03 DD53 7138).

How to get to my office

image of office
Entrance to building
My office is located in building NE-83, a little north east of the main MIT campus. See this google maps link. There is a plaza in front of the building (you can see it in the google maps link) and the entrance is from that plaza. The "Friendly Toast" and "BonMe" are in the same building. Go into the main door and take the elevator to the 5th floor. Unfortunately, we don't have a bell and the only phone in the lobby is only for fire emergencies, but if you have a cell phone, call my office number.